Part 30

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Demi just waits for my answer as I think about it. " my family are dying to meet you" she smiles " alright then, I'll come" I smile " yay" Demi cheers and kisses me and I giggle. Demi then books the flights and then calls her mum to let her know we are coming and what dates. I have spoken to Demi's family over the phone and on video calls and me and Calista speak on Instagram from time to time but I have never met them and now it's becoming a reality, the nerves are getting to me already.  

" stop moving" I chuckle as I try and an swipe some black eye liner over Cathy's right eye. Cathy laughs " sorry" she chuckles " so Australia with Rhea huh?" she questions  " yeah" I chuckle " must be serious if your flying all the way there to meet her family" Cathy chuckles " yeah, I mean I love her so" I shrug " aww, cute" she chuckles " can I ask you something?" Cathy asked looking in the mirror, checking her make up " sure" I shrug " do you regret what you did?" she looks at me through the mirror. " erm, I regret hurting two people, but I don't regret getting with Demi. Like I said, I love her and I know she loves me too" I smile at her. " you guys are meant for each other" she smiles " thank you, how do you want your hair?" I ask as she sits back into her chair. " erm, I had to down a lot so maybe up today?" she says it like more of a question then a statement. " okay, lets see" I say. I grab a hair brush and a hair band and get to work on Cathy's hair. 

I am sitting in catering with Cathy, Bray, Bo, Liv, Becky, Seth and their daughter Roux. We are having lunch together and in conversation, laughing and joking sometimes I forget how funny Becky is, I mean this women has me crying with laughter. I see that TJD have walked into catering and me and Demi lock eyes, she smiles at me and walks over to our table. Demi sits next to me and pulls me into a hug. Me and Cathy spend another tweeny minutes with everyone before we had to go as Cathy as an interview with TJD. 

I'm sitting on the side out of camera view, TJD walk down the hall celebrating their win and Cathy walks up to them. " Guys can I get a quick word?" she asked, they stop " hi Cathy" Damian smiles " guys congratulations on your win tonight, how are you guys feeling? it seems like you guys are on the same page after all " she smiles  " it feels good, we kept telling everyone that the judgement day runs all of wwe and now they will believe us, plus I'm a grand slam champ now, so I feel amazing" Fin laughs " Rhea, you have Raquel next in the main event with Dom being barred from right side, How are you feeling?" Cathy asked Demi and Demi just smirks at her " I'm feeling confident, I have beaten that big bitch already, my boys just won proving again why the judgement day is the most dominate faction of wwe and tonight Raquel will find out that Mami is always on top" she winks at Cathy. " let's go and celebrate" Dom says " can I come?" Cathy asked " no" Dom snaps as he walks past and I laughed, I love watching Cathy with Demi and Dom. 

It's time for the main event and I walk Demi to the gorilla area as Raquel makes her entrance. " good luck, baby" I say leaning up and planting a soft kiss on her black painted lips. " thank you baby. Meet me by the locker room after?" she smiles down at me " sure" I return her smile and with that she disappears behind the curtain. 

The match is what everyone expected it to be, hard hitting and back and forth. I'm sitting with Bray in catering as TJD and Cathy went home as they have nothing else to do. Raquel and Demi are battling for dominance and they fall to the outside, Demi climbs back in and as Raquel does a tall, powerful women comes out of nowhere and Samoan drops Raquel on the outside and it look so painful. Raquel manages to climb back into the ring before the ten count and as she climbs through the ropes, Demi knees her in the face. Demi the sets Raquel for the riptide and folds Raquel up for the three count. The huge lady then climbs into the ring, I caught her name, its Nia Jax. Nia walks up to Demi and Demi just smirks at her, Nia the lifts her arm up in celebration. Nia then turns and headbutts Demi and it looked like it actually connected. Demi falls to the floor dazed and Nia pulls Demi over the ropes and leg drops her. " this seems far too real" I say to Bray and I can see something in his blue eyes that he is even concerned. " Nia then climbs up on the second rope and jumps and lands on Demi, the move actually connects and Demi doesn't move after Nia climbs off her. I jump out of my seat and go and run to Demi " whoa, where you going" Bray asked catching me " Demi is hurt I have to be with her" I start to cry " Raya, we can't do anything" he says with sadness in his voice. I watch as medics hoist Demi onto a stretcher and put an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. Moments later Demi is wheeled to the closest ambulance " Demi" I call after her and Bray pulls me into a hug " let them do what they have to do" Bray whispers and I cry into his chest as I watch the ambulance drive off with my girlfriend.    

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