final part

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It's been a year and a half since the birth of our children, even though I am exhausted, being a mother is the thing that has happened to me. Marring Demi comes a very close second but their is just an indescribable feeling I get when my children smiles at me, hugs me and looks at me with so much love.

I wake up to the sound of my babies laughing and then Demi laughing and I think it's the best sound in the world. I climb out of bed and walking into the kitchen to find Demi sitting on a stool, making funny faces with Rose and Luis as they eat, or try to eat as they are making a mess as they are laughing at Demi. 

I walk through to the kitchen " hey" Demi smiles " morning, why didn't you wake me?" I ask " your tired and I though you could of done with a rest" Demi shrugs " I appreciate it but your back to work today, you need rest too" I tell her. Today is the royal rumble and it is Demi's big in ring return. Demi will be entering at number 30 and no one apart from TJD and Cathy know but every time I go on social media fans are predicting it is Demi at number 30 and is winning the rumble. " it's fine babe, I have been resting for a while now. I can't wait to get back into the ring." she smiles. " and we can't wait to watch you back in the ring, dominating the women's division once again" I say kissing her cheek and she smiles. " go and get ready, I will take over" I say and she nods and kisses the twins forehead and leaves. 

Demi drives as to the arena and then parks in the wrestlers parking lot, we exit the car and Demi gets the bags out of the trunk as I get the twins " you going to be okay from here?" she asked " yeah, we'll be fine" I tell her and she nods and kisses us goodbye, put her hood up so no one spots her and she runs off to the judgment day locker room and I make my way to Cathy's locker room.

The clock starts counting down from 10 seconds and the crowd starts counting down, getting excited. 

Michael Cole: Corey who could it be, who is number 30

Corey graves: I don't know Cole but I'm sure as hell excited about this one" 


" oh my god Cole, MAMI is back!!" Corey shouts excitedly 

The crowd becomes unglued, like this has got to be the louds pop I have ever heard, I watch as Demi walks out and she does her stomp and she looks around the crowd and you can see the water in her eyes. Demi blinks them away and then enters the ring. She circles Becky and Bianca and they look so shocked and like they have seen a ghost. They fight for a good ten minutes and then Demi eliminates Becky and now it's just her and Demi. They start fighting and try to eliminate each other. They are both on the outside of the ring apron and they fight, Bianca tries using her long braid to hit Demi, Demi catches it and uses to to her advantage and pulls it, Bianca goes head first into the ring post and then Demi manages to riptide her off the apron and on to the floor. 

HERE IS YOUR WINNER OF THE WOMEN'S ROYAL RUMBLE, RHEAAAAAA RIPPPPLEY" Samantha announces. Demi climbs on the turnbuckle and does her famous Rhea Ripley wave to the WrestleMania sign and then the pyro goes off. 

Me and Cathy make our way to gorilla and wait for Demi, I hug and congratulate Bianca as Demi walks through and I hug and congratulate her and the we make our way to the Judgment day locker room. We all say hello to everyone and as Damian says hello to Luis he starts crying, Luiz is a bit scare from Damian which is ironic considering his named after him. " Hola, princesa" he smiles has he holds her. Rose just stares at Damian in awe and smiles and she doesn't like JD and me and Demi find that hilarious. We chill with the judgment day for a bit and then the twins start getting tired and restless so we and Demi say good bye to the guys and Demi drives us home.

I get out of the shower and get changed into to a long top that comes down to my thighs, I walk to go into the twins room to give the a final check before I go to sleep and I stop in my tracks when I see that Demi is siting between both beds, reading them a story and I lean on the door frame and listen to her. After she finishes she puts the book back and then leans over each bed and kisses the kids goodnight and I can't help but smile. Demi looks up and notice me there " what?, why are you looking at me like that" she asked walking towards me. " watching you be a mother makes me fall in love with you even more" I tell her, " is take so" she raises an eye brow and then pulls me closer to her by my hips " yup" I simply say getting lost in her blue eyes. Demi places a kiss on my lips and I deepen the kiss and Demi picks me up and I wrap my legs around her and she carries me into the bedroom, she lays me on the bed and  hovers over me not braking the kiss. Demi removes my top in one swift move and then we hear an all familiar sound of a baby crying. Demi sighs and reaches over to the screen we can see the babies room and we see Luiz standing in his cot, crying and Rose is just standing there watching him. " I'll go and see to him, we will finish this later" she says with a wink and leaves.

I couldn't help but chuckle because this is my life now, two kids and a wife and I wouldn't have it any other way. When I applied for that petter sitting job I would have never thought that it would change my life this much, never did I think I would be apart of an affair but no I do not regret it, I wouldn't of be where I am now,  married to the love of my life with two beautiful, healthy babies. I just hope Luke can tell how happy I am with life and is looking down at me smiling, God I miss that kid, I just hope his proud and I know he would of loved Rose and Luis with his whole being.     


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