Part 55

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I wake up and the bus is quiet so it looks like I am awake before Cathy, I climb out of my bunk and everything is still pitch black. I grab my phone and see its only 05:48am great I think to myself as I switch the kettle on and make myself a cup of coffee. I lay on the sofa, scroll through my phone and drink my drink, I share some fan art and edit of me and Demi and even tag her in some. I lay my phone on the coffee table and then switch the tv on but lower the volume so it doesn't wake up Cathy.

I must of fell asleep as I wake up and I have a blanket on me. " morning sleeping beauty" Cathy giggles " morning" I smile and stretch. " why did you sleep out here?" she asked " oh I woke up at like 6ish and I must of nodded off" I explain and she just nods and carries on scrolling through her phone. I get up and shower and get dressed, today is a travel on the bus day so we are just chilling, watching movies and playing board games. 

" what you giggling at" I ask as I hear Cathy laugh at something on her phone " this" she says as she hands me her phone, I look and its a fan art drawing of Demi dressed in her police outfit she wore at Halloween Havoc and they drew Cathy next her her handcuffed " oh wow" I say " Rhea looks far to comfortable with the handcuffs" Cathy laughs " she knows her way around a pair of handcuffs" I wink and Cathy laughs. 

I go on the Instagram page if the artist and see that Cathy has already liked and commented on the picture says:

@ cathykelly: soooo did we all have this collective dream? 😂

@ sarayacambell: I think they drew the wrong person in the handcuffs 🙃@cathykelly @rhearipleywwe 

@rhearipleywwe: @sarayacambell pipe down

Me and Cathy laugh at our comments and the decide on a movie to watch and then we curl up on the sofa. 

This tour is moving fast and I am okay with that, we are half way through now and although I love Cathy and I am having the best time on tour with her, I miss home, I miss our fur babies and I miss Demi. 

We step out of the bus to go to the arena and their are some fans waiting outside the building which isn't surprising, I love how passionate the WWE universe are. what surprises me is that some fans are calling for me wanted autographs and photo's with me, which I am happy do oblige. 

I do Cathy's make up and help out with picking out a outfit for tonight's show. As Cathy does her interviews backstage, I go on Instagram and go through all the stuff I am tagged in, some are edits of me and Demi, edits of me and Cathy, some fan pictures from outside and I share pretty much all of them, then I get a text from Demi.

Demi 🖤: look at you getting all the attention 🥹😂xx

Me: i know right its like im dating someone famous, idk  🤷‍♀️xx

Demi: i wonder who that is... xx

Me: cathy kelly, you might if heard of her shes a really cute wwe backstage interviewer xx

Demi🖤: ah yes i have heard of her she is pretty cute... xx

Me: she is.. xx

Demi: I have to go tjd has a segment in the ring and fin is moaning at me 😂😂i will call you later. i miss you and love you💜xx

Me: okay I miss and love you too xx

   Me and Cathy go to a restaurant for dinner after the show and then we get on the bus for another evening of traveling. 

I spend the evening on facetime to Demi and apart of me is satisfied that I get to talk and see Demi through my phone but at the same time it just makes me miss her even more because I can't touch her, hug her, be wrapped in her strong, comforting arms.  

We are now on the last stretch of the European tour and I will get to see Demi soon and I am so excited. I will meet her at survivor series as our timing home are different.  

" I'm so ready to go home now" Cathy says slumping on the sofa next to me " I feel that" I chuckle.  " like don't get me wrong I love what I do and I love seeing the world but the bus is so annoying" she chuckles " it can be fun though, before I left tjd me and Dom pranked fin " what no way, how?" Cathy laughs and I go on to explain what me and Dom did to Fin and she is crying with laughter " I would of loved to see Fin's face" she says wiping her eyes " it was a picture" I laugh. 

Now mw and Cathy are at the final show of tour and once that finished we get to the bus and start to pack our things up so we can get to the airport on time in the morning.

I go to bed with the excited feeling of seeing Demi and my fur babies in the first time in a month and I honestly can not wait.  


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