Part 59

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Me and Demi are sitting at home sitting in the dining room finishing off the planning for our wedding that is coming up in a couple of weeks. " this is so stressful" I huff " I know, but it will all be worth it" she smiles and kisses the side of my head. " I know it will, I finally get to call you my beautiful wife" I smile at her and she smiles and I can see the redness growing in her cheeks " the day can't come sooner" she smiles. We spend the afternoon planning and then come the evening time Demi thought it would be a good idea to go to a posh, fancy restaurant. I get dressed in a black mini dress and black high heels, my hair is down and curly at the tips and I put on some light makeup, I walk back into the bedroom and Demi is in tight suit pants and in a white button shirt but the shirt is undone as she hasn't done them up yet so her toned stomach, tattoos are on show and her hair is wet and I have to pick my jaw up and wipe the droll from the corner of my mouth. Demi looks at me " don't look at me like that" she says " why, I'm just appreciating my wife to be" I smile innocently at her. Demi walks over to me and grabs me by my hips and pulls me closer " because the way you are looking at me makes me want to rip that dress off you and never leave this room" she tells me whilst looking into my soul and I gulp and I feel the heat in my cheeks and in between my legs." I have to finish getting ready" Demi says and places a soft kiss on my forehead and turns to finish getting ready. 

We enter the restaurant and get greeted by a waiter, Demi tells her about the reservation and the waiter guides as to the back where a private booth is and we sit and the waiter gives us two menu's, one for drinks and the other is for food. Once we order our food and drinks we fall into conversation just about general stuff, it's just nice taking a brake from work and wedding planning and just spending time with my person.

" so what have you got planned for tomorrow?" Demi asked taking a mouthful of her food " I'm meeting my mum and Cathy to get the final touches of my dress done, after that I don't know maybe go for some lunch with my mum" I tell her " ahh, Cathy gets to see the dress before me?" Demi playful pouts making me giggle. We eat our food and drink our bottle of wine, we pay, will Demi insisted on paying, I just roll my eyes at her knowing I wont win the argument because I know how stubborn she is. We get home and the first thing I do is take off my heels, they were aching my feet. Demi has gone in the bathroom and I try to get this dress off but it seems like the zip is stuck. " Dem?" I call out for her " yeah" she says exiting the bathroom just in her underwear. " I-- I'm a little stuck" I chuckle and she rolls her eyes but lets a small chuckle out and I turn my  back to her so she can unzip my dress, as she does so I feel her fingertips gently guide down my spine, sending chills down it. The dress falls into a puddle around my feet and out of nowhere Demi slaps my bum making me yelp in surprise more then anything, I turn to face her and then she tackles me into the bed and climbs on top of me and she starts kissing me. 

I am parking up to meet my mum at the dress shop, I get a text from my mu stating she is here and waiting " I take it your mums here" Cathy laughs " yeah" I roll my eyes, we climb out of the car and walk into the shop where we find my mum sitting on a sofa thing with a glass of champagne. We get greeted by Jane and we talk for a bit " you wanna see the finished product" she smirks " duh" I playfully rolls my eyes " follow me" she chuckles and I follow her into the changing arena and then she grabs my dress and then hands it to me. " let me know when your changed and I will come in and check it before we show you off" she tells me and I nod and get changed. There's moment where I look into the mirror and see myself standing their in the dress and I feel all the emotions at once. After I gather myself, I call for Jane to come in and she does her final checks " ready" she smiles and I nod and she opens the curtain. I look at my mum and Cathy and they are both wiping their eyes, I roll mine at them " well?" I ask feeling a bit anxious " baby, you look so beautiful" my mum cries " absolutely stunning, if Ripley doesn't marry you, I will" Cathy chuckles, making us all chuckle, Jane does some more checks and makes sure I am happy with the dress, which I am we leave the shop. 

Cathy goes home and I drive me and my mum into town for some lunch, it's nice to spend some time with her as I haven't been able to lately with traveling with work and Demi and then planning the wedding, I have missed her. After lunch I drive my mum home and then I stay at my parents for a while, spending time with my dad as well as I really missed him too. I drive home and Demi is sitting on the sofa on her phone " hey" I say walking in " hey, beautiful how was your day" she asked as I sit down next to her " yeah it was good, it felt good seeing my parents" I smile at her and then rest my head on her lap and she naturally plays with my blonde hair. " that's good, how was the dressed, everything okay with that?" she asked looking down at me " yeah, mum and Cathy cried when they saw me" I chuckle at the memory and Demi chuckles. We stay like this for most of the evening then we take the dogs out, shower and get into bed. 

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