Part 7

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I knock on the Black door of Demi and Matt's house, I didn't have to wait long before Demi is standing in front of me with a bright smile. " hey, Ray-Ray" she cheers and pulls me into a hug " hey Dem" I chuckle hugging her back. Demi steps aside so I can walk in, as I walk in I see Matt standing in the hallway " hey Matt" I say hugging him " hey, Raya what's up" he smiles " so where you guys off to?" I just sitting on the sofa, petting Luna. " well, I'm traveling back to Australia to see family for a few days then I have to go to London for a match" Matt states " and I'm staying here, with you" Demi smiles " wait what?" I say confused " I didn't fancy going so I'm staying here, but I thought I would ask you to come because I still have to do WWE stuff like appearances and interviews and shit that like. I could also do with the company" she smiles " yeah Demi can't be left unsupervised" Matt chuckles and rolls his eyes, Demi just puts her hands under her chin and smiles proudly making me laugh.  " so your paying me to keep you company?" I look at Demi confused " well when you put it like that.... yup" Demi nods frantically making me and Matt laugh. " right my uber is here" Matt says and Demi gets up from the sofa and hugs and kisses Matt "ugh, get a room" I pull a disgusted face making them laugh " I mean we have like five here, you got time for a quickie?" Demi winks "ew" I laugh " I wished" Matt mumbles and me and Demi laugh even harder. I love the bond we have considering the time we have known each other for. 

" so, what's the plan for today?" I asked Demi sitting on the sofa, Demi slumps on the other sofa petting Barry " we can just chill for today, maybe later we can take these two out but other then that we can chill" she explains " fair enough" I shrug. Demi puts on Dragan ball-Z  on the tv and I just scroll through my phone. A few hours later of watching different shows and aimless scrolling through our phones " I'm bored" Demi groans " what shall we do?" I ask sitting up " we could take the dogs out" Demi shrugs " sure" I smile at her and get ready. 

We get into Demi's black truck and Demi drives us to a dog park that is near by. Once we arrive Demi opens the boot of the truck and lets Luna and Barry run riot, Barry and Luna do their business as me and Demi walk around. " can I ask you something kinda personal" Demi speaks up " sure" I turn and look at her " when and how did you know you wasn't straight" she kind of whispers, like this almost embarrassed to ask, Demi doesn't look at me instead, she just keeps her eyes on the dogs. " erm, when I was in high school I had these strong feelings for this girl. I always thought that it was because she's my best friend I just liked her that little bit more, but the more time I spent with her, the more these feeling would continue to grow. I ignored it for years. Once I got into college I got myself a boyfriend and to be honest the sex wasn't the one. I thought it was just because the guy I was with was bad at it, so I ended it and then slept with his friend" I chuckle and Demi laughs " you never" Demi says shocked " I did, but I didn't enjoy that either. There was this girl who had a crush on me so I played to it and got her into bed and I found that I enjoyed it much more, so I continued to experiment but then I found that I wasn't enjoying or interested in the guys and I was more for the women, then I met Katie and haven't looked back since" I explain. Demi just nods and keeps her eyes on the dogs " can I asked why you asked?" I look up at her again, she goes to say something and then shakes her head slightly as if to shake a thought out of her head " I just like hearing peoples stories" she finally looks at me and smiles and I just smile back deciding not to push it. 

We spend over an hour just walking about, talking and throwing the tennis ball for the dogs to run and fetch. We decide to go back, we both have showers and change into something more comfortable. Demi makes us dinner and then we decide to watch a movie before bed. " what shall we watch" Demi says sitting next to me for a better view of the tv. " I'm not sure, what are the options" I ask. Demi scrolls through " oh my god, the new insidious movie is on here" Demi says excitedly " oh, I've been wanting to see that but I had to watch Barbie instead" I roll my eyes at the memory of Katie making watch the movie " you went to the cinema to watch fucking Barbie" Demi laughs " yeah, so" I scoff and chuckle " fucking Barbie" Demi repeats " life in plastic, it's fantastic" I sing making Demi laugh harder. Demi presses play and the movie starts. 

The film ends and I notice that we have moved a bit so now I am laying down a bit and Demi is also laying down with her head on my lap and I am subconsciously playing with her soft black hair. " oh sorry" Demi says sitting up and blushing " it's fine" I chuckle. " well, I'm off to bed. I have an early start tomorrow" she says " night Dems" I smile " night ray" she returns my smile. I make myself a drink before heading to my room, I brush my teeth and get into bed. I text Katie goodnight and put my phone and and drift of to sleep thinking about how it felt having Demi cuddled up to me.

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