Chapter 4

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Eddie sat in the pub, listening to his colleagues chatter away mindlessly. He had zoned out of the conversation a long time ago. After all, he'd only really agreed to come to this end of year staff party for one reason. Rachel.

And she wasn't here.

As much as he tried, he couldn't ignore his disappointment. Earlier, when he had asked to take her out for a drink, she had seemed delighted that he'd asked her. Now he wasn't so sure. Had she lied and pretended to avoid hurting his feelings?

An hour ago, he had been in the office with her, watching her tidy things away. They had joked about her bailing on him. Maybe he hadn't realised that Rachel had, had this planned all along.

He didn't understand it. She'd said she wouldn't be long. And yet here he was, an hour later, and Rachel was nowhere to be seen. Why?

Of course there probably was a rational explanation. Maybe she'd found some paperwork she hadn't completed that needed doing immediately. Maybe she'd lost something when packing away and couldn't find it. Maybe she'd gone home to get changed.

But none of the scenarios running through his head seemed to make sense. Rachel would have called or texted him, if she was running late or something had come up. He knew she would. She wouldn't bail on him like this. It wasn't in Rachel's nature to do such a thing.

"So, Eddie, been stood up by Miss Mason have we?" Steph teased, nudging his arm playfully

"No, Steph, I haven't. She's just running a bit late" Eddie sighed, rolling his eyes

"Rachel, late? You're having a laugh aren't you? I guarantee Rachel has never been late for anything in her life!" Steph laughed

Even though Steph was joking, she had a point. Rachel was always on time for everything. When she said she was going to be somewhere, she would be. She had proved that to Eddie time and again over the last few months. It just furthered his concern.

"Look, Eddie, you're wasting your time here. Call her and go and see her! We all know that's the only reason you showed up tonight! Stop moping and go!" Steph persuaded

"Fine, I will. But call me if she turns up, ok?" Eddie sighed

"I never thought you would be the type to fall in love with an ex-prostitute!" Steph teased, giggling

"Steph, that's enough!" Eddie snapped

"I'm only joking Eddie!" Steph laughed

"Yes, well it's not funny! I don't want to hear anymore jokes about Rachel's past. If I do, I'll have to re-consider your future at Waterloo Road" he threatened

Steph stayed silent

"Call me if she turns up, yeah?" Eddie requested

"Of course" Steph nodded

Eddie exited the pub, checking for any sign of Rachel. But there was none, the streets were quiet, the car park across the road almost empty.

He reached into his pocket, dialling Rachel's number. It rang and rang before going through to voicemail. He sighed in frustration, typing out a text to her.

"Hey Rach, where are you? Is everything ok?"

As he sent the text, he had a strong feeling that something was wrong. Something just didn't sit right with him about any of this. He knew Rachel well enough to know she wouldn't do something like this.

Once he'd made another three phone calls to Rachel's mobile, all going unanswered, he decided he needed to go and check on her.

He got into his car, thankful he hadn't had a drink at the pub.

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