Part 20

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Demi storms out of the room slamming the door behind her, " Demi wait" I call after her. Demi stops " Demi, she didn't know we was hiding" I say trying to calm her down " you don't get it, Raya" she sighs, running her tattooed hand through her freshy washed hair. " help me understand, Dem" I say placing my hand on her cheek. Dem takes a deep breath " my family doesn't know about you, Saraya" she says looking at her feet. " I was going to tell them but I haven't spoken to my family for a while and it's something I can do over text you know, I can't just be like, hey, I cheated on Matt with a women and now she's my girlfriend and we are going to life together. My family will have questions and it'll just be too long winded over text." she explains " hey, you do what you need to do when you can do it, there's no rush. I understand this is new, to you, to your family, I can wait" I say kissing her cheek and she nods " I don't Deserve you" she kisses my forehead. " I need to speak to Cathy" she says, I nod and she turns and walks off.  I sit on a equipment box and my phone is blowing up already, new followers, texts from family, messages from Demi's fans, it's all gone crazy. 

I hear Demi's raise her voice in a small room so I go and check it out. I walk in and I see Demi shouting at Cathy, " Demi, calm down" I say  walking over to them, they both look at me, Demi looks angry and Cathy looks like she's about to bush into tears " Dem's she didn't know, I'm sure she wouldn't of done if she did" I try and calm Demi down again. Demi goes to say something but her phone rings, she takes it out of her pocket and I saw mum on the screen " great" she rolls her and walks out before answering it. " Saraya, I'm so sorry" Cathy begins to cry. " hey, it's okay" I say pulling her into a hug, Cathy is so sweet and kind and I know she didn't mean it. " I thought it was just a funny video, I honestly thought everyone knew. I know you guys flirt on insta, post each other on your stories and she was introducing you as her girlfriend to everyone, so I just thought everyone knew" she explain " I know, it's okay. I'm not bothered about it" I say wiping a tear from under Cathy's eye. " Rhea is though" she whispers " listen, don't worry about her, once she calms down she'll be fine" I try to reinsure her and she just nods and wipes her eyes. My phone start to vibrate in my back pocket of my jeans, I take it out and see Demi's name across the screen. 

" hey" I answer with a smile 

" princesa, where are you?" Damian's deep voice comes through my phone. 

" oh, I'm in catering, why? is Demi alright?" I can't hide my worry

" come to the locker room" he says and there's just something in his voice that scares me.

" I'm on my way" I say. 

I practically run to the judgment days locker room, I don't bother knocking, I run swing the door open to find Demi on the floor with her knees up to her chest crying and struggling to breath, Dom kneeling in front of her holding her hand as she plays with his rings and Fin, Vero, Maire and Damian just watching worryingly. " what's going on" I asked kneeling down next to Demi " I don't know, she came in after a phone and just crumbled. Normally my rings work but they aren't" Dom explains worried. " babe, look at me" I say and Demi lifts her head up and looks at, her eyes her red and puffy and just looks sad. " I-- I-- Ray-- breath-- I can't" she tries to get out " hey, it's okay, babe copy my breathing" I tell her and start breathing deep and slowly and Demi tries to copy. After around five minutes her breathing begins to regulate. " Dem's count Dom's rings for me" I ask, taking Dom's hands and showing them to Demi. Demi counts the six rings Dom has and she slowly begins to come back to normal.  Once Demi is ready we head for the bus, Demi goes straight to our bunk, puts her headphones in and goes to sleep. I sigh and sit on the sofa next to Damian " she's be okay" he smiles at me and I just smile back at him. My phone starts ringing and I see it's my brother trying to facetime me.

" what do you want" I chuckle as I see his face come onto my phone screen.

" brooo, you have broken the internet" he laughs and I roll my eyes

" so are you touring with Rhea" he asked 

" yeah, I'm touring with the whole squad" I laugh

" no your not" he chuckles 

" I am, why would I lie" I laugh 

" so, Dom, fin and Damian are there too?" he raise an eye brow 

" yeah, well Fin's asleep but Dom and Damian are here with me" I laugh 

" I don't believe you" he laughs and the the phone takes hand out of my hands and I see Dom holding it.

" she's not lying pal" Dom chuckles and I can hear Luke fanboy which makes me laugh. Damian and Dom spend an hour on the phone to my brother just talking shit and answering all the questions he has for them. " thanks, you guys didn't have to do that" I say as I take my phone back, the two guys just shrug. " hey Raya" I hear and see my mum on the screen " hi" I say, the last time I see or spoke to her she pretty much kicked me out of her house. " you're looking well dear, how's life" she asked " you would know if you spoke to me" I say roll my eyes and she sighs. " don't be like that, Ray" she says " you kicked me out of your house" I scoff " when you finish traveling please come and we can talk this out" she pleads " okay" I shrug. 

I spend some more time speaking to my brother, I hate to admit but I miss that little shit. After I say goodbye to him I climb into our bunk and Demi is on her side with her back to my asleep. I see that her airpods have fallen out, so I put them back in there case and set them aside. I lay down and Demi immediately snuggles up to me, I kiss her forehead and see a small smile creep across her face. I wonder what her mum said to make her so upset that she had a panic attack, will her family not accept her? were they mad at her?. I sigh, that's a conversation for tomorrow. 

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