Part 36

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I get woken up by a bang on the bedroom door. Me and Demi both groan " you get it" I groan sleepily, Demi sighs and gets out of bed and open the bedroom door. " morning" Calista says cheerfully "hey" Demi says with a yawn. " you guys still coming to the beach, Kheenen will be here in an hour" Calista informs us " erm, yeah we will be ready" Demi says and shuts the door. We get ready, whilst Demi is showering I pack us a beach bag. Once Demi's finished getting ready we had down the stairs and wait for Kheenen. 

Kheenen drives us to the beach, we make our way on to the beach and find a spot to settle. I get a blanket from the and lay it down so me and Demi can sit on it. I take off my top and shorts so I am in my black bikini. Kheenen and Demi go off to get us some cocktails and some snacks, when they come back we fall into conversation. 

" do you know how to surf?" Demi asked " nope, never got taught" I shrug " come on, I'll teach you" she says standing up and taking my hand in hers. I stand up, Demo grabs a surfboard and we walk to the sea. We start off with a little swim and play about to get used to the water and then Demi talks me through the instructions of surfing. " right, lay on your front and when a wave comes push yourself up and try and stand up" Demi explains " easier said then done" I chuckle as I sit on the surfboard. " I got you" Demi says holding me and the board, I try and fall a couple of times and Demi would giggle when I fall. I give it a couple more go's  and I finally did it. " oh my god, Dem did you see that. I did it" I say all excited " I did good job, baby" Demi chuckles and hugs me and kisses me. We chill at the beach for a few more hours, we have a few more cocktails. We take a few photos and put them on Insta, when the sun starts to go down we decide to pack up and go for something to eat.

Kheenen drives us to a cute little bar place, we walk in and find a booth and I scan the menu  and the waiter comes to take our orders. We fall into conversation has we eat and drink. I have gotten to know Kheenen better and he seems like a cool guy, he treats Calista well and she seems so happy to be around him which is nice to see, since spending three weeks with the Bennett's I have become close with them all and they have treated me like one of their own. 

We get back to the Bennett's house and I tell Anna and Peter how Demi taught me how to surf and where we went to eat. I love talking to Anna, she is such a good listener and easy to talk to, Peter is the same. I make my way up stairs after talking to Anna and Peter and Demi is laying on the bed watching something on her phone " hey, what you watching?" I ask climbing on the bed and sitting next to her. " NXT no mercy" she says taking a headphone out and giving it to me. 

 Michael Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, up next Dominik 'dirty Dom' Mysterio is defending his north American championship against Trick Williams.  

Corey Graves: I'm excited to see how dirty Dom will cope without Mami and the rest of the judgement day. 

Michael Cole: yes, Corey me too. Rhea has been out for a number of weeks with rib injuries due to a attack by nix jax on RAW three weeks ago and we haven't see or heard from Rhea Ripley since. 

Dom makes his entrance an its weird seeing him without Demi and the rest of the judgement day. Trick makes is way to the ring and the match begins. 

The match goes back and forth but in the end trick knees Dom in the face also making the north American belt hit Dom in the face, meaning Trick is our new champion. " fuck" Demi shouts and throws her phone. I jump ad just stare at her. " that wasn't meant to happen, where the hell was Fin, JD or Priest" she huffs and runs her hands through her hair. Demi then storms out of the bedroom calling someone, I sigh and lay down. 

I must of fell asleep as I wake up to the bed moving and Demi wrapping her strong, comforting arm around me, she leans over and kisses my cheek. I roll over to face her and she smiles at me " you okay?" I ask " yeah, just had to sort some things out" she says and I nod and cuddle in to her and she wraps her arms around me and we fall asleep.   

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