Chapter 31

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The staff were surprised when a teary eyed Eddie entered the pub. He suddenly wished he'd gone straight back to his flat. He wanted to be alone. But now he was here, he  figured he may as well stay.

As he went to the bar to order a beer, Steph pulled him away to a quiet corner of the pub. They sat at a table, Eddie putting his head into his hands.

"What's happened Eddie?" Steph asked

"She kicked me out" he mumbled

"Eh?" Steph frowned, confused

Eddie sighed, looking up at her.

"I showed Rachel the petition that Bolton got everyone to sign," he explained

"The best idea that ever came from that kid, if you ask me!" Steph interrupted

Eddie nodded silently

"What happened?" Steph asked

"She flipped out and took it completely the wrong way, accusing me of telling everyone about the... attack"

"And you told her I knew?" She guessed

Eddie nodded

"She was too angry with me to hear me out and to look at the petition. I get it, I do. She saw it as a betrayal of trust. But Steph, she jumped when I wasn't even going to push her!" He blurted

Steph sighed

"Look, give her a few days to calm down, eh? She'll come round"

Eddie shook his head

"No, I've blown it Steph. She's not coming back to Waterloo Road. She doesn't want to see me again. I should never have said anything to you"

"Eddie, I get it, I do. I can see how you telling me what happened would upset her. I'm not exactly in Rachel's good books am I? But you needed someone to talk to, no one can blame you for that" she reasoned

"I just don't get it Steph. Things were going so well between us the last couple of weeks. I saw her smile and laugh for the first time in months. She was finally opening up to me and we were getting on so well. And now she's shut me out again, and I have no one but myself to blame"

"You need to give her time. She's been through a horrific experience, Eddie. I know how much you care about her; just give her some space, eh?"

"I don't just care about her Steph, I,"

"I know... you love her" Steph answered, finishing his sentence for him

Eddie nodded

"I think she loves you too, Eddie. But with everything she's been through, she's scared to love you, out of fear of losing you. So she's looking for any chance to lose you now to save her from potentially getting hurt in future"

Eddie nodded again. It made sense.

"Look, go back to your flat, get some sleep. Things will feel a lot clearer in the morning" Steph instructed

Eddie was too tired to argue with Steph. He promptly left the pub and got back into his car, driving away to his flat.

Steph stood inside the entrance, watching his car turn the corner and out of sight. She had already come up with a plan to put things right between Eddie and Rachel.

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