Part 23

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It's been a week since I walked out on Demi, It's been hard, I barely ate or slept, the pain in my heart won't go away either and I think I cried all the water my body hold. I've been applying for jobs to keep my distracted but it only helps a bit. 

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear a knock on my door. I get of the sofa and open it " hey" I smile. " hey princesa" Damian smiles. I move a side so he can walk in. " I get some more of your stuff" he smiles lifting up a duffle bag. " thank you" I chuckle. " this place is pretty cosy" he says walking in and looking around. " thanks" I say placing the duffle bag on the sofa. " how have you been?" Damian asked sitting on the sofa " alright, I guess." I shrug " we miss you on tour" he smiles " I miss it too" I chuckle a little.   " how's Demi?" I ask, I don't really want to know but I kinda want to know if she's hurting like me. " you really want to know?" he asked with an raised eye brow " yeah" I simply say " she's not good Raya, all tour she never spoke to anyone, even us. Rhea would do what she would have to do and then go straight to her bunk, some nights I hear her crying. I finally got her to talk after she nearly killed herself at the gym. Raya, she says that the video is old and she never done it or even seen or spoken to Matt and I have to admit, I believe her" he explains. I look into his brown eyes and they are full of truth and I sigh. " I don't know Luis, the file information stated that it was a few weeks ago, Luis I told her I loved her and she said it back, whilst fucking him" I raise my voice a bit in anger. " she does love you and I know she wouldn't cheat on you" he says trying to make me feel better. " she loved matt and she cheated on him, what makes me so different?. Could you say that she wouldn't of cheated on him when they were together?" I ask " no, I didn't see Rhea cheating on Buddy coming, but honestly speaking, I knew that they wouldn't last forever. Now, when I watch you with Rhea, from the start when I met you at that bar, I saw the connection, we all did and I saw how much she loves you and I know you guys are meant to be" he tells me and Damian leans and wipes away a tear. " I believe her, talk to her" he whispers " I'll think about it" I say and he nods " I have to go now, I got to catch a plane. Do you need anything?" Damian asks as he stands up " I'm good, thank you" I smile up at him. " how are you paying for this?" he asked " I had some savings" I tell him and he nods. Damian pulls out his wallet from his back pocket of his black jeans and pulls out some cash and sets it on the table. " Dam, what are you doing?" I asked in shock " helping out a friend" he smiles " Damian, I can't accept this" I say picking up the cash and try and give it back to him. " Saraya, let me help you, you are in a hotel with no income, how are you going to pay for it, why are you not going back to your parents" he asked looking sad " I can't deal with my mothers I told you so" I huff and he chuckles a bit. " so take the extra cash, it will buy you a few weeks if needed" he says opening the door. " thank you, Damian, for everything" I hug him and he returns my hug and leaves. 

I decided to go to my parents for dinner and a catch up. it's a bit awkward between my mum and me but we are working  on it. 

" no Demi" my mum asked as she lays the plates down " oh, ermm, no" I say " you know she's welcome right?" my mum says smiling " thanks, she's away with WWE at the moment" I explain with a little white lie. We eat our dinner and then go into the lounge area to watch a movie. It was good to see my family, it feels like I haven't seen them for ages and I got to meet Luke's girlfriend, Sam, she's cute, sweet and funny. 

I get back into my hotel, I take a shower and change into some comfy clothes, I put on the tv and watch some American Dad and scroll through my phone and I see Cathy has made a TikTok with Demi, even though Demi is laughing I can tell she's tired, she look exhausted and her dark but also bright blue eyes aren't sparkling the way they used too. Seeing her so sad makes me even more upset but I don't know who to believe, Matt? or his he out for revenge, Demi? or is she really playing the both of us or is she telling the truth and hasn't actually seen him, and then there's Damian, do I believe him or is he just saying what he said because she's his friend, or has she told him to say all of that to try and win me over? 

I really don't know who to believe or trust at the moment and my head starts spinning and I just lay down on my bed and cry myself to sleep, yet again. 

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