Part 9

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We enter the small bar and Demi stops and looks around " come, follow me" she smiles and grabs my hand and we walk over to a booth where there are three men sitting and drinking. " hey guys" Demi cheers " RHEAAA" they all cheer in unison " guys this is Saraya, Raya this is Damian" she points to a man that's 6ft 6inchs long black hair that is under cutted and up in a pony tail and has olive tanned skin which is covered in tattoos  " how ya doing he smiles " this is Fin" Demi point's to a small man with pale white skin and short black hair " hey" he smiles and he has an Irish accent. " and this, this is my Latino heat, my dirty Dom-Dom, this is Dom or Dominik" she smiles and sits next to him ruffling his long black mullet " what's up" he nods and I sit next Demi. " what do you want?" Demi leans in so I can hear over the music " gin and lemonade please" I say and she nods and scoots past me and walks over to the bar.  " so, what's your story" Damian asked with his deep husky voice, making conversation " well, I basically just look after Demi's house and dogs whilst her and Matt are away" I explain " so your basically Demi's bitch" Fin chuckles " yeah pretty much" I giggle " same here, high five" Dom cheers and we high five and we all laugh " what we high fiving at" Demi asked placing my drink in front of me and sitting next to me " being your bitch" Dom laughs " that's right baby" Demi chuckles and leans over me to ruffle Dom's hair again.

We continue drinking and dancing and having a good time and I have really enjoyed meeting the friends of Demi, their a cool, funny group and easy to get along with. I'm currently outside by the door just getting some air and colling down, the door swings open and Demi walks out " oh there you are" she smiles  " sorry, just getting some air, it's hot in there" I chuckle " it is, I was just wondering where you were, that's all" she smiles. I don't know if it's all the alcohol I have drunk but under the moonlight and the lighting of the streetlights and the bar but she looks breath taking, her bright white teeth shining and her deep dark blue eyes sparkling. " you okay?" she asked with concern on her face " erm, yeah I'm all good" I smile. Demi returns my smile and moves a piece of hair from my face and tucks it behind my hair, she then places her hand on my cheek and she stares into my green eyes. For a moment I have a thought she's going to lean in a kiss me as she moves slightly and looks at my lips, " you guys coming in?" Damian asked, Demi quickly moves her hand away from my face " yeah sure" Demi turns and walks off towards Damian. I sigh and run my hands through my blonde air and follow them back in. 

We are sat back at our table and Fin comes back from the bar with a tray full of shots, he hands them out " ready guys, 1,2,3 GO" Dom helps and we all down the liquid that burns my chest. " Saraya, what's your insta handle" Dom asked, I take his phone and write it down for him and he tags me in his Instagram story to which I share. Me and Demi fall in conversation and I can see Damian watching us.  

Me and Demi are now home now, we head up stairs and Demi goes in her room and I go in mine I get undress and changed into something more comfortable and as I get into bed I hear my name being called, I get out of bed and head for Demi's room, I give it a knock and slowly open the door. " Dems?" I call when I slowly walk in " in the en-suite" I hear and I walk in and slowly open the door to the en-suite door to find Demi struggling to take her top off " can you help me please? she chuckles " my god, how drunk are you" I laugh "not funny, I'm stuck" she laughs " stop moving" I tell her and she stops and I help her get out of her top leaving her in her sports bra. I couldn't help but stare at her toned, tattooed body and I see her smirk. Demi the gets changed and then I go and leave the room, " can you stay with me?" I hear her thick Australian accent " erm, yeah sure" I say walking up to the bed. I climb in to the massive bed, Demi snuggles up next to me and pretty much falls asleep. I had a feeling that this is wrong because we both have partners and apart of me feels like this is right. 

Me and Demi are in the trampoline house, yes Demi did hire it out so it's just us. " I'm too hungover for this" I laugh has I bounce around " suck it up" Demi laughs " what this" Demi says and she jumps as high as possible and then turns and does a backflip into a cushioned pit. " that was dope" I laugh as she climbs out. We continue to have a good time in the trampoline house and then when our times up we leave and get something to eat. 

We are now chilling and I'm scrolling through the tv menu " looks what's on" I chuckle and press on WWE Monday Night Raw and Demi and Dom are on " Rhea is definitely not straight" I laugh as I watch her pin someone and Demi just laughs " what" Demi carries on laughing " I think she's Bi and I think she dominates men but let women dominate her" I shrug and Demi is in fits of laughter " I can confirm Rhea or Demi has never had a gay experience" she chuckles " what never?" I laugh " nope" she shrugs " well, I think your missing out" I laugh. Demi sits up and now inches away from my face. " well, why don't you show me what I'm missing out on" she whispers and as she speaks I can fill her lips brush mine. I look at her for a second wondering if she joking but then she learn forward and now our lips are touching. I lean in and kiss her, I gently push her back so I'm now I'm in top of her, I slide my tongue in her mouth and feel her tongue piercing as our tongues dance together. I move down to her neck and squeeze a boob and Demi moans. Once I heard her moan something in my clicks and I stop and look out at her. " fuck, shit, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't of done that. FUCK" I scramble of her and run up to my room locking the door behind me, ignoring her calls I begin to pack my bag.     

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