Part 63

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I wake up to an empty bed which now days isn't out of the ordinary as now I am on maternity leave but Demi is still working reluctantly as I am about to pop at any time, her last match  is against Shayna Baszler, Demi is obviously going to lose to drop the title to Shayna and then she is off  until she feel ready to come back, although Stephanie and Paul have given Demi a year but said if she needs more or less time just let them know and they can write her in and return. 

I get up out of bed and shower and dress, I basically live in legging now. I make some food and then call Demi has she worries about me being alone all day in case into labour but today the Bennett's will be coming, they wanted to be here for the birth along with my parents.

I spend some of the day curled up on the sofa with Barry and Luna, I take them out for a sort walk and then I see the time and Demi will be home shortly. I make a start on dinner, I make pesto chicken with new baby potatoes and runner beans. I dish up and I hear the door open and shut " Raya, you home?" I hear her shout " yeah in here" I shout back and a few moments later I see her walk in the kitchen " ohh something smells good" she smiles. " sit, its done" I tell her and she sits at the dining table and I hand her, her plate and sit down and we have dinner together. Demi cleans up and then sits next to me on the sofa " what time do you have to get your family?" I ask " I have to leave at nine" she says laying between my legs and rest her head on my thigh " don't fell asleep" I chuckle " just five mins" she giggles " I'll wake you at quarter to" I feel her get more comfortable and then moments later I feel her breathing  change to indicate she has fallen asleep.

" babe, it's time to wake up" I say planting small kisses on her cheek and lips and I feel her smile " I think I need a couple more to fully wake up" she smirks. I chuckle and roll my eyes and plant a soft kiss on her lips and she smiles and opens her eyes and pulls me on top of her. " I am to heavy for this " I chuckle, Demi sits up so now we are nose to nose, she cups my face and kisses me deeply and passionately. We brake apart " you need to leave" I chuckle  " buuut" she groans and kisses me again, I pull back and climb of her " leave" I chuckle and she pouts " fine" she acts like a spoiled child that's been told no and I just laugh at her. Demi gets up and freshens up and then leaves to collect her family from the airport.

I wake up around 10am and I can hear walking and talking, I get out of bed and do my morning routine and then head to the Livingroom and I see Calista, Anna and peter sitting on the sofas " hey" I smile and hug them all " how was your flight" I ask and they go on to tell me about their journey from Australia to America. " I take it Demi has already left?" I ask " yeah, she said to meet her at the judgment day locker room so you can get the tickets for us" Calista explains   " okay I will do that, have you guys eaten, I'm starved" I chuckle  " yeah, Demi made us something" Anna says. " cools, I will eat then get ready" I tell them " take your time, love. No rush" Peter smiles and I smile and nod and make some food then I shower and get changed and we leave to go to the arena to watch Demi lose her title. 

We arrive at the arena and The Bennetts wait in the car as I get out and go to the Judgement day locker room to get their tickets off Demi because the idiot accidently got them physical copies instead of digital so she can't sent them to me. I walk in and Demi meets me half way, I give her a quick hug and kiss and grab the tickets and then go and meet the Bennetts.

We watch the match back stage with Cathy, Raquel and the Judgment day. The match starts and it's fast and physical just us you would expect from Demi and Shayna. The match ends as Shayna gets Demi in her famous choke hold " I wish Demi would put me in a choke hold" Cathy laughs. I look at her " Demi caught me in a choke hold once" I say " oh yeah, what happened" Cathy asked confused " well, I got pregnant with twins" I laugh and Cathy spits her drink out and Calista just gives me a shocked what the fuck face which makes me laugh harder. The match ends as Demi passes out from the chokehold and the ref has to call it. The WWE universe is in shock but at the same time knew it was coming has they know I'm about to pop and Demi is obviously going to step away until further notice. 

Demi walks through the curtain and everyone surrounds her and I just back and let her spend time with her friends and as I watch I can see that deep down she is hurting, even if she is smiling and laughing. " right guys, I'm gonna shower" I hear Demi say and she walks off and as she walks past her friends and family I see her face fall and her smile drop and her eyes water.

I give it ten minutes then go into the locker room " Dems?" I call after her " yeah?" she simply says and I follow her voice and she's sitting on the sofa finishing out getting changed. " you okay" I ask sitting next to her " yeah" she simply says " Dem, it's okay if your not" I tell her and she just stops what she's going and then looks at me and I watch as her eyes fills with tears. I pull her closer to me and she just starts sobbing, I kiss the top of her head and just let her cry. " sorry, I'm just feeling every emotion at once" she sniffs " I've gone from being the longest reigning women's champion to.. well nothing" she says " Demi you haven't become nothing, remember you lost that title because your stepping away to become a mother, a wife" I try my best to reinsure her, to try and get negative thoughts out of her head. " the best accomplishment" she smiles and places her hand on my large belly. " how did you know I was upset, I thought I hid it well" I chuckles " you did, but I am your wife, I know you" I chuckle " thank you" she kisses me softly " lets go, my feet hurt and I may pee myself if I sit here any longer" I chuckle " delightful" she chuckles and helps me up and we leave the arena.

I get woken up by this massive shooting pain going through my body. I sit up and the bedroom is pitch black and Demi is sound asleep, the pain happens again and I grasp onto Demi. Demi murmurs something in her sleep, the pain happens again and this time I feel something explode in between my legs and I feel a massive ball of wetness leave me. I lean over and switch the lamp on.

" Demi, wake up" I shake her 

" huh" she says still pretty much asleep 

" Demi, I think my waters have broken" I tell her 

Demi's eyes widen 

"shit" she says jumping out of bed.  

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