Part 8

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I wake up with a stretch, I can hear Demi and the dogs moving around down stairs. I give myself five minutes before getting out of bed, I waddle to the bathroom and do my morning routine before heading back into the bedroom to get changed into a pair of leggings and a motionless in white crop top and I put a motionless in white beanie on and make my way down the stairs. 

I walk into the kitchen where Demi is and I stop in my tracks and stare, she's in a dirty Dom merch top which she has crafted into a no sleeve vest top so her muscles are showing, her make up is done perfectly, her hair is down and soft and she's in black jeans and black high heels boots, She looks stunning. Me and Demi find ourselves staring at each other " morning" she smiles " morning" I smile sitting on a stool. " coffee?" she offers " please" I say as I watch her pour two mugs of coffee. " Raya, can you walk the dogs in like half an hour, I have a Instagram live interview" she asked handing me a mug. "sure, not a problem" I smile. Me and Demi have breakfast together, we talk about random stuff whilst we eat and then Demi goes off into her office whilst I clean up and get the dogs ready for a walk. 

I return from walking the dogs and by the sounds of it Demi is still in her office as I can hear her laughing. I go into the living room and bring the dogs with me so they are not causing havoc whist Demi is working. Barry is laid on my lap and Luna is laid next to me and I' watching tv when Demi walks in, she looks at us and smiles " cute" she chuckles " what should we do today?" I ask her as she slumps next to me " I'm not sure, but I need to get all this pent up energy out" she chuckles. We sit in silence for a bit thinking of what to do, " I know, lets go to the gym" she smiles " that is such a you thing to say" I chuckle " oh come on" she pleads " Dem's does it look like I go to the gym?" I ask laughing. Demi looks me up and down with the worlds famous Rhea Ripley smirk " with that body, yeah" she simply says " are you flirting with me, Bennett?" I chuckle " and if I am?" she shrugs. I lean a little closer " then you need to find a way to tell Matt I stole his girl" I wink at her. Demi just looks gobsmacked " I make you a deal?" she says gathering herself " go on" I raise an eyebrow " if you come to the gym with me, you can pick the next activity we do next, either tomorrow or later today" she explains, I pretend to think about it for a second " deal" I smile. 

" push Bennett! come on, one more" I yell at Demi as she's doing some bicep curls on 75kg weights, Demi does one more and I help her put the weights down. Demi then wipes the sweat dripping from her forehead and I must admit, a sweaty Demi Bennett is a sight to be seen. We are both dripping with sweat to be honest, we have been working out for two hours now. I sit on the stretching mat and have a drink of water and Demi sits next to me and does the same, " you ready to go?" she huffs " yeah" I say and we get up and head to the showers. Once we have showered and changed we climb in Demi truck and drive back to Demi's. Once we are back at Demi's we have lunch and chill for a bit. " so what is your choice of activity" Demi asked sipping her juice  " let me look to see what we can do" I say unlocking my phone. I look through the internet for something to do. " oh how about this" I show her my phone  " oh that's fun" demi smiles " I will book it" she smiles and before I can protest and stop her she booked it. " it's booked for tomorrow at 4pm, I have an appearance at 1pm so I will have to meet you there" Demi explains " alright cool" I say. 

We continue to chill and walk the dogs and have some dinner. " so, Dom, Fin and Damian are going for a couple of drinks " they've invited me, do you wanna come?" she asked looking up from her phone. " erm, sure. I don't think I brought any to go out in though" I say " well it's going to be anywhere fancy so  just bring your cute self and you'll be fine" she smiles and I can feel the heat in my cheeks from blushing. We get ready and I change into black leather legging and a whit crop top with black zipped boots, I leave y hair down with a middle partin and apply some makeup. I walk out of my room and Demi walks out off hers at the same time meaning we nearly bump into each other " whoa, easy.... whoa" she says looking me up and down. Demi continues to stare " take a picture, it'll last longer" I poke my tongue at her " great idea, come here" Demi says moving closer to me, she pulls her phone out of her back pocket, opens up the camera app and we take a selfie " we cute" she giggles. " ready?, uber is outside" she says " yup" I say. I sit in the back next to Demi and I see on my phone screen @ rhearipley_wwe has tagged you in their story, from Instagram. I open it and see the selfie we took earlier, " you're right, we are cute" I smile at her and she chuckles. I share the picture on my story and try and ignore the anxiousness of meeting the friends of Rhea Ripley. 

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