Part 38

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Demi/ Rhea's POV

" the fuck they are" I shout angrily " does the rest know?" I ask Dom who is cuddle up next to Saraya and he just  nods no " I- I think JD knows" Dom sniffs. I sit next to Dom and hug him " don't worry, Dom. I will do everything in my power to make sure this doesn't happen." I try and reinsure him and he just nods and wipes his eyes. " Rhea, I'm scared" Dom mumbles " if they replace me I have nothing, I can't go back to my dad, I have no one part from our family and I wont make it in singles, the crowd hates me for what I did to my dad, I wont get far." he sighs " Dominik, listen to me. I need you, Rhea Ripley needs her hot, sexy Latino heat by her side, trust me Dom you are not going anywhere" I say and Dom smiles. " babe, get dressed we're going to work" I say and Raya just nods and gets up and walks out of the room. " don't worry Dom, Mami will fix this" I smirk at him and he chuckles, Dom pulls me into a hug " thank you, Rhea" he say. I hug him back " give us ten to get ready and we will go and sort this out" I say and he nods and I make my way to the bedroom.

I drive me and Raya to the arena with Dom following us in his car. I park in the wrestlers car park and I storm into the building and head straight to Paul's office, as I make it down the hall way I see Paul and Stephanie walking towards the office door. " Paul, Steph a word" I request sternly. Steph just stares at me blankly and Paul raises an eyebrow as if to say ' who the fuck you talking to like that' " come in" Paul simply says and he opens the office door and the three of us walk in. " Demi, how can we help" Steph says " what's this about Dom being replaced by JD" I say irritated " look Demi, the judgment day has been one the strongest factions to ever brace the WWE for over a year now, but with that being, we think it's time for a change for the judgement day" Paul explains " a change?" I question " yes" Paul simply says " I don't understand, Paul. The WWE universe loves us, they love me and Dom, Rhea and Dom. Why take that away?" I ask angrily "Look Demi, we understand that your angry but creative have made their choice, JD came to us with an idea and we like it " Paul shrugs, Stephanie looks at me and then at Paul " look we have a meeting with creative today, we will run it by them but I can not promise anything" Steph says. I huff and nod " I want to be in that meeting" I say and both my bosses nod " we will have all of the judgement day and JD in this meeting" Stephanie smile at me, I nod and leave the office. As I left the office I see the group and my eyes lay on JD and anger takes over me and I storm passed everyone and grab JD by his shirt and pin him up against the wall " you!" I shout at him " what the hell have you done" I shout " Rhe-- I-I- I only passed an idea" he stutters " whoa, princesa chill out" Damian pulls me off JD " what's going on" Fin asked " this motherfucker is pushing Dom out of our family and is trying to replace him" I shout " what" Fin and Damian say in unison " yeah, and now creative are going to remove Dom from our family" I shout " Rhea, Dom I didn't mean---" JD starts to talk " shut the fuck up" I cut him off "Rhea, take five" Damian orders " no, I'm not finished" I snap " now" Damian raises his voice. I sigh and run my hands through my hair " come, babe lets go for a walk" Raya says holding out her hand, I don't take it but I walk towards her " this is bullshit" I say kicking a chair. " oh bye the way we have a meeting with creative" I shout back.

" lets go in here" Saraya says opening a door, we walk in and I sit down on a chair, Raya locks the door and walks towards me. " you know being angry wont help, your just upsetting Dom more" she says softly sitting on my lap. " I just can't help it, we need Dom and that little shit just goes behind our backs and does this" I sigh " I'm just so angry" I hiss. Raya cups my face and kisses me, I melt into her kiss and the anger seems to be leaving my body. " let me help you" she says deepening the kiss " I can't not whilst I'm angry" I tell her " you'll be alright, trust me" she whispers, I nod and she continues to kiss me and removes my top. 

As me and Raya get dressed my phone rings and it's Paul.

" hello?" I answer

" Demi, please grab the rest of the group and come to my office it's time for the meeting " Paul explains

" sure, we will be there soon" I say and the phone line goes dead after a short goodbye. 

I gather up the troops and we head for the office, I knock on the door and after a conformation that we can enter I open the door and see Paul, Stephanie and a few other men sitting in the office. " Demi, guys please take a seat" Paul waves, we all sit down " so your here to discuss the future of the Judgment day" Paul says " we are" I say snarkily  " well, as the leader of the judgement day, Rhea what do you want to happen" some guy I have never seen before says " I am not the leader of the judgment day, We do not have a leader" I say " but if your asking me what I want, I want, we want the judgment day to stay the same." I tell him. I turn to Dom and he looks petrified. " okay, JD why should we keep your idea?" the man asked JD " well, I think that I have work really hard for this opportunity and I think that my experience could bring something to the group" JD explains " well your ' experience' cost us the tag titles" Damian counters " okay, why should we keep Dominik?" Paul asked " well, Rhea needs Dom, the judgment day needs Dom, and even though the crowed boo him, they actually love him, they love Rhea and Dom together" I defend Dom. " okay, well if you guys could give as a moment to weigh out your argument and we will call you back with our decision" Paul tells us and we leave the office waiting on the fate of the judgment day      

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