Part 61

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I'm going to move this story on quite quickly from now so I just ant to give you guys a heads up.

thank you for all the reads, votes and comments. I appreciate you all

Its been just over a year since marrying Demi and it has been the best year of our lives. The judgement day are stilling going strong, Damian chased in his contract and is now the WWE world heavyweight champion, Dom beat Gunter for the intercontinental championship and Demi is still WWE women's world champion and I still work for/with Cathy. 

I'm currently sitting with Cathy and Dom watching the show, Demi and the rest have gone to do interviews and all that stuff.  I am thinking about some other stuff that is going on, things that only me and Demi know about. It's making me kind of stressed which is not good but Demi has always been there and helped me which I am thankful for. 

"Raya?" I hear Dom chuckle " huh, yeah?" I ask " you alright, you zoned out there" he chuckles " uh, yeah just thinking about something" I smile to try and reinsure him and Cathy and maybe myself.  We go and meet the rest of the guys and as we leave, Cathy stops me and pulls me aside " you okay, honestly?" she asked with worry written all over her face " I'm good" I chuckle " are you sure because you haven't been with it for the past couple of days" she asked " I'm fine Cath, I promise" I smile at her. She smiles and then nods, I hate hiding things from her  but I can't tell anyone right now, Demi hasn't even told Dom yet either.    

 The day is going slow and I feel more and more like shit, I just can't wait to get home and in bed cuddled up to my wife and fur babies.  I'm watching Cathy do interviews with some wrestlers, the interview with Drew was intense and I'm kind of loving the new heel Drew. 

I notice that TJD is in the ring without Demi, Demi is not needed out there so I know she's in the locker room. I reach the locker room and I don't even knock as I know no one else in there. I walk through and Demi looks up from her phone confused " hi" she chuckles " Demi, come with me" I ask her " huh, where we going?" she asked standing up and I lock the locker room door and then pretty much drag her into the toilet. I put my combat trousers down with my underwear and sit on the toilet and dig through my bag. " wasn't the three rounds enough for you last night" Demi laughs at her own joke and I just look at her sternly and she stops laughing " can you tell me what's going on" she says " I'm late" I simply tell her " to wher....... ohhhhhhhh shit" she says as she sees me pull out a box out of my bag. I open it and pee on the stick " do I have to watch you do that" Demi laughs " we're in this together right?" I chuckle " of course but I don't really want to see you pee" she chuckles " I'm done now so stop complaining" I laugh and she rolls her eyes and leaves as I clean up and I leave the stick that will determine our future within a couple of minutes. 

As we wait the door handle goes and the guys are trying to get in " Rhea open the door" Damian shouts banging on the door " shit" I say looking at Demi. " just put it in your bag, don't look at it without me though" she asks walking to the door. I go into the toilet and close the door and I hear the guys walk in " why was the door locked" I hear JD ask " mind ya damn business, that's why" I hear Demi clap back and I couldn't help but chuckle. Demi doesn't like JD after the whole Dom situation and she doesn't hide it. I walk out of the bathroom. " oh hey" Fin says " hey guys" I smile " now I know why the door was locked" JD chuckles " shut up, JD" Dom says and me, Damian and Demi just look at him and he stops laughing. " are we all done?" Demi asked " yeah, I believe so" Dom says. We stay and talk for a bit up all my mind can think of is that stick in my bag. " can we get some chicken tendies" Dom asked. We finally leave the arena  and we get some food with the guys and then Demi is drives us home and I'm just looking at my bag. " it'll be fine okay, no matter the result" she smiles and squeezes my thigh to give me reinsurance and I just nod and smile at her.

We finally reach home and I throw my bag on the sofa and get changed into something more comfortable and wait for Demi. We sit on the sofa together and I get the box out of the bag, I take a deep breath and unbox it again " ready" I ask Demi and she nods and I can feel the anxiousness she's feeling radiate off her. I turn the stick and look at the result and the compare to the box. I look at the box, look at Demi 

"we're going to be mothers" I tell her     

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