Part 28

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 Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back to WWE payback. Up next we have Sami zayn and Kevin Owens defending their undisputed tag titles aganist Fin Balor and Damian Priest in a street fight match. Later we have Rhea RIpley defending her women's world title aganist her best friend turned foe Raquel Rodriguez, with our main event being Seth 'freaking' Rollins vs Shinsuke Nakamura for the heavyweight championship.

I am sat in the judgement days locker room watching Demi and the guys get ready for their matches. The Judgement day to gorilla we  hear and wel all walk to the gorilla area. I hug Fin and Damian for good luck and their music hits and Fin and Damian walk out. 

Me, Demi, Cathy and Dom are in TJD's lockerroom watching the match. The match is insane, it has everything, holy shit moments, comedy, back and forth moments, the match is just amazing. " my time to shine" Dom says standing up and leaves. Moments later Dom is on our screen beating up Zami and Kevin. " I'ma just use the bathroom" Demi says, I nod at her and she leaves. " so, Raya, hows the job hunting going?" Cathy asked, I guess to make conversation " I mean, I have some interviews lined up but nothing interesting" I huff. " I'm looking for a work partner, come and work with me" Cathy smiles. " huh" I look at her confused " yeah, you can do my hair, makeup and  be my sylist" she smiles " erm, I'd love too" I smile " yay" she claps her hands in excitement. " I'll speak to Paul and get things going" she says. I nod and look at the screen and all of a sudden Demi comes running down the ramp and spears Kevin through the barricade " the fuck" I shout " oh my god" Cathy jumps up " crazy bitch has a match next" I laugh. Fin is getting pinned by Sami and out of nowhere Dom uses Damian's money in the bank case to hit Sami over the head, Fin pins Sami for the three count and The judgement day are our new tag champs. 

 Me and Cathy meet them at gorllia and congratulate them. We go back into the lockerroom, Fin and Damian shower and change and we have one match before Demi's. Me and Demi are sitting on the sofa, Demi is laid back with her legs over my thighs just relaxing before her match, Cathy has gone out to do her interviews and Damian, Fin and Dom are just chilling on the other chairs. Rhea Ripley to gorllia  we hear, Demi gets up and picks up her studded jacket on, I pick up the belt and give it to her " good luck" I smile at her " thanks, baby" she smile and kisses me. Demi leaves and I sit back down and watch has she does her enterance.  

The match is everything the crowed wanted, it was fast, brutal and hard hitting. Raquel started off strong and was dominating Demi, Demi got control of the match and I notice Demi has a nose bleed. Raquel picks up Demi and power bombs her into the ring pole and then picks her up and slams her into the barricade and even I flinch. The match ended with Dom running out and causing a distraction  and then Demi riptides Raquel and folds her up for then win. " let go get her" Cathy sayd grabbing my hand and we practically run to gorilla. 

Dom and Demi walk through the curtain, I grab a towel and walk up to Demi. " how you feeling" I ask handing the towel, " good, nose hurts a bit but we move" she chuckles wiping the blood from her nose and hands. " you should see the doc, just to make sure" I say " babe, it's just because two of my nose rings got kicked out" she chuckles " please" I plead. Demi rolls her eyes " for you" she says and kisses my forehead. Me and Demi go to the doctors and get her nose checked, Demi was right, her nose was only bleeding because of her nose rings got knocked out. 

Me and Demi go back to our hotel because everyone is achy and tired from their matches, I come out of the bathroom after my shower and Demi is laying on her front with her eyes closed, I turn the the bigs lights off and put a lamp on, I climb into bed and scroll on my phone. Demi moves and moans " you okay?" I ask " my back and legs ache" she complains. I straddle her and sit on her bottom and rub her back "mmmm, that's nice" she hums. I continue to rub Demi's back and legs and I little while into it, Demi's breathing changes and I hear light snores. I chuckle to myself and climb of her, I climb into bed and go to sleep.

The next moring we get ready to go home, we climb into the rental car and Damian drives us to where we left our cars. 

We arrive home and the dogs get really excited to see us, we both greet them and play with them. We then unpack our stuff and then just spend the rest of the day walking the dog's, having dinner and just watching shit tv. 

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