Part 57

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 I look at Matt then back at Demi and get up from the floor, Demi looks at me and then Matt. " Demi, you will make the biggest mistake of your life if you do it, come back to me, come home Demi, please" he pleads and I look at Demi again and she's crying. I can't say anything, inside I am screaming at the top of my lungs at Matt for ruining everything " look, Demi I love you and I can forget and forgive what you did. Come home and we can get married, we can have the family we always spoke about, please Demi" Matt said stepping forward. Demi just looks lost, she looks like she just wants the ground to swallow her up whole. " I-I- Matt you shouldn't be here" she barely gets out " you want me to leave?" he asked with an eyebrow raised and she nods yes " Demi, I can give you want you want, what you need even, can she?" he says pointing at me and Demi just looks at me " Demi, come home and live happily or tell me to leave and regret it for the rest of our life" Matt says and there's a moment of silence. " who are you choosing Demi" Matt asked like it was a game, again there was a moment of silence " I choose you" she says and looks at me " Matt you need to leave, I choose Saraya. Now leave" she snaps and Matt looks shellshocked but he nods and he turns and leaves just like that. Demi walks over too me and cups my face a kisses me " there was something you was asking me" she smiles and wipes away a tear sliding down my cheek. " will you be my wife?" I ask her and she smiles brightly " yes" she simply says and she cups my face and kisses me again, I put the ring on her finger and she looks at it " it's beautiful" she smiles " all the way from London, that" I chuckle. We carry on with what I have planned and then the photographer takes some pictures and then we drive home.

We get home and Demi wasted no time and I could barely close the door before she spins me around and pushes me against the door and connects our lips. Demi moves her hands to my bum and squeezes and then puts her hands behind my thigs and lefts me up with ease and I wrap my legs around her  and she carries me to the bedroom. 

 We're laying in bed catching our breath and cuddled up " I can't believe this is real" Demi smiles as she looks at the black banded engagement ring  

 We're laying in bed catching our breath and cuddled up " I can't believe this is real" Demi smiles as she looks at the black banded engagement ring  

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" I know" I chuckle

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" I know" I chuckle. I turn and face her " you wont live in regret though, right?" I ask her. Demi sighs " no, Raya I wont. Saraya, in some way I knew when you walked through my door that it was you, it has always been you" she tells me and the way she says it, I believe her and I just nod at her and she cups my face and kisses me " good, because  I have one more thing for us to day" I chuckle " oh fuck sake" Demi laughs and I laugh " can't we just stay here and celebrate us" she asked " I can't cancel it, Dem, you will enjoy it I promise" I say climbing out of bed. Demi pulls me back and straddles me " I would rather enjoy you" she say planting kisses on my neck. " as much as I would love that, we really do have to go" I tell her and she sighs and gets off me and we shower together and we get dressed and we leave. 

I park up to where we need to be and at first it just looks like a forest but as we walk up to it the pathway it lit by led lights. Demi just follows me confusedly. " ready?" I ask as we walk up to a massive tent. " yeah, I guess" Demi chuckles. I pull back the tent door " congratulations!!" everyone shouts, when I say everyone I mean everyone, my family, Demi's family and all of our friends. Demi is throw back but smiles and everyone comes up to us congratulating us.

We have a massive dinner and then the party starts, the music is pumping the champagne is flowing and everyone is having a good time. 

" welcome to the family" Anna says hugging me as Peter hugs Demi " she's a good one Demi, she even asked us for your hand in marriage" Peter tell her and I feel slightly embarrassed. Demi pulls me into her side " that's so cute" she smiles and I roll my eyes but laugh. 

We spend the night with out friends and family, drinking a little too much, I feel like I need it after today, especially after what happened with Matt. But I am not going to focus on that, I am going to focus on the fact that I am getting married, married to my best friend, my soul mate, the love of my life, I am getting married to Rhea bloody Ripley.       

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