Part 4

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Demi's/Rhea's POV

It's been a day and a half since leaving home, I haven't checked in on Saraya and the dogs yet so I better do that now. I get my phone out of my phone out of my pocket.

ME: hey Ray-Ray,

 how was your first night and full day? I hope everything is good and the dogs arent driving you mad yet lol. by the way I forgot to tell you! I left some money in a envelop in the fruit bowl just in case you need more food shopping or if you want to order something. 

Demi x 

Saraya:  Ray-Ray?🤔

the bed is so comfy!! everything is going well so far, thanks for checking in x 

Me: yeah Ray-Ray 😎😏😂im glad things are all good x 

Saraya also sent a video, so I click on it and press play and at first it's Luna just chilling on the sofa by her feet and then she pans the camera around and its her and Barry. Barry is laying on her chest fast a sleep, Saraya has captioned it all tuckered out from their walk. 

I smile at the video and watch it again, when I watch it again I notice that the way Barry's paw is sat, it's pulling down Saraya's vest top a little bit so her cleavage is showing. I find myself rewatching it again and again staring at her cleavage. 

" earth to Demi" I hear Dom say laughing bringing me back to reality. " huh? what?!" I question " Matt's deffo sent her a nude" Dom laughs even more  " ew no!" I pull a disgusted face " then why are you looking at your phone like a horny teenager" Fin laughs " I'm not" I frown " yeah right" Fin rolls his eyes at me, which annoyed me " if you must know it was my pet sitter sending me a video of my dogs" I snap and show them " she's hot" Dom chuckles " maybe you can set her up with priesty" Fin laughs patting Damian on his shoulder " ew no, she's in a serious relationship with another women" I explain " damn it, it's always to cute ones" Dominik laughs " soz priest" Fin chuckles again. Damian looks like he has no clue on what's going on which makes me laugh. 

" The Judgement Day to gorilla" we hear the announcer say through the speaker. " lets go to work" Damian says and  I stand up from the sofa we have in our locker room, check my appearance for a final time and head to Gorilla. 

We head out as my music starts playing, the crowed goes mental for us with sends goosebumps over my tattooed skin, I can never get used to this feeling. The crowd starts chanting Mami which makes me smile and they boo Dom as he speaks. Internally, I am laughing so hard but on the outside, I have to pretend I'm pissed at the WWE universe for not letting my Latino Heat talk. 

Our segment didn't due to Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn coming out with Seth Rollins and then a match was made official, Priest, Dom and Fin vs the tag champs and the world heavyweight champ. I was just being a menace on the outside as per. The match ended by Sami hitting Dom with the helluva kick and pinning him. 

I wait for the boys to shower and change, I don't have to as I was in normal cloths and I didn't wrestle so I'm not all sweaty like they are, I just wiped my makeup off and relaxed on the sofa. The boys come back from their showers and enter the locker room " so, what's the plan?" Dom asked sitting next to me. " we could just get something to eat" Fin shrugs " yeah, I'm pretty beat so I'm just gonna chill for the night" Damian says and we all nod to agree. 

We get in the car Fin rented and headed to a close by restaurant. We take a seat and I scan the menu to see what I fancy to eat. I just choose salmon with scrambled eggs and cubed potatoes and I get apple juice to drink. We spend an hour or so just talking and eating and once we finish eating Fin drives us to our hotel. 

We make our way to the lobby to find out where our rooms are. I walk up to the desk " hey, we have some rooms booked under Ripley" I say to the women behind the desk " oh hi there Miss Ripley, let me just check you in" the sweet lady smiles at me " thank you" I smile. I waited like a minute and then she looks up from her computer screen, " okay, Miss Ripley. you are in room 203 and Mr Balor, Mr, Priest and Mr Mysterio are in room 200" she explains " oh are the three men sharing?" I ask confused because I'm sure I booked two sharing rooms " ah yes, I'm sorry Miss Ripley but we had to change as the toilet in one of the rooms broken, I'm sorry for the inconvenience" she explains " okay, cool. no inconvenience to me, I get my own room" I laugh and the lady relaxes a bit and even lets out a small chuckle. I take the room keys off her with a thanks and walk back to the group " here yours" I say " wait we're not sharing" Dom says pretending to be sad " nope" I poke my tongue at him " ohhhhhh, I can't deal with Damian's snoring" Dom groans making us laugh. We make our way to our rooms " Rheaaaaaaa, I miss you already" Dom shouts. I turn and flip him off and turn back and walk into my room and I can hear all three men laughing. 

I shower and get changed into some shorts and a black crop top, I get in bed and scroll with socials for a bit, sharing some fan arts, pictures with fans and some pictures the wwe photographers have taken of me and the gang. I get a notification on Instagram saying that a @sarayacampbell has followed me. I check the profile and realise that it's Ray-Ray, I follow her back and find myself  scrolling through her post. I smile when I see a post of her and her girlfriend, I smile because they just look so happy. I scroll to the next post and I'm blowen away, it's a picture of her in a long jumper just about covering her thighs, she's sitting on the floor with her knees up a bit and her legs crossed and her blonde hair is in a messy bun. I find myself looking at it for way to long. Why am I so interested in her?. I have never been interested in a women before and I'm also with Matt, I love Matt, Matt is the man I see my future with. Kids, marriage the hole lot. Guilt sinks in when I see Matt's name and number coming on my phone screen to indicate he is calling me. I answer it and spend the rest of the night on the phone to Matt.   

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