Part 15

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I step out of my truck and walk into the WWE RAW arena, I immediately by fans and paparazzi. I stop to take some photos with some fans and then head to my locker room.  I'm about to open the door my phone rings and I can't hide the surprise when I look to see Matt calling me.

" hello?" I answer 

" Demi, I need you to come and get the rest of your stuff by Friday, I'm moving Tuesday" he says getting straight to the point, no hello, how are you, just straight to the fucking point. I sigh 

" Matt , I have no where to put it. Plus I'm not back until Saturday morning." I explain. 

" Look, I think I have been quite reasonable enough considering. Just make sure it's gone by Sunday okay?" he says 

" sure" I say and he puts the phone down.

I open the looker rook and Fin, Dom and Damian are in already. " hola, princesa" Damian smiles as I sit next to him, I just give him a weak smile, he frowns but decides not to push it which I'm grateful for. The man are in conversation but I don't really listen, I'm emailing the guy back about viewing the house, I'm texting Saraya making sure herself and the dogs are okay after her little break down the other day and now I have to google to find a storage place to store my shit until I have somewhere to put it. " earth to Rhea" I hear as Fin clicks his fingers in my face to get my attention. " huh, what?" I ask and the three men just laugh. " are you ready, we're being called" Dom says " oh, yeah I'm ready" I give me a smile and me and Dom leave. Dominik has a title shit for the north American championship against Wes Lee. As Wes is making his entrance Dom puts his hand on me " hey, you alright" he asked and he looks worried " yeah" I lie " you don't have to lie to me Dems, talk to me?" he says and I don't know what it was but the way he said talk to me made me break and before I knew it I was crying on his shoulder. I explained everything to him, from meeting Saraya, cheating on Matt, living in a boxed hotel, Saraya's break down the other day and now that Matt needs my stuff gone. Dom just stood there and listens and wiped away my tears " look, me and Marie have loads of space in the garage bring your stuff and we can put it in there until you find somewhere, you and even crash with us if you need too, why didn't you say anything sooner" he says. " thanks Dom" I smile up at him and our music starts to play. We make our way to the ring, we stand on stage and as the pyro goes off Dominik jumps and I can't help but laugh. We enter the ring and the announcer does their job and then I get out of the ring and watch as the match starts.   

The match is going back and forth but then Wes Lee takes control so I do everything in my power to cause a distraction, I climb up on the ring apron and throw my tittle in the ring so Dom  can get it. The ref catches it " Rhea, if you do something like that again, I'm kicking you out and I will disqualify Dominik" he says " shut your mouth ref, I make the rules here" I snap and snatch my belt from him. later in the match Wes takes control again and this time Fin and Damian run down causing the distraction. The number game was too strong for Wes and it drop kicks Dom and Dom stumbles into a corner, Fin jumps up on to the apron and Wes kicks him off and then pushes Dom to the mat and Damian distracts the ref and I quickly jump on the apron and hit Wes Lee in the head with my belt and he crumbles to the mat. I get down quickly and Dom pins Wes Lee for the three count and wins the north American title. We jump in the ring and celebrate and the crowd are in shocked into silence, the crowd starts booing and cheering as we leave the ring and go back to our locker room. 

We climb into our tour bus and I get a text from Matt;

Dated changed make sure your here Saturday other wise your shits going in the skip 

I sigh and throw my phone across the lounge area and just walk to my bunk, ignoring the questioning looks for the men. 

I don't know how long I stayed just staring at the top of my bunk but it must of been a while because the noise of the three men died down and the bus got dark. There was a small knock on the side of my bunk, I slowly move the curtain back and Dom is standing there " you might want this back" he says with his classic Dom smile. " thanks" I say and take my phone from him " wanna talk about it?" he says " no, I just wanna sleep" I say. Dom just nods and climbs up on the bunk above me. I put my airpods in and play some music and Dom hand drops to my bunk. I know what he's doing. When I feel anxious or not okay, for some reason playing with Dom's rings help. I smile slightly and reach for his hand twisting his black skull ring until I drift off into a sleep. 

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