Part 10

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Demi's/ Rhea's pov

It's been a week since me and Saraya kiss and then she stormed out of my house, she wouldn't stop or come back no matter how much I called her back, she hasn't replied to my texts or calls either, I just hope she's okay. I just want to hold her and tell her everything will be fine and I need to tell her how I feel and I just miss her in general. 

Me and the rest of the judgment day are on a tour bus driving to the next town, I'm in my buck getting restless at I find myself scrolling through Saraya's Instagram page. Felling fed up I climb out of my bunk and go into the lounge area. I jump when I push the door open and see Damian sitting on the sofa " fucking hell Luis, you made me jump" I chuckle. " I can't remember the last time you called me Luis" he chuckles " right, I don't know where that came from" I say sitting on the sofa " you alright?" he asked taking off his glasses and putting his book down. " yeah" I smile at him " don't lie to me Rhea" Damian simply says, it's not that I don't want to talk to him about it, it's just I don't even know where to start. " I'm not lying" I shrug " the not eating, the lack of sleep and engaging with us, the sadness in your eyes when you stare at your phone. And I'm meant to believe your fine" he says looking at me with concern in his big brown eyes. I sigh and look down at my hands " what is it Dem's?, did you and Matt have a argument?" he asked scooting closer and wrapping his huge comforting arm around me. " no" I shake my head. " Dem's please talk to me" he sadly pleads. I take a deep breath " me and Saraya kissed" I tell him not being able to look at Damian " your pet sitter?" he questions and I nod yes. " I knew it" he chuckles and I snap my head up to look at with with a frown " what do you mean?" I ask " I saw how you guys were at the bar, the way you was holding her cheek, the way you both looked at each other. I knew something has or will happen" he explains " it was the day after we went to the bar, we was watching RAW and we was talking about Rhea's sexuality and I just couldn't help myself, I just wanted to kiss her and when we did kiss it just felt right and everything in me lit up, nothing as made me light up like that before. Don't get me wrong I love Matt, but ever since the day I met Raya I just have been gravitated towards her." I explain to him and Damian nods to show his listening and understands. " so what are you doing to do?" he asked " I don't know" I shrug " I think you should talk to both of them, express how you feel and go from there" he says " she wont reply to me and I don't want to talk to Matt about it without talking to her first" I explain and Damian nods " I'm sure she will come too" he smiles and I nod. " thanks Luis" I hug him, he returns my hug " if you call me Luis again, I will south of heaven you" he chuckles " night Priest" I wink at him " night Demi" he smiles and I climb back into my bunk. I put in my airpod's in and press the shuffle button on Spotify and the first song that comes on is Paramore, my heart. I lay back and listen to the lyrics Hayley Williams is singing, This heart, it beats, beats for only you, my heart is yours. Before I know it, I feel tears streaming down my cheeks. 

After a shit night sleep the buzz of my phone's alarm wakes me, I stretch and climb out of bunk. "MAMMIII" I hear then I'm engulfed in a hug by Dom " morning Dom" I chuckle and hug him back " morning guys" I smile as I sit down on the sofa " what's on the cards today?" Fin asked sipping his coffee " we got gym then sparing, lunch then we have to make our way to Raw and then after Raw we are free" Dom explains. " so, we have like Tuesday to Sunday off?" I ask. Dom looks at his phone " looks like it" he shrugs. I grab my phone and start to text. 

" raya, I will be home tuesday and not going back to work until sunday, please if your available i really want and need to speak to you.  about everything, and i really miss you, please?

I send it in no hopes of hearing back, I get ready to head to the gym with the guys. I'm at back with Damian and Dom is in front with Fin who is driving. My phone vibrates on my lap and I pick it up and see a text I have been waiting for. 

Ray-Ray🐶🐕: sorry demi i needed time to think about everything. i miss you too and want to see you. i can come wednesday if your free 

I reply saying that I am free, I show Damian and he smiles and winks at me. We reach the gym and work out for 3 hours before doing some sparring and then eating and heading for Raw. 

We reach Raw and we walk in being surrounded by paparazzi and fans, I stop and take some pictures and sign some stuff then head for the arena. I get my makeup done and get changed into jeans, a dirty Dom crop top and purple trainers and leave my hair down. We don't have much to do tonight, I'm just going to watch as Dom, Fin and Damian lay out Seth Rollins. 

After Raw I head home and get greeted by the dogs and Matt " hey baby" he hugs me " hi" I smile. I go to the bedroom and unpack. Matt comes from behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and starts kissing my neck, normally that gets me going but after the kiss, if it isn't Saraya's lips nothing works. Me and Matt tried to do it before I left but it just didn't work, well for me anyways. " babe, I'm tired from traveling" I say, Matt stops " babe, what's going on?" he asked sitting on the bed " nothing" I shrug " nothing?" he repeats and I nod and shrug again before continuing to unpack " Demi, will you talk to me?" he pleads " what do you want to talk about" I frown " you have been off since I came back last week, what's wrong" he asked " period pains" I lie. Luckily he doesn't question it, he just nods and walks out of the room. I sigh, I hate lying to him, I have too much love for him, I come to the realisation that I'm just not in love with him anymore. I wipe away a tear slipping down my cheek and climb into bed, I close my eyes and fill Matt get in next to me, he snuggles up to me and I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes again and think about what to say when I see Saraya Wednesday.   


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