Part 6

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It's been a few weeks since working for Demi, sometimes we will text each other and I have kept an eye on WWE to watch her wrestle, the more I watch her the more I admire her beauty and understand why her fans are so crazy about her.

I'm at a women's house pet sitting her dog for a day whilst she's at work, it's literally a easy job, just have to walk the dog, feed it and just wait until she is back from work. 

I leave the house and my phone rings.

" hello?" I smile at the name  who called me 

" hey baby, what you doing?" Katie asked 

" I just finished work, what about you?" I ask as I climb into the drivers seat of my car. I put my phone on the stand I have and put the call on speaker so I can drive.

"I'm just walking home from work, wanna meet for some dinner?" she asked 

" sure, where?" I ask as I start to drive

" I'm not quite sure" she giggles " wanna meet me in town and we decide then?" she says

" sure, I'll see you in like ten" I say and we say our goodbyes and the phoneline goes dead and I carry on driving.

I park in the towns car park and get out of the car and make my way to go to the machine where you pay for parking. I walk back to my car and place the ticket somewhere the ticket person can see if needed and walk to meet Katie.

I see Katie waiting at our meeting spot " hey, beautiful" I smile at her as I approach her  " oh, please I'm in my work uniform and I just finished a twelve hour shift. I am far from beautiful right now" she chuckles " if only you could see me through my eyes" I tell her. Katie doesn't say anything, she just looks at the floor, smiling, trying to hide her blush. I love the fact that we have been together for a long time and we can still make each other blush and feel curtain ways. 

We decide to go to one of our favourite Chinese restaurants, we walk in and get greeted by a waitress and get seated. We scale the menu to decide what we want, " your looking at the menu like you don't get the same thing every time" I chuckle. Katie rolls her eyes " please, I might try something different" she smirks " is that so?" I raise an eyebrow " yup" she simply says at the waitress comes and takes our order. We order and when the waitress leaves I laugh " what are you giggling at?" Katie asked chuckling herself " try something different, you said" I laugh " shut up, I panicked" she laughs which makes me laugh harder " go away" she laughs. 

We eat and enjoy our food and just talk about random things when my phone rings, I look who is calling me " excuse me" I say to Katie and answer the  phone.

" hey Matt" I answer 

" hey Ray, how are you?" Matt's deep Australian voice comes through the phone. 

" I'm good thanks, you?" I ask wondering why his calling me

"I'm good, listen I know your a busy girl so I'm gonna get straight to it. Can you help with the pups in a few days?" he asked 

" when's in a few days?" I ask

" in three days time, for five days?" he says it like a question

" let me just check my schedule" I say and I log in to the app to find my bookings and it turns out I'm free. 

" yeah, I could help" I say 

" oh, thank you so much" he breaths out a sigh of relief

" you're welcome" I smile 

" okay, I will see you then" he says 

" alright, bye" I say and put the phone down

Me and Katie carry on with our dinner and enjoy each other's company and then we pay and head home.

 As Katie showers, I get some snacks and drinks ready and pick something to watch. I then get changed into shorts and a vest top, I get some blankets and lay them out and pick my spot and wait for Katie. I didn't have to wait long before Katie walks through the living room and sits next to me and lays her head on my lap and I play with her hair as we watch a film.

The film has finished and I notice Katie has fallen asleep what's new  I thought to myself and chuckle at the sight of my girlfriend curled up and lightly snoring with her arm on my thigh and her face leaning on her hand. I gently pick her up in a bridal style carry and she snuggles her face into my neck as I walk to the bedroom. Once I make it to the bedroom I gently place her down on the bed and pull the duvet over her. I brush my teeth and climb into bed, Katie subconsciously snuggles up to me by placing her head on my chest and her arm over me, I wrap my arm around her and fall asleep.


sorry this is such a sort unimportant chapter but I just wanted to move the story along and get to all the drama I have planned. please stay patience. 

thank you 

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