Part 31

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Bray drives me to the hospital, I run into the hospital and go up to a lady behind a desk " hi, I'm looking for a patient called Demi Bennet" I say. The lady does what she has to do and then looks at me " what are your relations with her" she asked " I'm her girlfriend" I tell her, she nods " name?" she asked " Saraya Campbell" I tell her, she nods again " give me a moment" she says, I nod and she gets out of her chair and goes into the little room at the back and I can see her phoning someone through the window. Moments later she returns " okay, go down the hall turn right after the double doors, keep going until you see a door on your left and there and little intercom on the wall, press that and the doctors will let you in" she explains. I thank her and follow her instructions. 

 I Reach the door and get buzzed in, I open it and is met by the doctor " hi you must be Saraya?" he smiles " I am" I smile back " Demi is in room 147, she's sleeping at the moment as we have gave her some strong pain killers, but you can go in" he smiles again " thank you, what's going on with her?" I ask " we are not one hundred percent sure at this time, I'm sure it's just some broken ribs, when Demi is awake we can do some x-rays to find out for sure" he explains. " okay, thank you" I smile. The doctor gives me and friendly nod and walks off. I find the room to see Demi asleep in the bed, I sit on the chair and what for her to wake up.

I post a few pictures on Instagram, there's a few of me and Demi, a few of the guys from the judgement day and a few of me and Cathy. I captioned it life's been crazy 🖤😜🙃

1,948, Cathykelley, thewindamrotunda, dominik_35 and archeroffinfamy liked your post 


@ cathykelley: love you 😘 @ sarayacampbell: @ cathykelley bro's 4life🥹 

@ archeroffinfamy: mi hermana pequena 🖤  @ sarayacampbell: @ archerofinfamy mi hermano mayor  😘

@ dominik_35: love, my g  @ sarayacampbell: @ dominik_35 my guy 

 I must of fell asleep because I got woken up by some noises, I woke up to find Demi struggling to get out of bed. " you good?" I ask getting up and helping Demi out of the bed " I need the bathroom" she simply says " let me help" I say and I gently wrap my arm around her and help her to the bathroom. After Demi uses the bathroom, the doctors take her for some x-rays. Whilst she's gone I go to the hospital shop and buy a few things like drinks and snacks and then wait for her to return. 

Demi returns and climbs into the hospital bed " how you feeling?" I ask sitting on the edge of the bed, Demi moves up a bit and pads the space to indicate for me to lay next to her. I do so and carefully cuddle up to her " like I have been hit by a bus" she struggles to get out " have they gave you more painkillers" I ask and she just nods yes. Demi rest her head on my chest, I play with her black, soft hair trying to relief the headache she has. 

Me must of fallen asleep again because the Judgement day guys wake us up, we talk for a bit before the doctor comes in to tell us the results of Demi's x-rays. " so I have your results here, Demi, you have a minor concussion and in terms of your ribs, you have three bruised and two that are broken." he explains and me and Demi nod. " how long will I be out of action for?" Demi struggles to speak. " a few weeks, maybe a month it all depends on how your ribs and concussion heals. We will have you in for a follow up appointment in three weeks and then I can be sure of your return date" the doctor explains. " here is a prescription for some painkillers, I have to warn you they are quite strong so avoid driving and activities like that, you may feel sleepy but that's normal" he explains handing Demi a piece of paper. " once the pharmacist gives you your medication, your free to go" the doctor smiles.  

Dom drives us home as Demi's truck is in the car park of the WWE arena, Demi stumbles into the living room and lays on the sofa and turns the tv on, me and Dom go into the kitchen so I can make Demi something easy to eat. " you okay?" Dom asked me " yeah, a little tired and my back hurts from sleeping in that chair but other then that, I'm fine" I smile at him. I make Demi some chicken soup. " do you want some?" I ask Dom as I dish up " nah, I'm good thank you. Me and Marie are going to her parents house for dinner" he smiles and I nod " well, I better be going, call me if you need anything" he says as I walk him to the door " thanks Dom" I say hugging him, he smiles at me and then drives off. I walk back into the kitchen to grab the bowl of soup and walk into the living room " here, I got--" I begin to say but stop when I see Demi curled up on the sofa asleep with Barry and Luna curls up with her. I grab a blanket and put it over them and let them sleep.

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