Chapter 87

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Rachel groaned when she saw the email informing her that the new supply teacher the LEA had hired was stuck in traffic. Of course she knew it couldn't be helped, but it meant that she would have to find someone to cover the class. And with the first period only 15 minutes away, she had to find someone fast.

She clicked on the staff timetable folder on her computer, scanning over it to see who was free. She groaned again when she saw Grantly was the only one free. He always had some excuse to get out of covering another Teacher's class.

Still, he was her only option. If Eddie had been free, he'd have done it in a heartbeat. But even he had a full timetable this morning.

With a sigh, she headed over to the staffroom, taking the new Health and Safety protocol poster with her so she could pin it onto the notice board.

Her eyes scanned the staffroom carefully as she put the poster up. Grantly was already in there, chatting away to Steph. There was no doubt in her mind that he was planning to stay there for the duration of his free lesson.

She cleared her throat, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Our supply teacher is stuck in traffic and I need someone to cover the first half of lesson one" she announced

All of the staff went silent immediately, as she'd predicted. No one wanted to give up their free lesson.

"So who..." she started

All the staff looked away from her, pretending to busy themselves. Some even walked away.

She turned to Grantly, who was pretending to be indulged in his newspaper.

"Right, Grantly. I believe that you have some time free?"

"I have actually, but it's my PPA time. Staff cannot be re-directed to undertake any other duties, including cover for absent colleagues" Grantly declared robotically, sounding like he was reading from a Union manual

Rachel rolled her eyes, biting her tongue hard to stop a snide comment from slipping out of her mouth.

"Right" she replied through gritted teeth, scoffing lightly

"I'll do it!" Davina offered enthusiastically

Rachel smiled at her gratefully

"We were that enthusiastic once" Steph whispered to Grantly

"Enthusiastic, yes. Brown noser? Never!" Grantly grumbled

Steph sniggered

Rachel ignored them, walking over to Davina

"Thank you very much Davina. The problem is, it's the Year 11 PSHE group"

Davina shrugged, unfazed

"Well, I've got to learn some time. Experience and all that"

Rachel contemplated Davina's words. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea after all.

"Ok. Right, well, I'll get Eddie to watch over you. This supply teacher is here for about three weeks, and I believe he's quite a character. So, how about you follow him for the day and see how he deals with new classes?" Rachel suggested

Davina nodded with a smile, her eyes dancing with excitement

"Yeah, that'd be great"

"Ok, good! His name is Maaka Lacey. I believe he's from New Zealand" Rachel informed her with a smile

She left the staffroom, happy that Davina was taking on such a fantastic opportunity.

Davina smiled to herself. She was finally getting her chance!

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