Part 39

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I pace catering as we wait on Paul's decision on the future of the judgment day. " Rhea will you relax" Cathy as putting a hand on my shoulder. " relax?, how can I relax when my career could be changing" I snap and Cathy just sits back down next to Raya. " sorry, Cath" I sigh " hey, don't stress about it" she smiles. I give her a thankful nod and sit next to Raya. I fidget and bounce my legs, playing with Saraya's rings, waiting to be called back into Paul's office.

Paul comes into catering and invites us back to his office, we all take our seats where we sat before and Paul starts off the meeting " thank you all for returning,  so we left off with Demi saying the judgment day doesn't not want to change their faction, JD argued that his experience could bring something different to the faction and help elevate them, correct?" Paul says and we all and agree with him. " good, we are all on the same page. Dominik, we haven't heard your point. Why do you want to stay in the judgment day?" Paul looks at Dom, I turn to Dom and I notice Dom is visibly shaking, I put my hand on his thigh and give it a reinsuring squeeze and he turns to me and gives me a weak smile. " well, erm... well, guys the thing is growing up was hard, I lost my uncle Eddie and my dad was never home as my dad was always traveling with the WWE.  I grew up around my mum and sister and being the only male in the house most of the time I felt left out,  I would sit there and watch as they would do their hair and makeup and all the girly things as I watch football alone. As a child all I wanted was a family who I can do small things like watching football, a family who make me feel loved and wanted and I have found that with these guys. Yeah I don't the experience JD has, but what we have is general love and care for each other" Dom says and his voice broke like he was about to burst into tears, again I squeeze Dom's thigh and give me a small smile as Damian and Fin put a reassuring hand on each shoulder. " okay, with some thought of what has been said by both parties. We have come to the conclusion that Dominik will indeed stay with the judgment day" Paul states. Dom sighs in relief as me, Damian and Fin cheer, I look over at JD and his standing there with his arms folded across his chest looking pissed. We leave the room feeling happy and relieved  " I'm proud of you, Dom-Dom" I hug him " yeah man, you did great" Damian comes and wrap his arms around us both " hey, don't forget about me" Fin says squeezing in between me and Dom. " lets go and celebrate" Fin says " yeah, I'm hungry" Damian" states " lets go and eat Dom's favourite meal" Fin says " chicken tendies?" Dom's face lights up " can I get ranch?" Dom smiles sweetly " sure" I chuckle, wrapping my arm over his shoulders as we walk out of the arena. 

Me, Dom, Damian, Fin and Raya go to the nearest restaurant and find an empty booth to sit in. We order our food and drinks and talk whist we wait for our food to come. We didn't have to wait long before our food starts to pile in and we start eating. Half way through the meal Saraya steals one of Dom's chicken tenders " hey" Dom pouts " Mami,  your girlfriend stole my chicken tendies" Dom playful pouts "babe, you can't mess with the mans chicken tendies" I laugh " he has plenty to share" she says taking a bite out of the chicken tender making us laugh. 

After the meal we all decide to go back to mine and Raya's house. Me and Raya set up a huge bed with loads of pillows and blankets and we all find a space to sit and we watch some movies and eat snacks, until we all fall asleep. 

I was the first to wake up, I gentle pull Raya off me and climb out of the made up bed, careful not to wake anyone. I go into my bedroom to shower and get changed, once I have done that I make myself a coffee and walk back into the living room. I look at the gang still fast asleep. Raya and Dom asleep next to each other, Dom as an protective arm around Raya, Fin in between Dom and Damian and Barry and Luna in their spot they have found during the night. I smile because the first time since the chaos of leaving Matt I feel content, happy. I look at Raya and smile, her long blonde hair fanned everywhere, her mouth slightly open, and I have never been so in love with anybody, and one day I will make her my wife.

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