Chapter 165

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One hour later...

Rachel wasn't exactly sure where the time had gone, but, by the time they had dealt with Bolton and Candeece, it was 5:30pm and they needed to head to the hospital. She had been hoping to be able to go home, get changed and have some time to prepare herself for the scan, but it seemed to be that nothing was going as planned today.

They had made it to the hospital with fifteen minutes to spare. They'd only been sat in the waiting room for five minutes so far, and Rachel was already becoming fidgety. Her stomach was doing flips, her heart racing at a million miles an hour. It wasn't that she wasn't excited to see her little one for the first time, she really was. But, currently, the dread and concern over the baby's health was drowning out any ability to be excited.

In a way, her mind was still in Head Teacher mode. After everything that had happened today, she couldn't quite switch off. They'd had no news about Bolton's opponent, Johnny Hayes, or how he was doing. Rachel liked to think that no news was good news usually, but today she wasn't so sure.

She had been expecting to have a peaceful day today, completing her paperwork before going to the Boxing Match and watching Bolton win before they broke up for the Christmas Holidays. Instead, she had witnessed another teenager lying on a stretcher in a neck brace. She had, had to suspend a teacher she'd thought she could trust, and had, had to deal with a distraught Bolton, who was blaming himself for being potentially disqualified when it wasn't his fault. All of this, on top of battling with nausea because she had forgotten to bring her anti-sickness tablets to work with her.

Candeece had texted Rachel while she and Eddie were in the car. The walk-in centre had sent them to the hospital so he could have further tests. Rachel hoped that whatever Rob had given him hadn't done too much damage. To her, he had seemed ok and wasn't experiencing any effects from the pills, but she could be wrong.

The sound of Rachel's foot tapping anxiously against the floor echoed through the waiting room. Her hand was wrapped tightly around Eddie's as she watched the seconds and minutes drag by on the clock on the other side of the room. The subtle smell of disinfectant mixed with pungent air freshener was giving her a headache.

She was uncomfortable too. To be able to have the ultrasound, she needed to have a full bladder. Thankfully, she had drunk a lot of water throughout the day and had only been able to go to the toilet once. She was desperate now, so much so that it was becoming physically painful. She was rocking backwards and forwards a little in her chair just to take her mind off it.

Eddie knew her anxiety was increasing by the minute. Her hand was shaking in his grip, her foot tapping rhythmically against the floor. He placed his free hand on her knee gently, smiling at her when her gaze connected with his. She smiled softly back at him.

"It's ok" he reassured

She nodded quietly.

"Sorry, I'm just worried about... everything" she whispered

Eddie pulled her close to him, placing a kiss in her hair. She sighed, sinking into him and resting her head on his shoulder.

"It's not helping that I feel like I'm going to pee all over the chair at any second" she huffed, shifting uncomfortably

"Nice to know! That explains why you were rocking backwards and forwards a minute ago!" Eddie chuckled

Rachel giggled, wincing at the discomfort the action caused.

"It's becoming a little uncomfortable" she grumbled, shifting in the chair

"Hopefully it won't be much longer before we're seen" Eddie sighed

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