Part 5

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Saraya's POV

I wake up to Barry sleeping on the pillow next to me and Luna at my feet, I move them so I can use the bathroom. I grab some clothes and go to the bathroom to shower and freshen up. I make my way own into the kitchen, I feed the dogs and go on the hunt for some breakfast for myself.  

Whilst I let the dogs food go down before their walks I decide to get on with some house work so the house is fresh for when Demi and Matt return home. I do the washing up and dust and all the small jobs like that and now all I need to do is hoover and mop the floors. I go and look for the hoover, mop and bucket but can't find them. I look around trying not to go through rooms and cupboard for Demi's and Matt's personal stuff so I decide just to text Demi. 

Me: hey, where is the hoover, mop and bucket?x

I didn't have to wait that long before I got a reply 

Demi: oh shit did i not show you my bad! it's in the big cupboard next to my office x

I read the message and open the cupboard and there they are. 

Me: found them  😂😅x

Demi: cools careful though barry will fight you and the hoover 😂x

Me: he'll probably beat me tbf  😂x

Demi: probably 😂x

I put my phone down on the kitchen counter and get on with the hoovering, as soon as I start the hoover Barry runs into the kitchen from the living room and starting going mental. He starts barking and trying to bite the hoover which is making me laugh. I get my phone and record him, I send the video to Matt and Demi. Matt just sends me laughing faces. 

Demi: asshole dog😂x 

Me: i know right took me half an hour to hoover the kitchen, dinning room and hallway because he keeps biting the pipe 😅🙄x

Demi: lol if he gets too much put him in my room until you finish hoovering x 

Me: its cool, iv only got to do the living room im sure i can manage lol x 

Demi: cools x 

I continue cleaning whist the dogs just chill on the sofa, once I'm done I freshen up and change into some leggings and a hoodie and black and white converses and tie my hair up in a messy blonde bun and get the dogs ready for their walks. I put the dogs in the boot of my car making sure their secure and then get in and drive to a field that is ten minutes away.  

I open the boot and grab the leads that clipped on the dogs collars and let them jump down. We walk further into the field and once I'm sure no one and their dogs are near I let the off the lead  so they can have a decent run around. Barry and Luna are running around, sniffing everything and living their best life. 

an hour and a bit later I decide to take them home as they were getting tired. I drive back and let them in the house, I make sure that they have fresh water and then I go and chill in the living room. I get up Netflix on the tv and decide to watch shit tv. Half way through the show my phone rings and it's Katie facetiming me. 

" hey" I smile 

" hey, baby what you up too" she smiles 

" I'm just chilling, watching tv, what about you?" I ask 

" I'm just chilling, I have work tomorrow" she explains 

"ah that's fair" I chuckle 

" I miss you" she says sweetly and the way she says it makes my heart flatter. 

" I miss you too, I will be home tomorrow at some point" I explain and her face brightens up

I spend the rest of the night on the phone to Katie and then go to sleep.

I wake up to the annoying sounds of my alarm, I turn over and turn of off and sit up to stretch. I roll out of bed and get showered and dressed. I make my way down to the kitchen to have some breakfast and feed the dogs. After doing light house work just to keep the house fresh so Demi and Matt don't have to worry about anything after their long travel home, I take the dogs out for a long walk and get home to pack my bag. 

I'm in the kitchen making Demi and Matt some food in case they were hungry, Not long before the food is done I hear the front door open. I walk to the hall way " hey guys" I smile " hey Ray-Ray" Demi smiles " you guys need help?" I ask as Demi walks down the hallway " nah, Matts got it?" she chuckles. I look behind Demi and Matts waddling through the door with two heavy suitcases " alright ray? he sighs putting the cases down " yeah, how was your flight?" I ask " it wasn't bad" he shrugs. We all sit in the kitchen and Buddy and Demi are saying hello to the dogs  " oh guys, I have made some food for you guys if ya hungry" I say sitting on a stool. " oh you diamond" Matt says grabbing a plate of chicken and salad I prepared for them " looks good" Demi smiles as she grabs a plate and sits next to Matt. They eat as I grab my bag " oh you leaving already?" Demi asked " yeah, girlfriend is growing impatient and is missing me too much" I roll my eyes and chuckle and Matt chuckles and Demi and looks sad for a second then shakes it off. " well thank you for everything" Demi says and stands up and pulls me into a hug and I get these butterflies and my skin fills of electricity, I think Demi felt it too because she just stare at me for a second. " you're welcome" I smile. Matt then pulls me into a bear hug and says thanks and I leave wonder why I felt the way I did  then Demi hugged me.  

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