Part 3

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I wake up to the feeling of being too hot, the reason is probably because Katie is wrap up around me like a heated blanket. I gently roll her off me and head for the bathroom, I turn on the shower and wait for the water to get a little warmer, I strip out of my vest top and shorts and get into the shower. It doesn't take long for me to here footsteps, then the doors opens and closes and then the shower curtain rips open and Katie gets in the shower behind me " morning" she whispers kissing my shoulder " morning" I chuckle " you good" she asked kissing from my should to my ear " I was fine until I was rudely interrupted" I smirk and Katie chuckles. Kate spins me around and kisses me " what's with you this morning" I chuckles  "stop complaining" she says between kisses " make me" I say trying to push her buttons and it works because she grabs my hair and pulls down so I have to fall to my knees. Katie lifts her leg up on the side of the bathtub and she shoves my face between her legs and moans has I move my tongue.

" so what should we do today?" Katie asked plopping herself down next to me on the sofa " I haven't really thought about that" I chuckle  " you're so helpful" she chuckle " I didn't know you was off until last night" I defend myself but chuckle " I'll let you off then" she says playfully flicking my nose, making me laugh. " how about we go and see a movie" she suggested. " what movie?" I ask " let's have a look" she says and she grabs her phone to check what movie's are showing. " what about Barbie" she smiles " absolutely fucking not!" I chuckle " oh come on" she pleads and pulls her puppy eyes because she knows I can't say no to it. I sigh " fine" I roll my eyes, Katie squeals and claps her hands in excitement " I'll book the tickets" she says tapping her phone.  

Katie parks up in the cinema carpark and we get out, we walk to and enter the building and Katie does to the touchscreen machine to print out our reordered tickets. Next we head to the snack counter, I order nacho's with jalapenos and melted cheese and a mixed tango ice blast and Kate orders salt and sweet popcorn and a pint of Budweiser. We head to the screen and find our seats. 

The film ends and we leave the cinema, " see, that wasn't too bad was it?" Katie asked with a gloating smile on her face " it was terrible" I chuckle " oh please, you enjoyed it" she chuckles " I enjoyed being with you" I smile at her and I see her blush a bit. I laugh and pull her closer to me and kiss her cheek as we make our way to the car. We get home and chill for a bit then go to bed.

I get woken up by my phone ringing " hello?" I answer groggily way " hey, Saraya. It's Demi" I hear an Australian voice on the other side of the phone. It makes me jump up out of bed like I have overslept for work, " erm, hi Demi. How's it going?" I pretend that I'm not yawning. I hear Demi laughing " sorry to wake you up but I really need a huge, massive, live saving favour of you" she exaggerates, making me laugh a bit " what is it?" I ask " well, my boss has called me and wants me to arrive to the next town two days earlier so I can do some media shit, is it possible for you to come today instead of two days from now, Matts away with AEW and I literally got no one else" she sounds kinda sad, annoyed and desperate. " sure, I don't have anything planned" I say looking at the calendar app on my phone. " oh my god your a life saver!" she breaths a sigh of relief. " when do you need me, I mean I have to pack and all that" I explain " oh yeah no problem, my flights at 5pm so I have to be at the airport for like 4pm so could you come at like 2:30? I just want to explains a few things with you before I go" she explains and I look at the time and its 08:45am " yeah, no problem." I say " thank you so much, I'll see you soon" she says and I can practically hear her smile.    

I start packing and Katie comes in the bedroom wrapped in a towel and her brown hair is wet. " what going on" she asked looking at the bag and clothes at have been packed. " oh, I got called into that job earlier than planned" I explained " so, your leaving today?" she asked sitting on the bed and looking at me with sadness in her brown eyes. " yeah, unfortunately" I say zipping up my bag. " I'll miss you" she says resting her head on my shoulder as I sit down next to her on the side on the king size bed. " I'm not going away forever" I chuckle resting my head on hers " but six days without you, it's a long time." she says sadly " I know, baby" I say turning around and cupping her face and planting a kiss on her lips. 

I pull up at the black gates outside Demi's house and ring the bell, I didn't have to wait long before the black gates start moving " the doors open Saraya" I hear Demi say. " I drive through and park on the drive way, I walk to the black door and slowly push it open. I am meet with Barry and Luna running down the stairs, barking. " Demi?" I call out as I walk through the hall way and notice she's not here. " I'm up stairs, I'm just finishing packing and I will be with ya" Demi calls out. I sit on a bar stool at the kitchen counter and wait for her, I'm scrolling through Instagram. I didn't have to wait long before I hear footsteps coming from the stairs and the sound of a suitcase dragging along the floor. " hey" I hear, I turn to find Demi standing in the hallway holding her suitcase without an issue, she's wearing a black crop top with ripped black jeans and black vans, her hair is soft and down and she has no makeup on. I look at her for a second and I notice the way her muscles are bulging as she is holding the suitcase. " hey" I say hoping she hasn't notice my stare, she smiles at me and walking into the kitchen " thanks for saving my ass" she smiles " you're welcome" I let out a small chuckle. Why do I feel so nervous around her all of a sudden?. " so, here's a list of the dogs routines, like feeding times, what they have, walks etc" she says but continues " you have my number now and I have left Matt's on the fridge just in case you can't get a hold of me" Demi hands me the list and her finger brush my knuckles and I feel this shock of electricity as if it was like the first time me and Katie kissed. " well, I have to go, I will be coming home with Matt" Demi says snapping me out of my thoughts " ah, cool, alright" I say and I walk to the door with Demi, We say out goodbyes has she puts her case in the boot of the uber and they drive off.      

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