Part 45

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Saraya's POV

I'm down in the kitchen having breakfast with Anna, Calista and Peter in conversation when Demi walks into the kitchen " morning sleepy head" I chuckle and she flips me off and goes to make herself a coffee and sits next to me " morning" she says sleepily and kisses my cheek then takes half of my bacon sandwich " rude" I pout and she laughs and takes a mouthful. 

" so what have you guys got planned for your stay" Peter asked sipping his coffee " I actually don't know" I chuckles " well, an old friend from riot city messaged me last night, they have a show tonight and asked if I wanted to make an surprise appearance" Demi says " are you going" Calista " I don't know, I'm meant to be resting" Demi shrugs " it'll be cool to see where it all begun for you" I smile at her " lets go then" she smiles and then text someone on her phone. 

We spend most of the day sitting in the garden enjoying the Aussie sun, me Calista and Demi have a water fight. I don't really know how it started, all I remember is that Calista threw her water at Demi so I laughed and then Demi threw her water at me and it just turned into the huge fight. The funniest thing about it was the way Anna and Peter was just sitting back and letting it happen and laughing.  

After lunch me and Demi decided to have a nap and now I'm getting woken up but Demi straddling me. " are you good" I chuckle. "We need to get up and ready for riot city and my dads made dinner" she explains " okay, let me get up then" I say trying to move but Demi pulls me back gently and kisses roughly invading my mouth with her pierced tongue and things heat up.

" we really need to get ready now" Demi says breathlessly " yeah" I chuckle. We both get up and shower and get ready, we make our way down the stairs and into the kitchen " there they are, nice nap" Anna chuckles " yeah, needed" Demi winks at me and I blush and I think Calista caught on because she giggles " come on girls, hurry and eat before you miss the show" Peter says sitting us down. We sit down and eat and Demi talks about how excited she is to visit riot city and some of her old friends she hasn't seen in years. 

 Demi drives us to the riot city wrestling arena, we get park up and Demi gets out and puts her hood up and jogs into the arena so she doesn't get spotted by fans and paparazzi. I follow her closely as we enter the building and Demi pulls down her hood and walks up to this man. " oh, my, god!!" he exclaims " Demi look at you!" he hugs her tightly " hey Joe, how have you been" she smiles at him and returns his hug. " Savanna said you might be coming but I thought she was playing one for her pranks, you know" he chuckles " yeah" Demi chuckles " where is she anyways" Demi asked " I'm right here" we hear a thick Aussie accent and we all turn to see this tall beautiful Amy Lee look alike walk towards us " Bennett, is that really you" she chuckles" it is" Demi laughs and hugs her " who's this hot piece you brought" she asked wiggling her eye brows at me also looking me up and down " oh, Joe, Savanna this is Saraya, my girlfriend. Babe, this is Joe Greco owner of RCW  and this here is Savanna, the lady who could never beat me" Demi winks " fuck off, Bennett" Savanna laughs " nice to meet you, mate" Joe hugs me " hey. doll lovely to meet ya" Savanna hugs me " lovely to meet you guys too" I smile and return their hugs. " so Demi is it all right for you to come out at some point of the show to make some speech" Joe asked " yeah, should be fine" Demi shrugs " thanks, we will put it in the middle so we don't keep you and your girlfriend from your plans." Joe explains " right, lovely to see ya Dem's but I have to go and run the show" Joe chuckles, we say goodbye to Joe and me, Demi and Savanna go and get a drink from catering. 

It's time for Demi to go out and make her surprise appearance, we walk to the gorilla. The light go down and the crowd is looking around confused and is wondering what is going on.


Demi slowly walks out on to the ramp and I watch the crowd stand in shock and the pop she got was deafening. Demi walks into the ring and gets a mic as she does so the crowd starts to chant welcome back and I can see her getting emotional. Demi start talking about how thankful she is for the crew at RCW for making her dreams come true and then she thanks the RCW fans for believing in her when at times she didn't believe in herself and the some other lady music hits and some lady holding a belt which I'm guessing is the RCW women's championship and two men how are holding a belt each with I'm guessing is the tag team belts walk out " Demi, Demi... or should I call you Rhea" she says and the crowd ohhhh's " why are you here? did your little pathetic crew kick you out" she says climbing into the ring " why are you out here Amber, need a little relevancy?" Demi raises an eye brow " no, I just came here to tell you that you are not welcome back here on my show" Amber says stepping closer to Demi " your show?" Demi raises an eye brow again " if I remember correctly, I never lost that title" Demi says point to the sliver title on Amber's shoulder " and the only reason your holding it right now is because I'm letting you" Demi does her famous Rhea Ripley smirk but Amber slaps it of Demi's face and even I'm thrown back in shock. Demi just looks at Amber rubbing her cheek and Amber laughs, Demi then headbutts Amber and riptides her and the crowd goes crazy. Demi climbs out of the ring and starts walking up the ramp with the cameraman following her " Mami's always on top and the judgment day runs all of wrestling" she shouts down the camera and flips of Amber before coming back to gorilla.

" that was something" Savanna laughs " was that apart of the scrip" I ask checking Demi red cheek " I don't know but the bitch slapped me, I'm not taking that lying down" Demi chuckles. W stay until the end and watch Savanna win her match, we say our goodbye to everyone at RCW and Demi drives us back to her parents house. 

" how was the Riot city show" Peter asked " Demi headbutted and riptide a bitch" I chuckle sitting down next to Peter. " what why?" Anna chuckle " she slapped me" Demi shrugs. We stay and talk with Anna and Peter for a bit then we all head for bed.       

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