Part 21

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Demi/Rhea POV

I wake up tangled in Saraya's arms, We have the day off today so we are going to explore the town we are in and best of all no alarms. I really need the bathroom but can't get out of my bunk as Saraya's in the way. I lean over and kiss her softly, I feel her smile " hey" she mumbles " I really need a wee" I chuckle, " come back to bed after" she says not even opening her eyes, I chuckle and climb out of the bunk and use the bathroom. Fin and Vero are the only people up, I quickly say morning to them before heading back to my bunk. Saraya has moved to my side of the bunk so I lay in her side on my side facing her, she snuggles up to me and I move some of her blonde hair away from her face and kiss her forehead. "wake up, lazy" I chuckle " no" she matters and I laugh " come on, we got things to do" I laugh " I don't wanna wake up" moans and moves so her back is towards me, I laugh and come up with an idea to wake her up, she doesn't have to wake up, it's just funny to annoy her because she's not a morning person at all . I lean over and rub her back and sides as I kiss her neck, she turns on her back " no here, they will here." she whispers. I chuckle " bite my hand if you need to" I say and cover her mouth with my left hand and with my right, I snake it down her underwear. Saraya moans into my hand and as she starts to shake, she bites my hand, leaving a mark. " you awake now?" I smirk. " shut up" Saraya giggles. I lay back down and she take's my hand in hers " I'm sorry" she chuckles wiping the teeth marks embedded in my hand " no your not" I laugh " yeah, no your right, I'm not" she chuckles. " wanna talk about yesterday" she asked with a soft look in her eyes, I knew this conversation was going to come up. " I was just stressed with everything, the thought of my family disowning me because I'm with another women just got to much, you know?" I tell her "  and have they?" she looks at me worried " oh, no. In fact my sister, Calista is very excited to have a 'girly sister'" I chuckle " in terms of my mum and dad, their a bit mad that we did what we did but as long as I'm happy that's all they care about" I explain, remembering the phone call I had with my family. I see Saraya relax a bit. " that's good then" she smiles. There's a little tap on a our bunk " ladies, you awake?" Fin asked in his thick Irish accent. I pull the curtain to see Fin standing there, " we are" I smile at him " we are booking tickets for the museum, you guys in?" he asked. I look over to Saraya and she nods and smiles. " sure" I shrug " cools, we are leaving in an hour" Fin tells us and goes back into the lounge area. We get ready and head to the museum.

Fin scans our tickets so we can enter the museum, once we enter we get met with the smell of old things and the only sound is the sound of people walking and light conversations. We walk around looking at all the paintings, sculptures and other random things we can find. I take a few pictures and enjoy the time with my best friends and girlfriend. Me and Raya walk around hand in hand. I mean I was pissed at Cathy for accidently outing my relationship with Raya but I can't lie it kinda made it easier and my fans love it, there's always that one or two comments that brings a downer on it and gets to me but the reason of the comments are positive and I love my fans for that.  

After we are done walking around the museum we decide to go for something to eat in a cute little restaurant we found. We walk in and find a booth we can all fit in and start scanning the menu. " what ya getting" I ask Saraya nudging her gently " I'm not sure, maybe the chicken, avocado and jalapenos wrap" she says pointing it out on the menu. " sounds good" I smile at her. we didn't have to wait long before the wait took our orders and brought the food out to us. "so, how does it feel with your relationship being out in the open" Vero asked just making conversation. " feels pretty normal, but know I can show off this gem" I say kissing the side of Saraya's head and she smiles at me. 

We are now back on the bus chilling, watching a movie and eating snacks. " me and Marie are off to bed" Dom yawns and me and Saraya follow suit. We climb into our bunk and get comfy. " what's the plan tomorrow?" Saraya asked as she snuggles up to me. " erm, well I think we are going to the gym and then heading for the next arena. After the show we are free to go home" I explain " oh thank god, I can't wait to get into a normal bed" Raya chuckles " me too" I chuckle " when can we move into our home?" Saraya asked and she leans up to face me. " erm, depending on how late we get back to Dom's but I was thinking to stay at Dom's tomorrow next then move the next day so we have all day to move." I explain to her. " I can't wait" she says placing a kiss on the tip of my nose. " me too" I smile at her. Raya plants a soft kiss on my lips and I kiss her back to deep the kiss. She brakes the kiss and looks into my eyes. She takes a deep breathe and says the words I was going to say to her in the back of my truck. 

" I love you, Demi". 

I just stare at for a second, taken back and my heart is pounding, I feel loved by her and do I love her. 

Of course I do. 

" I love you too" I smile at her.   

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