Part 48

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Demi/ Rhea's POV

I'm in the gym with Dom, Damian and Fin. I running on the treadmill to work on my cardio. The door swings open and Katie, Saraya's ex and some girl walk in, I make eye contact with Katie and she says something to the women with her and they both stare at me, I roll my eyes and carry on with my workout. 

I get off the treadmill and go and sit on the bench to get some water and my phone rings. 

" hey, baby" I answer and I feel Katie's eyes on me 

" can, ca-- can you come to my pa- parent's please" Saraya asked, I can feel something is wrong

"Raya, what's wrong" I ask standing up and grabbing my stuff.

"please, jus--just come" she pleads 

" yeah, I'm on my way" I say and put the phone down 

" Rhea what's up with Raya" Dom asked " I don't know but I'm worried" I say practically running out of gym and jumping in my truck. I pretty much speed to Raya's parents house with the guys following me, I park up and run to the door which is open. I walk in and I see blood drops on the carpet, " Ri, don't go in there" Damian says holding me back " fuck that" I say and I pushed past him and I follow the shoe marks that lead up stairs, I got through every room but don't find anything. " Ri" I hear as I walk through the hallway to the kitchen, I look at Dom and his white as a ghost with this expression on his face that makes my heart sink. I walk past Dom and my eyes widen as I walk into the lounge and see Saraya on the floor holding her brother crying, Luke is covered in blood " what the fuck" I say I walk up them " Raya, what happened" I asked her " I--I don't know, I- I just--just found him" she cries  " Fin call the emergency serveries , Raya you need to call your parents" I tell her and she just looks at me so broken hearted and Fin walks off on the phone, I give Raya my phone and she dials her mum's number into mine and calls her mum, she tells her mum about look as she sobs and I try to be supportive but right now I don't really know what to say or to do.

We didn't have to wait long before the paramedic are walking through the door, they immediately start working on Luke, Saraya just holds on to me as we watch. After like twenty minutes of resuscitating Luke, both paramedics look at each other and nods, the women gets up from the floor and walks up to us. " I'm sorry, we did all we can" she said softly and walks off back to the other paramedic. Saraya just crumbles to the floor, I kneel with her and she just grabs me and just sobs into my chest and I hold her as tight as possible to try and comfort her, I look at the rest of the guys who are just standing there not really knowing what to do as if to say what should I do and they all come and we sit there in a group hug.

As the paramedics are wheeling out Luke's body out of the house and towards the ambulance his parents coming running towards the stretcher. " my baby, what's happened to my baby" Amanda yells and sobs and hugs the black body bag. " ma'am if you could come with us we can explain in the van" the paramedic says, Amanda just nods and climbs back into the ambulance. 

I drive Saraya and her dad to the hospital and meet Amanda in the waiting room. " what's going on" Richard asked " their doing something, I don't really know, they were talking but I didn't really take anything in to be honest, I think their doing the autopsy and then I have to identify the body and then they will tell us what happened" Amanda explains. I sit on the floor to let Raya and her parents have the chairs but then Raya just sits on my lap and curls up and rest her head on my chest and my hand in hers and just twist my rings, I kiss the top of her head and put a comforting arm around her and we just sit and wait for the doctor. 

We wait as Amanda identifies the body and she comes back sobbing which tells us the answer we need. " he was stabbed multiple times and the stab wound to the liver was the one that killed him" Amanda sobs. Amanda and Richard have to do some other stuff which leaves me and Raya alone " you okay, baby" I as, I know its a dumb question but she's just sat there not saying anything and not even crying anymore. Saraya just nods yes and once Amanda and Richard come back we leave the hospital. I drop Amanda and Richard home. I park up and  Amanda moves to get out of the car but  then freezes " I don't think I can go in" she says, I turn to look at her and she just looks beyond heartbroken, they all do. " your more then welcome to come and stay with us" I say and she looks at me for a second " do you mind?" she asked " of course not" I smile and she nods and sits back " I go pack us a bag" Richard says. We wait for Richard to come back and then I drive us to mine and Saraya's house. The dogs go crazy when we went and Saraya smiles a bit as she hugs them, I show Amanda and Richard their room and then we all chill and watch some tv even though they probably ain't taking anything in, we do our nightly routines then get into bed. I climb into bed and Saraya immediately grabs me and pulls me close to her, I wrap a protective arm around her and she manoeuvres herself so now her head is on my stomach and I feel her cry again, I wrap my arm tighter around her and just hold her until we both fall asleep.            

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