Part 56

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Me and Cathy leave the bus as we have reached the arena for survivor series. As we are walking I hear a young voice call my name, I look around as see a little girl who must be around ten  dressed up as Demi smiling at me. I walk over to her and say hello " what's your name sweety?" I ask her " Sarah" she says sweetly " it's lovely to meet you" I smile at her and she engulfs me into a hug. We take a picture " is Rhea here? she asked " erm, I think so let me find out" I say and I walk down a bit and call Demi.

" hey" I hear 

" hey, you here?" I ask 

" yeah, just got here about ten minutes ago" she says 

" there's a little girl dressed up like you, can you come out and see her?" I ask sweetly 

" where?" she asked 

" by the wrestlers entrance" I tell her 

" okay, be five" she tells me and the phoneline goes dead.

I walk back up the Sarah  and her parents, " Rhea will be five minutes" I tell them and Sarah screams in excitement and her parents thank me. We engage in conversation whilst me wait for Demi to come out and we didn't have to wait long. Sarah screams and rans full speed towards Demi and Demi bends down and Sarah jumps on Demi and they laugh. Demi carries her to us and they talk and take pictures. " the judgment day are my all time favourite group" Sarah beams and Demi chuckles " is that so" Demi laughs and Sarah nods " wanna come and meet them?" Demi asked and Sarah's jaw hits the group and she nods "cool, come with me" Demi says extending her hand for the girl to take and she does so, look back at her parents and they smile at her and we all go to the Judgment day's locker room. 

We reach the locker room. " okay, wait here" Demi says and she opens the door and walks into the room. " you guys didn't have to do this" Sarah's mum says " it's nothing" I smile at her and then the lock door swings open and the judgment day walks out and Sarah's eyes filled with tears. They all take time taking photos with the WWE photographer, Demi lets her hold the women's world championship, Fin and Damian let her hold the tag team championships and the MITB briefcase. The photographer gets the parents email address and we all say goodbye to the little family and I go and find Cathy and Demi goes into the judgment day's locker room to get ready for her match against Zoey. 

Demi's match against Zoey kicked ass, both women looks strong and dominate as fuck, the match was fast paced and hard hitting and my favourite part was the fact Demi was dressed in this cow women fit and she made my jaw drop and I know she's already broke TikTok. 

" so is everything planned?" Cathy say wiggling her eye brows " I believe so, yeah" I smile at her " ohhhh, this is so exciting" she squeals excitement and I laugh " I can't wait to see Demi's face" she laughs " me too" I chuckle. " well good luck and I will see you after" she hugs me and leaves and I make my way to the judgment day's locker room. 

I give the door a little tap and the door swings open and I am meet with a bright smile from Fin " helloooo" she sings and I laugh and he steps aside and lets me through and I see Damian, Drew, Dom and JD all standing there getting in the zone for their war games match. 

I am finally cuddled up with Demi on the sofa as we watch the match " as Randy showed up yet?" I ask looking up at her " I don't know" she simply says but something in her eyes tells me different. Damian puts Seth through a table and the clock has counted down and everyone is expecting Randy to come through " I'm just going to the bathroom" Demi says and I don't believe her because the last time she said that at this point of a match she speared Kevin through the barricade. And I was right because not long after Demi's music hit instead of Randy's and she comes running down with the MITB briefcase. But this don't go to plan as Damian gets hit with the cross Rhodes and the Judgment day lose. 

Me and Demi finally get home, we thank Aalyah for looking after the dogs and then me and Demi waste no time getting undressed and into bed and it feels so good to be back in our bed, in Demi's arms with our fur babies at the bottom and I go sleep feeling anxious but excited about what I have planned for mine and Demi first anniversary. 

Now its the big day and I wake up Demi with breakfast in bed with her favourite breakfast of vegemite on toast and a cup of coffee. We get dressed and do our favourite things and then we head home and just enjoy each other. 

" so, I have one more thing for you" I tell her and she just raises her eye brows me " but we have to go out again, so put your shoes on" I smile at her and she just rolls her eyes and gets up and outs her shoes back on. I drive us to the location and I see everything set up and my heart beating out of my chest " what's this" Demi looks at me " I thought we could have a nice dinner on the beach" I smile as we walk up to the area. We eat our dinner, " right time for the reason I brought you down here" I chuckle and Demi just looks confused with makes me chuckle harder. remove that cover" I say nodding in the direction and she does so and all lit up were the words 


I get the ring I brought from London out of my pocket an get down on one knee and open the ring box. Demi turns around and see me and she covers her face and she has tears in her eyes and she moves her hands from her mouth and she has the biggest smile on her face. 

" Don't do it, Demi" we hear and we turn to see who said it. 

" matt?"                     

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