Part 46

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It's our last day in Australia and I have to be honest even though I love the Bennett's and I love spending time with time, I just can't wait to get home and back to normality and I Know Demi feels the same. 

" so guys how are you spending your last day with us?" Anna asked " I'm not sure, is there anything going on if not maybe we can spend the day together watching movies or something" Demi shrugs " I'll have a look" Calista says picking up her phone " oh so there's like a street festival going on with some food stalls and markets and live bands and shit. That looks and sounds good" Calista says passing the phone to Demi so we can look " yeah looks interesting" I say " we should go" Demi smiles " cool, that's settled then, it starts at 1pm" Calista informs us. 

We spend the rest of the morning finishing our breakfast and then taking turns in showering and getting ready, I wear black biker shorts and a white vest top with my blonde hair in a messy bun and black and white vans and Demi dresses in an oversized scooby-doo top and biker shorts underneath with white air forces. Demi takes a mirror selfie of us  and she posted it on her Instagram and of course I steal it and post it on mine and within a few minutes they blow up.

 I walk to the street where the markets are and I'm immediately met with the smell of different foods and music that is playing from different stalls . " okay guys meet here for 5pm for the live band" Calista says, we all agree and we all go our separate ways, Calista drags Kheenen away and Peter and Anna go to a stall, Demi takes my hand and leads me to a stall that sells rings. I take a look around the stool " lets pick something out for each other" Demi smiles " okay" I chuckle and I go on a hunt to find a ring for Demi. After a couple of minutes of searching I found the perfect ring, it's a black skull with dark purple gems as eyes and I know Demi will love it, I pick it up and go to the lady how owns the stall and buy it, I didn't have to wait long before Demi comes up to me with a bright smile on her face. Me and Demi swap ring boxes " 1,2,3" I count and we open them at the some time " cuttee"  smile as I look at the sliver band and a turtle ring " do you like it" she asked smiling " I love it" I kiss her " do you like yours?" I ask with a smile " it's very judgment day, I love it" she chuckles and places it on her right ring finger and I do the same. We decide to get some food for a noodle stall, I got chicken and vegetable noodles in a peanut butter sauce and Demi got the same, I take Demi's hand and take a photo showing off the new ring and food and post it to my Instagram story and tag Demi in it and she shares it to hers. We find a bench to sit and eat and just talk about life and random things. We spend a couple of hours walking around the stall buying silly little gifts for people and me and Calista got matching bracelets and now its time to watch the live band. We meet up with Anna and Peter and get some drinks before the show starts. Once the band starts people start to dance and enjoy themselves and an acoustic song came on and the singer asked for couples to come and dance, Demi stands in front of me " may I have this dance" she asked " of course" I smile at her and she takes my hand and we walk to the dance floor area in front of the stage. The song begins, Demi has her hands on my waist and I have my arms drooped over her shoulders and we sway to the slow song. We don't say anything to each other, I just rest by head on the taller women's shoulder and just take in the moment. The song comes to an end and I lift my head up and look into her deep blue but bright eyes " I love you?" I tell her " I love you, more" she kisses me and then the music livens up again and Calista and Kheenen walks up to us and we dance until the music stops and the band leaves the stage. 

We walk back to the Bennett's household, we have a cup of tea whilst I tell the Bennett family how much I enjoyed my stay here and how much I am going to miss them. Me and Demi spend the rest of the night packing our stuff  and showering, getting ready for our long flight home tomorrow.       

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