Part 53

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Me and Demi meet the rest of the Judgment day and this time we have JD with us because his now in the Judgment day, the guys said they are happy for him to join the group as long as he doesn't cause problems. 

I get out of the truck and I immediately get engulfed by Damian and his tree truck like arms for a hug, I say hello and hug Dom, JD and Fin and we head into the airport building to board our plane to head to Europe.

After a long plane ride we can finally exit the plane and go to bagging to get our big cases, we exit the airport and get hit by the clod air of  Belgium. We find our driver and we head to the hotel and we head straight to bed as we are all tired from the travel and tomorrow we have an event. 

Me and Demi both groan in unison as the horrid sound of our alarms , we both turn off our alarms and I cuddle up to Demi by laying my head on her chest and she forks her fingers through my hair " I wish we can stay like this forever" I say " me too, we can after survivor series" she tells me. After survivor series which is after the European tour we have a few days off. We reluctantly get out of bed " last one in the shower buys breakfast" Demi shouts running off laughing. I chase after her and she's already striping down and is in her underwear " cheat" I playfully pout and she laughs and kisses me. After a quick shower and getting dressed in something comfortable and warm, we make our way to a small café near the hotel , once we eat we make our way to the arena and then I meet Cathy as Demi goes to meet the rest of TJD.

The day went quite fast and me and Cathy finished earlier than normal so we decided to explore the city of Belgaum whilst we wait for the show to finish and we can travel to the next town. 

The show finished and I met Demi and the rest of the guys at the tour bus and then we climb in and find thing to entertain us before bed time. 

It's the next day and we don't have much planned, Demi has a meet and greet and Damian, Fin and JD have gone to an interview on the bump. " you sure you Don't want to come?" Demi asked whilst checking her makeup in the mirror, " nah, I'm good, I'll stay here and feed Dom all the chicken tendies" I laugh and Demi giggles " can you guys be trusted" she chuckles " yeah" I chuckle and nod no and Demi chuckles and shakes her head " okay, well behave. I love you" she says planting a soft kiss on my lips " I love you too" I smile and she waves bye to Dom and leaves, leaving me and Dom to our own devices. 

" I'm bored" I groan and Dom laughs " what should we do?" I ask " we could prank Fin" Dom shrugs with a devilish smirk " yess" I say overly excited, we spend some time to think how we are going to prank fin and then Dom comes up with a plan and I love it so we spend some time fixing our prank.

A few hours later and everyone is back in the bus and just chilling, Damian is in his buck reading a book, JD is in the shower and me, Demi, Dom and Fin are watching a film. Once the film finishes "right I'm off to bed" Fin announces and me and Dom side eye each other. Demi must of caught on " what have you guys done" Demi raises an eye brow " nothing" me and Dom say in unison. We watch as Fin climbs up on his bunk and immediately falls through with his mattress and lands on top of Damian " what the fuck" Fin says as Damian pushes Fin off him and me and Dom are in fits of laughter, Demi and JD are just standing there looking shocked. Fin is irate " you better fix my bed now you little shits" he shouts, me and Dom get the wooden slates and put them back on Fins bunk " you to have to be supervised at all times now" Fin says annoyed, me and Dom side eye each other and then jut bust out laughing. 

I am sat in Cathy's locker room watching her interview the Otis and Chad Gable and it's funny, I literally laugh all the say through. " AAHHHH THANK YOU" Chad says and I do the peace sigh they do at him and he laughs and walks off. 

We spend the rest of the evening walking around the city of the country we are in " why is Europe so cold" I complain and Demi laughs and pulls me closer to her. We find a costa and get a hot chocolate as we walk around and then once we walk around the city we look in some shops, get food and then head back to the bus and go to sleep for another day of traveling, I rest my head on Demi's chest and fall sleep.         

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