Part 11

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Saraya's POV

I'm driving to Demi's house feeling nervous and anxious of what's going to happen and what is going to be said, I have rehearsed what I want to say over and over again, I just hopes it comes out and the way I want it too, because, I know after this conversation, people are going to get hurt. 

As I'm driving my phone starts to ring and I see Matts name come up.

" hey" I answer 

" Ray, can I ask you something?" Matts voice comes through my car speaker and he sounds sad and tired 

" sure, what's up" I ask confused  

" I think something is up with Demi but she's not talking to me about it, do you know if anything happened while I was away and you stayed? " he asked and my heart starts to pound through my chest. 

" erm, I can't recall anything, maybe she just had a bad week. I know she got attacked by Raquel on Monday and it looks like she cut her back, maybe it's just that " I say obviously lying. 

" maybe, if you talk to her and she tells you, can you let me know please, I just want to help her" he says sadly 

" I will do" I say and we say our goodbyes and the phoneline goes dead. 

I pull up to Demi's gates and press the button, not long after she answers and I can drive through the gates, I get out the car and the front door is already open and I have two very hyper and happy dogs at my feet, I pet them and say hello and walk into the house.

" Dem's?" I call out 

 " in the kitchen" I hear her thick Aussie accent, and I walk through the hall to the kitchen to see her sitting on the stool on her phone. 

" hey" I smile, she stands up and pulls me into a tight hug " hey" she smiles back. " would you like a coffee or something?" Demi offers " I'm good, thanks" I say sitting on a stool. " how have you been" Demi asked sitting on a stool " can we cut the small talk and just get straight to what I'm actually here for" I chuckle. Demi sighs "  I don't know what to feel about you, Raya. You have entered my life and turned it upside down, in a good way. I met Matt and I so so certain he was the one I was getting married too, having kids with, you know? then we kissed and you made me feel things I haven't felt. I shouldn't feel how I feel because I love Matt and I know how much you love Katie. What I find confusing is that I have never been interested in women, so why am I so interested in you?. Again, I love Matt but I can't hide how I feel about you either. Look, you can tell me to never talk to you again and you can leave at any point and I will leave you alone, for good. I just need to tell you, that I have fallen for you and I know you are in a loving, happy relationship but I want you Saraya." Demi says finally looking at me, her deep blue eyes are filled with emotion and tearing up. " what about Matt?" I ask she didn't even mention him, like he doesn't exists, like we are not sitting in his house. Demi sighs and runs her hand through her hair " I love Matt, but I'm not in love with Matt. I haven't been for a while" she explain " so your willing to lose everything? your house, your career, friends and family?" I ask " for you, yes" she simply says making it sound so easy. " thoughts?" she asked softly " I don't really know what to say, you make it all sound so easy" I chuckle " people are going to get hurt" I say " I know" she sighs " but what do you want?" she asked " I don't know" I shrug. Demi stands up " I think you do, I think your thinking more of the people who are getting hurt then yourself, if no one was getting hurt, what would you do?" she asked looking at me analysing my facial expressions. I think about it, what do I want? I sigh and run my hand through my blond hair. I think she's right, I'm too busy thinking about the pain Matt and Katie will be in rather then what I want. The fact I'm even thinking about their pain proves to me what I truly want. " it just shit that I will hurt Katie" I say and a tear slips down my cheeks. Demi walks to me and pulls me into a hug " I know, baby" she starts stroking my hair to clam me " if you need time, I'm willing to wait. I'm not rushing you into anything, I was just simply telling you how I feel because I can't live on what if's " she says wiping away a tear. I enjoy her hug for a moment and then pull back. " truth be told, I have fallen for you Dem and you're right, I'm think for of Matt and Katie more then myself. If I think for myself I would be with you in a heartbeat. I just don't wanna hurt anyone" I say and Demi nods "I also have a question" I ask " shoot" she smiles " you say you haven't been with a women romantically" I say looking at her " right?" she says encouraging me to continue " your willing to leave Matt and your life here to be with me, say if we get intimate and you realize it's not for you" I say looking at my converse on my feet. Demi uses her index finger to lift my head up from under my chin so I can look at her " Saraya, when you kisses me I never felt so alive, I can only imagine what other things will feel like" she says with a little smirk and I giggle at her smirk. " what do we do now?" I ask " let's not rush into this, lets just take our time and work this out, we need to be smart about this to try and not hurt Matt and Katie as much as we already are" she states and I nod in agreement. " well, I better be off" I say standing up from the stool " stay" Demi whispers " what?" I ask as I barely heard her "  stay with me, tonight, please" she plead with puppy eyes " fine" I roll my eyes playfully "yay" she cheers and claps her hands excitedly and I laugh. 

We spend the rest of the evening cuddled up on the sofa with the dogs watching tv, we decide to go to bed. " Dem's?" I call " yeah?" she called back popping her head out of the en-suite bathroom " I don't have anything to sleep in" I chuckle " and the problem is?" she smirks and I giggle " the problem is, I haven't got anything to sleep in" I repeat with a chuckle " I generally don't see the issue here" she shrugs and goes back into the bathroom " Demi" I holla back and I hear Demi laugh " you're no fun" she chuckles " that draw there, there's some shirts in there" she says point the bottom draw and I open it and pick one out, I pull out an old Rhea Ripley merch top from what looks like her NXT days and I put it on and it just reaches my thighs. I turn around to climb in bed and I catch Demi staring, her eyes goes to mine and then down my body then to my thighs and I think I do the same as she stands there in a sports bra showing off her tone, tattooed body and shorts shorts showing off her strong, tattooed legs. " are you going to get in bed or you just gonna stare at me all night" she says a playful smile on her face and her head is slightly tilted " the latter" I say climbing in to her massive comfortable bed. " yet you do the first option" she chuckles " shut up" I say and she just laughs harder. " you look hot in my merch" she winks " go to sleep Bennett" I chuckle, making her laugh harder, but she snuggles up to me and wraps her wrap around me and pulls me closer to her and we both drift off into a comfortable sleep.     

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