Part 41

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It's been a few months and now we are getting ready for elimination chamber, which is actually being held in Perth, Western Australia. Demi is so excited, she's already got her family front row tickets as we will be defending her world title inside elimination chamber against Raquel, Zoey stark, Nia Jax, Liv Morgan and Shayna Baszler in the main event. 

I'm in the bedroom packing mine and Demi's suitcase as she's at the gym with TJD. I check my phone to see that Demi has text me saying she's on her way home. I go into bathroom and run Demi a nice, hot bubble bath, as I stop the water Demi walked in " babe, you home" Demi shouts " yeah, I'm in here" I shout back. Demi walks in " cute" she smiles " have fun" I chuckle and go to walk out. " where do you think your going" Demi chuckles and gently grabs me and spins me around and pulls me in for a kiss. " join me" she smirks. " okay" I chuckled. We strip off and I climb in and Demi climbs in behind me, I lean back and rest my head on her chest and she wraps her arms around me. We relax for a bit the we get out, wrap ourselves in a towel  and we lay on our bed cuddled up. I'm about to fall sleep when Demi nudges me " oi, no sleeping we have to finish packing" she chuckles " I'm sleeping" I moan making Demi laughed " come on lazy, it will take tweeny minutes" she climbs on of me and kisses me softly " if you continue we wont make it to Australia" I chuckle as she moves her hand to remove my towel "you're distracting" she says into a kiss. "what about the packing" I laugh " it can wait" she chuckles " no it can't" I chuckle as I gently push her off me, she rolls on to the other side of the bed with a groan " so dramatic" I laugh and l climb out of bed and start to pack. 

We get out of the uber outside the airport, we get our suitcases and walk into the building getting bombarded by fans and paparazzi. " stay close" Demi says pulling me closer to her. We met up with the rest of the judgment day. " hey princesa" Damian says pulling me in to a tight hug. I say hello to Dom and Fin and we find our boarding gate. I go up to Cathy as I am sitting next to her and traveling to the hotel together as TJD have to do some stuff when we land.  

After a long plane ride we finally land in Perth, Western Australia. I say goodbye to Demi and the group as they go off to do media and stuff, especially Demi as she is in her home town. Me and Cathy decide to grab a bite to eat from a restaurant close to the hotel then we walk into the hotel lobby to get our room keys. I decide to shower and I lay on the bed scrolling through social media whilst I wait for Demi to return. 

I must of fell asleep as I felt an arm wrap around me, I jump as I remember being alone " it's just me, babe" I hear the Australian accent of my girlfriend and her kiss my shoulder and I immediately relax. I roll over and I'm met with dark blue eyes and a bright smile. Demi must of turned on her bedside lamp on as the room is lit up by a small light which is bringing out her eyes and she looks so beautiful. " you good" she chuckles at my staring " yeah" I smile " you hungry, I brough some food" she asked moving some hair away from my face. " I ate with Cathy before I checked in" I explain and Demi lets out a chuckle " babe, that was like four hours ago" she chuckles " oh" I chuckle " I think I should eat" I chuckle. Demi gets off the bed and helps me up and she turns the light on whilst I dish up dinner. Me and Demi eat our dinner as she tells me about all the media things she and the others had to do today.  

After dinner Demi has a shower and climbs in bed next to me " so, what's the plan for tomorrow" I ask " well, my family are flying in around lunch time so I was thinking that maybe we would get some lunch with them and then after they will go back to the hotel until the show" Demi explains " lunch sounds cool, if your family doesn't want to spend most of the day cooped up in their rooms, they can come backstage with me" I suggest " babe, you don't have to do that, you have work with Cathy. I can't have my family burden you." she shakes her head. " I honestly don't mind, they won't be a burden and I'm sure Cathy wouldn't mind either" I shrug. " well, text Cathy and see if she means and when she answers I will ask my family when we see them" she suggest. I text Cathy and she says she'll love Demi's family to hang with us " where will your family be watching the show, backstage with us or did you manage to get them seats?" I ask as I turn the lights off again. " I got you and my family front row seats" she smiles " you got me a seat?" I ask confused as I thought I would just watch the PLE from backstage. " yeah, I want the people who mean the most to me there, giving me motivation when I need it" she kiss my cheek and I smile " okay, I'll be your biggest fan" I chuckle " I mean my mosherz might argue with that" she chuckles has she climbs into bed " please your mosherz love me" I give her a big smile " they do" she laughs but shakes her head. I cuddle up to Demi and feel her wrap her arms around me and kiss the top of my head " I love you, good night" she whispers " night, baby. I love you more" I say and we fall in a comfortable sleep.   

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