Part 60

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Tomorrow is the big day, tomorrow I get to marry my best friend, my soul mate, the love of my life, Demi Bennett. 

I am in the bedroom packing my final things for the wedding and for the night I am staying at my parents. Me and Demi decided not to do a massive wedding or hen do's, we decided to have a small wedding with just a handful of friends and our families and then the reception will be our massive party and celebration with everyone. 

I feel arms wrap around me, I smile and turn around and facing a smiling Demi, " you okay" I ask her " I'm nervous but it will all be worth it because I get to finally called you my wife" she smiles brightly. " I know, then we spend a few days on the beach" I smile at her " when are you leaving/" she asked " in like twenty" I tell her, Demi just nods " need any help?" she asked " nah, I think I got it all" I tell her. I kiss and hug Demi goodbye and then I get an uber to my parents house. 

I enter the house and my parent bring me into a tight hug, me and my parents have dinner together and then watch a movies and then head to bed. As I am laying in bed, I come to the thought of that this is the first time I have stayed here without Luke being here and I just noticed how quiet it is without him. I wipe the tear that's sliding down my cheek and the roll over to try and get some sleep. 

I wake up to my alarm, I turn it off and climb out of bed and head down the stairs. My mum and dad are sitting in the living room so I go in there and sit on the sofa " morning baby, how are you feeling" my dad asked " I'm so anxious and nervous, I feel sick" I chuckle " have some food and tea to clam the nerves and then it'll be time to get ready" my mum explains. I eat and then shower and the get dressed in leggings and a normal white top and then my dad drives us to the venue. We enter the venue and get greeted by the workers, they show us around again and then show me where my room is to get ready and where my hair and make up artist is waiting for me.

I get my hair and make up done and slide into my dress, my mum walks in and stops and looks at me and starts crying " don't cry, I'll cry and ruin my makeup" I chuckle hugging her " you look at beautiful and I'm so proud of you" she cries " I love you, mum" I tell her and hug her tightly " your dad is waiting for you at the end of the stairs" she informs me and leaves the room. 

I leave the room and see my dad waiting for me as I make my way down the stairs " you look so beautiful" he tells me as I hug him " thank you" I smile at him " you ready" he asked as we link arms " yeah" I say taking a deep breath and we start walking down the aisle. 

Half way down the aisle I look eyes with Demi and we both smile at each other and I can see Demi's eye water as we get closer. My dad hands me over to Demi " look after her" he tell her, " I promise" she smiles and my dad hugs us both and goes to sit down, I watch him and then I notice between my mum and dad there is a photo frame, I look closer and see its a picture of Luke. A tear slides down my cheeks and Demi wipes it away with the pad of her thumb. " his always with you in sprit" she says and I smile. 

We get through the I do's and the vows and the promises  and we put the wedding rings on and then walk out to everyone throwing confetti at us, me and Demi sneak of to get changed into something more comfortable, I slip into a white cocktail dress and Demi changes into a more comfortable suit. We enter the hall to everyone sitting down and Demi's entrance song the demons in your dreams by motionless in white comes on and we both laugh " I can not escape this song" I playfully moan " sorry" Demi laughs and kisses the side of my head. 

Me and Demi do our dance to eternally yours by motionless in white and the our family and friends do speeches and then the party starts and every starts drinking, dancing and having a good time. 

After a long day and a heavy night of drinking and socialising to say I am knacked it an understatement by I have had the best day of my life, I married my best friend and I am so happy in life right now.        

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