Part 49

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I have gotten a handful of messages asking what happened to Luke, so I thought in this chapter I would go into detail about what really happened. This chapter may cause distress and may be upsetting to I am just giving you guys a warning now. I hope you enjoy and I hope it answers all your questions.

Luke's POV

"School's dead man" I complain to my friend Sam sitting next to me in maths class " I say we bunk the rest of the day" he smirks at me " aright, clam message the others to meet us at the bench" I tell him, Sam nods and gets his phone out and starts typing. 

The bell rings to indicate that the lesson has finished and he make our way to the bench to meet the others. On arrival I see Jo, Cal and Ethan already sitting there " what's up" I say fist bumping them. " yo, look what I got" Jo chuckles and goes in his pocket and pulls out a joint " fam, you brought that to school" I chuckle " say less" Cal laughs and Jo lights it up and we all smoke it. 

" oi, Luke I swear that yute was the one to tried moving to you at Rihanna's party" Sam calls out, I look up from my phone and see the guy who tried rushing me at a party a week ago. " fam, it is " I say putting my phone in my pocket. " come we pay him a likkle visit, init" Jo says " say less" I say and get up from the bench. We job up behind this guy " yo" I call out, this guy turns around and as he spins I punch him, he falls to the floor and I stamp on his a few times. " oi, Luke Mrs. Smith is coming" Sam says pushing me away, we all run, laughing and we find a place to hide and chill for a bit. 

We walk back to the bench and sit and chill some more when we see our head teacher coming towards us, we all run and go our separate ways. I run down the Spanish corridor and slow down a bit to catch my breath. I reach the end of the corridor and see a group of boys with the guy I just beat up, they turn and see me and run towards me " oh fuck"  I thought as I turn on my heels and start running. I reach the exit and then see another teacher "  for fuck sake" I thought I run and fine a fence and jump over it as the boys try and grab me, I kick one of them in the face and climb down and start running with a few others after me.  I turn a corner and look back to see it's clear, I sit for a bit catching my breath and then I notice that I was close to home so I start to walk home.

I'm walking home and I'm about half way through my journey when I hear my name being called, I turn to see the group of boys "fuck" I start running again. As I'm running I felt something hit me, I fall and then feel kicks and punches all over my body " do it, fam" I heard one of them say " do it,  bruh" I hear another shout and then I feel multiple sharp sensations on my stomach and then I see the boys run away.

 I try and get up and I stumble to my house, I manage to unlock the door and I crawl to the lounge area. I go and pick up the house phone but it falls and I don't have the strength to pick it up, I move and just collapse to the floor, I roll on my back to ease the pains of the stab wounds.

I'm laying just praying and begging for some help as I feel light headed and breathing is getting harder. I hear my sister call out and I try and say something to get her attention but nothing comes outs. Saraya finally walks into the lounge and finds me, she cries and holds me " it's okay, Luke I'm going to get help" she cried and I faintly hear her on the phone. 

Saraya is just holding me crying and telling me it's going to be okay but the room is getting smaller and breathing is getting even more harder, I try and tell her how much I love her and for her to tell my parents how much I love them but nothing is coming out. 

The last thing I hear is the screams of Saraya and her sobbing as she clutches on to me as I stop breathing and everything goes dark.     

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