Part 18

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We have spent the last four days at Dom and Marie's house and it has been fun. Dom has gone out with Fin and Damian, they offered Demi to go but she declined and wanted to stay with me as they travel again tomorrow, and when she gets back we should be moving. So, now, me, Demi and Marie are having a girly night, we are watching pretty women with face masks on with a glass of wine.

The film finishes and me and Demi go to bed because Demi has to get up early as she has to drive to the meeting point to get to the tour bus. We're laying in bed and Demi is on her back and I'm resting my head on her chest with an arm stretched over her and Demi is playing with my blond hair. " babe?" she says "hmm" I hum " come with me" she says softly and quietly, I could barely hear her " huh?" I say and sit up and face her. " come and travel with me" she smiles " Dem's you leave in the morning, I have no time to pack and plus I can't just intrude on the guys bus and your work" I says and she chuckles " I will quickly help you pack and in terms of work and the bus it's no biggie, Vero Fin's girlfriend is coming and Maire is also  coming.. I think" she explains. As she says that there's a knock on the bedroom door. " yeah?" Demi calls. The door opens and Marie walks in " hey, Raya are you coming traveling with the guys?" she asked " I don't know, I am a bit unsure" I say " well, I will go if you do?" she shrugs " you sure it's okay?" I turn and ask Demi. " I'm sure" she chuckles " who will look after the dogs?" I ask " Aalyah, Dom's sister" Marie says " okay, I'll come then" I shrug. " yay" Maire cheers clapping her hands. " I need to pack" she says " yeah me too" I say " okay, see you in the morning" she says excitedly and runs off to her room. Demi helps me pack and get everything ready. 

" you ready?" Demi asked putting a suitcase into the boot of her truck. " yup" I smile, she returns my smile and we climb into the truck. We are going to drive 3 hours to meet the rest of TJD at some meeting point to get to the tour bus. Dom and Maire are going to make their own way there as they wanted to grab some last minute bits for the mall before hand. 

We're speeding down the motor way about an hour into the drive, Demi is behind the wheel and I'm next to her in the passenger seat, I have the aux cord hocked to my phone and Asking Alexandria- not the American average comes on through the speakers. Demi has hand her hands on my thigh the whole drive so far and I don't think she's meaning too but she's teasing the fuck out of me. My dirty mind wants to tease Demi too, I lean over and kiss her cheek and she smiles. I lean to her ear " you thighs were made for cheeks to graze, my lips, your poison, they bring you to your knees" I whisper the lyrics to the sing into her ear squeezing her thigh and I see her squirm. " babe we are going 90 mph, carry on and we will either crash or fuck on this motor way" she says keeping her eyes on the road " is that a threat, Bennett?" I smirk " fuck around and find out, Campbell" she snaps and I chuckle knowing I have her exactly where I want her. I lean down and reach the hel of her jeans and unbutton and unzip them. " wha--what are you doing?" she looks down for a second before putting eyes on the road again. I look up at her with a devilish smirk " fucking around and finding out" I tell her and she side-eyes me. I look her in the eyes for any sign for me to stop and when I find none, I slide my hand under her jeans and underwear. " fuck" she mutters and moves her legs as much as she could so I can get better access. Once her legs stop shaking, I smirk at her and put my fingers in my mouth so I can taste her, Demi just watches with her mouth open slightly. Demi doesn't say anything, she just turns off the motor way " where we going" I ask her knowing she's going the wrong way, she doesn't reply she just parks up on an empty back road, it's late so the road is dark and no one is around " get in the back, now, and undress" she orders and gets out of the truck. I do what I am told and I am met by Demi opening the door and grabbing my throat and pushed me on my back. " wanna fuck around do you" she says as dominate as ever and I chuckle and nod yes. Demi has learnt very quickly on how to excite me. Demi hovers over me and makes me squeal when she puts her bare knee from her ripped jeans in between my legs " your ready for me already?" she smirks. Without warning Demi positions us and the devours me in the back of her truck. 

Demi is still hovering over me, we are both panting and a little sweaty. I look up her in her dark but bright, big, blue eyes and the are full of love. " I-- ermm I-- I LL--- we better get going, we're late" she says. Demi straightens herself out and gets back in the drivers seat. Was she going to say it?. The look in her eyes, the stuttering made me think she was, but why did she stop, why didn't she say it? was it the right time? was it too soon?. Did I love her?

Of course I do, I did the moment I saw her.       

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