Part 54

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Today is the day I have to say bye to the judgment day and Demi for three weeks and my heartaches. 

I turn and look over at Demi who is still peacefully sleeping, I cuddle up to her as closely as I can " are you okay?" she giggles  " I'm just really going to miss you" I say sadly, Demi finally opens her eyes to look me and her deep blue eyes are filled with sadness but also love. " I will miss you too" she says as she pulls me closer and closes her eyes and we stay like this before a while.  

Once we feel ready, we get up and shower and then I start packing. Once I finished packing we decide to get some food before the show and then head for the arena. 

 The show was amazing and the judgment days raised as winners once again and then I head to Cathy's bus with Cathy.

" so you just travel by yourself all the time?" I ask sitting on the sofa " no, I normally just join Samantha and Ricochet but as I have you with me now I thought it'll be nice to have our won bus" she smiles " makes since" I laugh. Me and Cathy sit in the lounge area talking and watching tv with a glass of wine before bed and when we wake up we will be in London City.

I wake up in London City but me and Cathy don't have time to visit the city just yet as Cathy has media and then straight to the arena for the show, but we do have tomorrow off so we agreed to walk around the city tomorrow before we leave.

I love watching the live events because there's no real pressure on the WWE superstars and they just get to live their best life with the fans and that's what WWE is all about. I watch as Cathy does some interviews and as she does I scroll through my phone and I see a fan video of Demi and Damian headbanging to Dom's theme song and then Demi drops to her knees and pokes her tongue out to the camera, Ugh this women is unreal and she knows it. " earth to Raya" I hear Cathy laugh . " huh, sorry what?" I laugh " I'm am finished with the interviews, we can go" she informs me and we leave the arena.

We enter the bus and we both immediately change into something more comfortable. Cathy makes us some pasta and a glass of wine for dinner and we eat and talk about random shit and then I clean up our dishes and sit on the sofa with Cathy " so how are things?" Cathy asked sipping her white wine. " yeah things have gotten better" I smile at her " good, how's things with Demi going" she asked with a wiggle of her eye brows which makes me giggle " that women has a choke hold on me" I laugh " she has the whole world in a choke hold" Cathy laughs " tell me about it, but all jokes aside if you want my honest answer, I have never been so in love, so at home with someone" I say smiling into my glass also feeling slightly embarrassed. I finally look at Cathy and she has glassy eyes like she is going to cry " that's so cute" she says " when are you going to put a ring on it" she says doing the Beyonce dance which makes me laugh " I don't know, we have been together for less then a year don't you think it's a bit too soon?" I ask " when is your anniversary?" Cathy asked taking another sip of wine. I look at the date and work it out " I few days after we return from this tour" I tell her and she nods. " do you see you and Rhea getting married?" she asked " yeah of course, I want nothing more then to call her my wife and the mother of my children and I know Demi wants the same" I tell Cathy and the take a big swig of wine " then why wait, if it's both what you want who cares if its a year or 30 years down the line. It's your relationship who cares about what others think, the people around you see how much love there is between you two so if it feels right go for it" she smiles and what Cathy is saying makes sense, I sigh and down the rest of my drink and an idea comes to me. Me and Cathy spend the rest of the night drinking wine and I tell her all about my idea and she loves and agrees with me.

" wake up you lazy prat" Cathy shouts and I groan " go away" I yell back and I hear Cathy laugh, the curtain to my bunk pulls open and the light make my head hurt so I put a pillow over my head to block the lights " look at the state of your girlfriend" I hear her laugh " oh wow, I leave you guys unattended for two minutes and and my Ray-Ray is already dead" I hear a voice and giggle I am all to familiar with and I poke my head out from under the pillow " shut up, perra" I say " that's not nice" I hear Demi say. Cathy crawls in my bunk and I see Demi smile on her screen " such a ray of sunshine" she laughs and I take a good look at her and she's all fresh and her hairs wet like she's just come out of the shower. We spend some time talking to Demi and Dom and Damian popped in to say hi and then I shower and get dress so me and Cathy can explore the streets of London. 

" that's the one" Cathy beams " you think?" I ask, Cathy just nods with excitement " it's so Rhea" she says and I stare at it again and she's right " okay, I'll take it" I say handing it back to the shopkeeper " oh my god" Cathy says jumping up and down and clapping. I pay for Demi gift and leave the shops. Me and Cathy go to visit the big ben the tower bridge and the London eye, we take some photos for Instagram and then we get some food and head back to the bus.      

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