Part 13

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I wake up and I'm still entangled with Demi's naked body, I gently roll her roll her off me praying I don't wake her up. I get out of dress and put my underwear and one of Demi's tops on and head to the bathroom. 

I make my way to the bathroom then once I have freshened up a bit, I'll wait for Demi to wake up before I shower, I leave the en-suite and see Demi still sleeping, she looks so peaceful, so beautiful. I leave the bedroom and the dogs follow, I make a cup of coffee for myself and for Demi when she wakes up. I open the garden door for the dogs to go out and I join them, I have never been in Demi's garden before. It huge with a swimming pool, a few loungers and chairs and a chair swing that can sit two people, I decide to sit on the swing and drink my coffee whilst scrolling through my social medias. 

" oh your here" I hear a soft Australian voice " I thought I'd play hide and seek" I playfully roll my eyes at her as she walks towards me and sits next to me. We sit in a comfortable silence as we drink our coffees and watch the dogs play around. " you want some breakfast?" she asked " sure" I smile up at her. We stand up and walk back into the kitchen and Demi hunts for something to eat.  

" what shall we do today?" she asked taking our plates to the sink " I don't mind, do you need to rest?" I ask her " not really, I don't have to travel much for a few weeks" she shrugs " oh, okay. Erm, I'm not sure, what do you wanna do?" I ask. Demi walks around the breakfast island, she leans over me and whispers " you". I gulp and she smirks showing Rhea Ripley's confidence. I lean up and kiss her, she picks me up and I wrap my legs around her waist making it easier for her to carry me. Before I knew it I say laid on the sofa with Demi undressing me. I climb on top of Demi and undress her too and I lean down and kiss her. 


I snap my head up 


"Matt?" Demi says. and Matt storms out if the living room, I climb off  Demi and start getting dressed and Demi does the same. " what happens now?" I ask, Demi runs her hand through her clearly stressed. " let me handle Matt, go home, you have to tell Katie now, call me when you have done and we will figure it out from there" she explains and I nod. She stands up and I follow her out of the lounge, " you've got this" she says kissing my forehead. I leave and drive back to my house. 

As I'm nearing home my phone rings and it's Demi. 

" hey" I answer

" how far are you away from home" she gets straight to the point and she sounds kinda stressed 

" about five minutes why?" I asked 

" I don't know what Matt is thinking but he says and I quote " I'm going to make sure Katie knows". He left and I believe his on his way to your house. I tried to stop him but he was too quick and sped off in his car, he has the same one as me so keep an eye out for it" she explains 

" fuck" I say

" look I'm packing my shit right now, I suggest you do the same and I will drive to you and hopefully stop him" She huffs in stress. 

" okay, I guess I will see you soon" I say and the line goes dead, what the fuck is my life right now. what if Matts already there talking to Katie, what is he isn't and I just have to tell my girlfriend I have been cheating on her for over a month and now I'm leaving her because we got caught fucking on her sofa.  

I pull up to my house and look around, there's no sign of Matts car and sigh in relief. I get out and open the front door. " hey baby, your home early" I hear Katie say. Fuck, she's home. " erm, yeah, Demi and Matt came home earlier then expected" I say storming off into the bedroom. I look around for cases " what going on, Ray" I turn and look at her and then there's a bang on the door, FUCK. " who's that" Katie says and walks to open the door. " no kate, don't---" I shout but i was too late and she opens the door " hey, ermm you must be Katie, I'm Matt. I know its a bit weird me turning up like this but I need to talk to you about Saraya" Matt explains. Oh shit! " Saraya, what the fuck is going on?" she turns and looks at me with concern written all over her face. " oh, good your home. This should be interesting" he says " what?" Katie asked. " can I come in?" Matt asked and Katie moved aside and let Matt in. 

" I take it she doesn't know?" Matt asked and I shake my head no. " what don't I know, Saraya what the fuck is going on?" Katie shouts " tell her" Matt eggs me on. " tell me what"? Katie asked and all I could do was just stare at Katie, how she looks terrified and worried " TELL ME WHAT?" Katie shout and I jump a bit. " Matthew, what the fuck are you doing" I hear a familiar voice and I turn my head and see Demi walk through the door that Matt obviously didn't shut properly. " oh, this is too good" Matt chuckles " Demi, Raya can't tell Katie about your little secret, maybe you could help" Matt says evilly. " I swear to god, someone better fucking tell me what is going on" Katie says angerly.  " fine, I will do it" Matt rolls his eyes " you little girlfriend here, HAS BEEN FUCKING MINE!" Matt says the last bit with so much anger and hatred "what?" Katie looks between me and Demi in shock and starts to cry. " please tell me his lying" she cries. " his not" I barely get out and Katie brakes down. " look Katie I just.." Demi starts to speak but gets interrupted but Katie punching her. " Katie, what the fuck" I yell and go to Demi to see if she's alright. " how long" Katie asked " good question" Matt says crossing his arms over his chest  " a little over a month" Demi says " you've been fucking her for a month" Katie shouts " well, technically our first time was last night" Demi shrug, making me chuckle at her. " shut your fucking mouth" Katie snaps " don't talk to her like that" I snap " five year, Raya. FIVE FUCKING YEARS I GAVE TO YOU" she shouts " why?" she asked " again, good question" Matt says " shut up Matt" Demi snaps " I don't know why, I just fall for her" I try my best to explain " how romantic" Matt scoffs. " why Demi, I just want to know why I walked in my house finding the love of me my life fucking someone else on my sofa" Matt sounds so hurt and Demi sighs " I fell out of love with you months ago, I just didn't fully realize it until the first time me and Raya kissed  " get out" she says way too calmly for my liking " pack what you can, I will ask your dad to pick up the rest, I just want you and that piece of shit out of my house" she says pointing to Demi. I just nod and go into the bedroom, find the suitcase I was looking for and just pack what I can. I walk out to find the door open and Demi and Matt are talking, I can't hear what their saying but judging their body language and facial expressions it isn't good.  

As I'm walking to the door Demi notice and grabs a case and puts it in her boot and I put the other one next to it. " hey" I hear Katie and I turn to find her standing by the front door " you know we had that holiday planned next week" she asked " yeah" I say confused on where she was going with this, " well, it isn't happening now is it, so I guess I wont be needing this" she says and throws something at me. I catch it and it's a small red box, I open it and my eyes widen when I see a engagement ring shining in the box. I look at it and then look at Katie. " we was going away for our six year anniversary and on the day I was going to ask you to be my wife. I guess you was to busy between someone's legs to notice" she says and walks in the house and shuts the door leaving me and Demi standing there staring at the door. I look at Demi and she has guilt and every other emotions written on her face, I sigh and put the ring back through the letter box and I climb into Demi's car and we drive off to find a hotel or somewhere to stay. 

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