Part 22

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Saraya's POV

I'm currently sitting in the judgement day's locker room. They are all getting ready for their match against Cody Rhodes and the tag team champions Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn.  

I walk with them to the gorilla and has we walk Cody Rhodes pyro goes off and Dom collapse to the floor holding his ears. Me and Demi kneel down " you alright, Dom" I ask and Demi pulls him into a hug to clam him down.  Once Cody's pyro stops Dom clams down and stands back up " sorry, my ears are sensitive and I can never get used to the pyro" he lets out a small chuckle. " I have just the thing" I say and dig through my backpack " here, use these" I say handing him a small box and he opens them to find two little ear buds. " what are they?" he asked " they are ear loops, they act like ear defenders, they just muffle out off the loud noises, you will still be able to ear but things will be a lot quieter for you" I explain. " thanks" he smiles and puts them in and the judgement day walk out.    

I grab a can of coke and then find a seat in catering to watch the match. As I'm watching the match I hear footsteps coming from behind me " your Ripley's girlfriend, right?" I hear in a husky voice. I turn around to see two men standing there, they are around 6ft tall, one his quite slim with blonde hair and a brown goatee and one is quite chubby with dreadlocks with blonde tips and is covered in tattoos with a trimmed neat beard. " yeah" I look at them confused and they just chuckle and smile. " can we sit?" the guys with the long blonde hair " uh, sure" I say and they sit opposite me. they set their trays and begin to eat, " erm, not to be rude, why are you sitting with me" I asked confused but add a softness to my voice so it doesn't come across rude. " will, whilst your girlfriend is working we thought to join you" the one with the dreadlocks smiles. " yeah, no one should be alone" the blonde guys speaks up. " I'm Windham, knows as Bray here, this" Bray slaps the guy next to him " this is my brother Taylor, or Bo." Bray smiles " nice meet you" Bo says extending his hand, " I shake it and then Bray's " Saraya" I smile. " so, you guys like a tag team or something" I ask and they both giggle. " no, Bo has this gimmick where he messes with my head and makes me do evil things" Bray chuckles. We continue to talk and eat and I get to know the brothers a bit more and they are so lovely, kind and funny and when talking about wrestling, you can see and hear the passion they both have for the business. Bray has four children and is engaged and Bo is dating Liv Morgan, who I have recently met. Bo's brown eyes light up and he smiles, Me and Bray follow what he is looking at and we see Liv and the judgement day walking through catering, they find us and sit with us. We spent like two hours with Windham and Taylor, I love the way Windham talks, I can listen to him talk all day and not get bored. 

After the show was pretty uneventful, we got on the bus and got our things ready to head back home tomorrow. 

We spent the next day packing our stuff and moving into our new home. 

We spend most of the evening unpacking boxes and suitcases and putting everything in there rightful place. We only stop for some food and drinks and we finally get it done in around four hours. I shower and change and climb into our new bed and wait for Demi to shower. 

I'm scrolling through my phone and then I get a notification saying that Matt has messaged me. Why would Matt message me?. I open it and see that there's a video and a photo, I clicked on the picture first and it's a file information, stating times and a date from last week. Confused, I swipe and the video starts playing. My heart shatters and tears fall soaking my cheeks. The message says Sorry Ray, she's played both of us. The video is Demi bent over the bed and Matt fucking her from behind. 

The en-suite door opens and Demi walks out. " babe, what's wrong" she asked worriedly and goes to touch me and I move back, avoiding her touch. " don't touch me!" I snap. Demi just looked at me confused and sad. " Saraya what the fuck, what has happened" she snaps back. I throw my phone at her, she catches it and watches the video. Demi looks at me " this is old" she frowns " the file information says different" I sob. " Raya, I haven't seen Matt since I picked up my stuff" she begins to cry. " I don't believe you" I scoff. " I-I-I don't even know what to say, I'm telling the truth, Raya you have to believe me" she says. " oh my god, is this how they felt... this... this hurts" I think out loud. Demi tried to walk over to me and I move and run. I run out of the house and down the road. I have no destination, I just had to get away.    

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