Part 32

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It's been two weeks since Demi broke her ribs or should I say Nia did, Demi has spent most of the time in bed or relaxing on the sofa watching tv and I have taken time off work to help and support Demi. Demi has been very low and down, she tries to shrug it off and say it happens in wrestling, but I know she's pissed, gets frustrated at the small things when she can't do them and then snap at me for trying to help, she's missing everyone at the WWE and she keeps talking about her family so I know she's messing them to.

Demi is feeling better, she's able to do light work outs and she's now about to do everything for herself. Now that Demi is feeling better I thought it would e a good idea to host a little get together, just the judgement day, Marie, Vero and Cathy. Cathy is already here just talking to Demi as I shower and get dressed, Demi thinks that Cathy is just here to check in but what she doesn't know is that the others will be here soon. 

I'm sat next to Demi and there's knock on the door, " I'll get it" Cathy says jumping up off the sofa. " Cathy!" we hear in a thick Australian accent. I look at Demi and she has a confused look on her face " where's my baby" I hear a women say and I look at Demi again and her eyes widen and she jumps up as Cathy and two blonde women and a man walk into the living room " mum?" Demi says in shock, I watch as Demi tears up hugging her family " what are you guys doing here" Demi asked her mum " well, we was worried and we spoke to Raya and she invited us over" her mum smiles and Demi turns and looks at me, I smile at her but I see annoyance in her dark blue eyes, I look at Calista to see if she saw it too and she gives me a hug " she doesn't like surprises" she whispers " Raya, how are you darling" Demi's mum pulls me into a hug 2 hey Anna" I hug her back and then I hug Demi's dad Peter and Demi storms off into the garden " we will go and unpack " Anna says as she watches Demi " I will show them their rooms" Cathy says nodding towards Demi, indicating I should go and talk to her. 

I walk up to Demi so is now sitting down on one of the loungers throwing a frisbee for Barry to chase after. " you okay?" I ask sitting next to her " I'm fine" she says not even looking at me. " why are you mad?" I ask her " I'm not" she simply states.  I sigh " look, I'm sorry if I upset you but have to admit, you haven't been yourself have you?. I know you have been injured but I talking mentally too, everyone was texting me and ringing me, Demi. They were all worried and we all care and love you Dems and Calista was messaging me asking how you were and when I told them your mum was super worried and I invited them to see you. I thought I was doing something you would like, to make you feel better. I didn't mean to upset you" I explain sadly. Demi looks at me as I talk and her eyes go soft and full of guilt. Demi pulls me in for a hug, I lay my head on her chest and she kisses the top of my head. " I'm sorry Raya, I love what you have done, I'm actually quite speechless. No one has ever arranged my family to surprise me. I don't mean to be ungrateful or unappreciative, I am, it was just a shock and I just don't do well with surprises" she lets out a small chuckle I move so I ca look into her eyes again, " I get that" I smile at her. " thank you" she smiles and kisses me softly "  I really do appreciate what you have done, I love you so much" she starts planting small kisses over my face, making me laugh. " I love you too" I laugh. " come, let's go and see your family" I stand up and stretch my hand out, Demi smiles, nods and takes my hand and we walk back to the now packed house. 

We spend the rest of the night with Demi's friends and family, I watch Dem for a moment and I can see her smile is back, the sparkle in her dark blue eyes are back and she's laughing and this time it seems real, not fake like they have been for the past few weeks. " hey princesa, how are you doing?" Damian smiles at me " I'm alright, you?" I smile up at him. " good, how Rhea getting on?" he says eyeing her " I think she's good" I tell him " hopefully, I mean she's really good at hiding when she's not but I don't know when she's with you she's able to be more open and honest with stuff so, if you think she's good then I'm happy" he smiles " she's starting to learn she doesn't have to be strong all the time around me, she says I make her a marshmallow" I chuckle and he chuckles.

People start to leave and Anna, Peter and Calista go to their rooms and me and Demi go to ours. We do our nightly routine a little drunk but we manage, we climb into bed and without warning Demi manoeuvres us so now she's on top of me. " careful with your ribs" I laugh and she rolls her eyes at me and kiss me roughly and then moves down to my neck. " babe, your family are literally in  the next room" I try my best to let her know how much she's effecting me right now. Demi stops and grabs something, " bite on to this" she says playing throwing a pillow onto my face, I laugh and move it " I'm not---- oh fuck" I moan as I feel Demi's finger work there magic and I have to bite the pillow after all. 

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