Part 62

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I'm a few months into my pregnancy now, me and Demi found out a few weeks ago that we are having twins, a boy and a girl, cliché I know but that's how it worked out. We told our parents once we got over the 12 week safety mark, obviously they are over the moon and happy for us and are every excited about becoming grandparents. Work has been the same but Cathy will stress about me standing for to long or doing something for a long period of time even though I would tell her I am fine. 

I'm sitting in Cathy's locker room sitting on the sofa next to her and she places her hand on my growing bump " so how did it work?"? Cathy asked " they basically put a bag of sperm in you and release it and hope for the best" I give he the more simple run down on the IVF treatment, and she laughs " that simple?" she asked " I mean, its the easiest way to put it" I chuckle '" that's fair, oh by the way I only have one more interview and then we are done" she smiles at me " thank god, my feet are killing me" I moan " let me" she says and Cathy grabs me feet and places them on her lap " what are you doing?" I asked confused but chuckle. " helping" she chuckles and she takes my converse off and starts rubbing my feet " do you know how much I love you right now" I chuckle. 

I watch from the side lines as Cathy interviews the Miz and I just chuckle internally every time I see the Miz now because I know back at my in laws there's a life sized cut out of the man in my wife's wardrobe. I do love watching the Miz and I personally think he so underrated. After the interview I stay and talk Mike for a bit and then head for TJD locker room

 I give the door a little tap and JD opens the door " hey" I smile at him " welcome" he smiles and steps aside, I walk in " my god you have gotten fat" Dom laughs " thanks, dick" I flip him off but laugh because I know his only joking. " here princesa, sit here" Damian says stand up from the sofa " such a gentleman" I smile at him and then turn to Dom and look at him sternly and he flips me off and we all laugh.  " raw has finished guys what's the plan, we all going home or does anyone wanna get some food?" Fin asked " I'm down for some food" Dom says and Damian and JD agree and Demi looks at me. " what you feeling up too" she asked " I'm starving" I chuckle and Demi rolls her eyes and laughs " can we get mac n cheese" I ask. I have got my first craving and yes it's mac n cheese "where can we even get mc n cheese from" JD asked " Nando's" Fin shrugs " Nando's mac n cheese" I say a little to excitedly and everyone laughs and then we make our way to the closest Nando's. 

'We get home and then I get changed into something more comfy and then curl up on the sofa, work is starting to knacker me out and by the time I get home I have no energy left. I get a blanket and put it over me and then Barry jumps up and lays in between my legs and up his head on my bump " you're going to be the best big brother" I say stroking his head and he just wags his tail. 

I must of fell asleep because I have up to Demi carrying me to the bedroom, Demi notice I'm now awake and smiles down at me, I return her smile and then cuddle up to her by putting my face into the crock of her neck. I feel her lower me on to the bed and I turn on my side and close my eyes as I wait for Demi to shower and get changed, she walks out of the en-suite in just a sport bra and some sport shots and no matter how many times I see this site, my jaw still drops and what makes this so special is that she's putting her engagement ring and wedding ring back on. Demi climbs into bed and cuddles up to me, she plants a small kiss on my cheek and I smile and then she puts her hand on my bump and the babies start kicking, we both chuckle and Demi leans down and blows a raspberry on my belly and it feels like the babies are doing backflips. " oh my god" I laugh" my crazy little moshers" she chuckles " I can't wait to meet you both. I love you both" she says and kisses my belly. " they love their mama too" I smile and she looks at me for a second " I'm so scared, Raya" she says " me too but we will be fine, we have each other and our families and friends to help us if needed" I tell her " I'm scared that I wont be good enough for them, for you" she says not being able to make eye contact. I lift her chin up so she has to look at me and I see sadness in her deep dark blue eyes " Demi, you will be the best mama, okay? the kids will love you, I love you, okay?" I tell her and she just nods " I love you three with all my heart" she has as she cuddles up to me with her head on chest and a protective arm around me and the bump and we fall sleep. 

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