Part 47

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 We say goodbye to Anna, Peter and Calista and grab our bags and head into the airport, we check the board to see what gate we needed to find for our plane. Once we found our gate number we find a costa and get a coffee and a little snack and sitting in the waiting section for our plane.

We get home and Demi opens the door and a hyper, excited Barry and Luna, we set our bags down and get showered and changed into something more comfortable. I get our cases to sort out the " babe what you doing" Demi asked coming out of the bedroom " getting these done and out of way"  I explain  " why don't you just leave it until tomorrow and I will help you, I'm just too tired right now" she says sitting on the sofa cuddling Luna. I just nod and sit next to her and Barry jumps up on the sofa and snuggles up to me, we put the tv on and relax for a bit until bedtime as we are both tired from the long travel home.

Me and Demi stay in bed all morning which was nice because we haven't had a morning like this in the longest time. Around lunch time we finally get up and shower and dressed and we tackle our cases. Once we done that we take Barry and Luna to the dog park, Demi parks up and lets Barry and Luna jump out of the trunk and let them run in front, she takes my hand in hers and we follow the two dogs " feels like we haven't done this in forever" I chuckle a little " I know, I have missed this" she smiles " me too, just being at home, spending time with you" I smile up at the taller women.  Demi just giggles and pulls me closer to her kissing the side on my head. We walk around the park until the dogs get tired and then Demi drives us back home. Once we reach home, we make some dinner and then chill for the rest of the day as we are back to work tomorrow. 

 I'm half way through doing Cathy's makeup and my phone rings " sorry" I say to Cathy as I answer.

" hey" I answer 

" hey, have  you seen your heard of your brother" my dad asked 

" nope, why?" I ask

" we hasn't gone to school and when your mother called him it sounds like he was in a bit of trouble" my dad explains 

" the kid is always in trouble" I chuckle 

" well, his been having trouble with some boys at school and he got into fight today and jumped over the fence. Apparently the boys jumps over as well and going after him and now your mother can't get a hold of him and she's worried." my dad explain 

" well, he hasn't called me, I can check the CCTV on my phone to see if his come to mine but I haven't gotten any notification saying someone knocked" I tell him. I check my phone and nothing has come up

" nope nothing" I tell him

" okay, can you call him or possibly go to our house to check to see if his home" my dad pleads 

" dad, I'm at work. I can just can't leave" I tell

" please Raya, we just don't know what to do" my dad pleads again

" I see what I can do" I sigh 

" thanks, Saraya" my dads say and the phoneline does dead. I go to Paul and tell him the situation and thankfully he understands and lets me go. I jump in my car and drive home.

" Demi, you home" I shout out, Demi doesn't have anything on until later so she had the morning and lunchtime off. I call out again and get no answer meaning she must be out and no sign of Luke either. I jump back into my car and drive to my parents house.

I park up outside my parents house and walk up to the door, I notice that it's slightly opened what the fuck  I thought as I slowly pushed it open more so  can walk in. I call for Luke and I get no answer so I slowly make my way to his room to see if his playing his PlayStation and just didn't hear me because his got his headphones on. I reach his room and knock, I slowly open the door and I find that he is not in there, I sigh and make my way into the kitchen to get to the lounge, as I walk through the kitchen I hear strange noises coming from the lounge. I slowly walk in as I'm feeling kinda spooked right now. 

my eyes widen and my heart drops and shatters when I walk into the lounge

" fuck Luke" I say as I run to him and kneel down next to him


" Luke talk to me, please.. "  beg as the tears start to pour 

" look stay with me" I beg again

" someone help" I shout   

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