Part 25

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Demi/Rhea's POV 

I pull up in the hotel car park, exit the car and make my way to the entrance of the hotel. 

" Mis Bennet, so good to see you again" the receptionist says with a bright smile " oh hi, Sarah" I smile. " do you want the same room?" she smiles " oh, I'm not staying" I explain " oh, you here to pick up your girlfriend, she's in the lobby" she informs me " thanks" I smile and walk pass her desk and head of the lobby. 

I walk through the doors and scan for Raya. It didn't take me long as I see her scrolling through her phone with her legs folding up on the chair. " your gonna get the chair dirty with your shoes" I chuckle as I walk up to her. Saraya looks up at me over her phone, smiles and puts her phone down. "hey" is all  she says. " why did you want to meet her?" I ask her creasing my brow in confusion. " so I didn't have to go far if things go wrong" she chuckles " wait you've been staying here this whole time" I ask and she just looks at me sadly " fuck sake, Raya. Why didn't you go to your mums" I ask " I was planning too, but then you text asking to see me. So, I decided to wait to see what you want before I face my mothers I told you so" she chuckles lightly. " is there somewhere we can talk more in private?" I ask looking around the packed lobby. " yeah, we can go up to my room" she says and I nod and we leave the lobby and make our way to her room. 

Saraya opens the door with her key card and lets me in, I look around our room " cosy" I smile " thanks" she says sitting om the sofa, I take a seat opposite her in an arm chair. There's a moment of awkward silence before Saraya brakes it " so, you wanted to show me something?" she asked " ah, yeah I did" I say and I move and sit next to her, I see her move away from me a bit which hurt. I get my phone out from my pocket and get up the video " you came here to show me that" she snaps and I hear the anger in her voice " Raya, here me out" I defend myself. Saraya huffs " please?" I plead and she nods " I just want to show you two small things and after that, if you still don't believe me and tell me to leave, I will" I say and she nods again. " so" I say pressing play. I skip to the part I need. " here, see here" I say pointing to the screen. Saraya looks at it then looks at me confused " what am I looking at?" she asked  " look at my hand" I explain. I pause the video and zoom in on my hand. Saraya looks at me confused and then I show her my , thumb. " see here, I don't have the tattoo on my thumb yet" I say. Again, she just looks at my confused. " remember when we first got together one of the first things we did with the judgment day was going to get tattoos. So, there I don't have it yet meaning this was before we go together, officially" I explain. Saraya doesn't say anything, she just nods. " the other thing?" she finally asked. " the dates and timings are wrong" I say and she frowns. " I have the prove" I explain. I swipe on my phone screen, " so the dates say the 7th right and the time says 19:38pm right?" I ask and Saraya just shrugs. I show her the file information " so, if you remember we stayed at Dom's around this time and on this day and the time we was actually viewing our home" I explain. Saraya raise an eyebrow as if to say how stupid to you think I am. " look" I say and I show her the emails and texts between me and Nicki. I let her read them and then let her have a moment to think about everything I have just showed her and told her. " there's a lot to take in" she says " I know" I sigh  " I believe you" she whispers " but it's going to take some time, I can't just go back to the way it was immediately" she says " I get that, what do you wanna do now?" I ask " well, we can just take it slow, clean slate, kind of a restart" she suggest " I can  do that" I smile and Saraya smiles at me. " I'm sorry this happened" I say " I'm sorry I didn't believe you from the start" she replies " don't be sorry, to be honest, if the tables for reversed, I would of been the same." I say with a small chuckle.  My belly rumbles reminding me that I haven't eaten in a few hours " are you hungry" I ask her. " I could murder a taco bell" she chuckles " good call" I laugh and we leave to find a taco bell.

We are in the taco bell car park in my truck stuffing our faces with the greasy goodness. " so good" Saraya says with her mouthful leaning back into the passenger chair. I laugh and agree. not long after we are outside the hotel. I sigh knowing she has to leave me, fuck going slow I think to myself " come home.. please" I plead with her. Saraya looks at me for a second " okay" she smiles. We climb out of the truck and I help Saraya pack her things and put them in the boot and I drive us home. 

" thank god you asked, I was beginning to regret saying the whole move slow thing" Saraya chuckles cuddling up to me. I wrap my arms around her " never leave me again" I say " I won't" she whispers and I kiss the top of her head and for the first time in what feels like a life time, I fall asleep with Saraya in my arms.  

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