Chapter 145

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Paul was furious with Bolton for many reasons. He was being selfish and stubborn. The truth was out but Bolton seemed determined to keep a lid on it. And what for? His reputation? To protect Janeece and Miss Haydock from the truth? If those were his reasons, he was going about it the wrong way.

"You're being an idiot, Bolton" he stated angrily

"Whatever, man" Bolton grumbled

"Miss Mason is right, Denzil is innocent and we're his chance of getting him home! And you're going to sit there and do nothing? We owe this to Denzil!"

"I don't owe that kid anything"

Paul scoffed.

"You know, last week, you went on and on about the fact that we made a mistake by not speaking up and that you regretted it. You said if you could put it right, you would. This is our chance! We can't help Maxine now, but we can help get an innocent kid out of prison! Don't you think Maxine would want that?"

Bolton didn't answer.

"Fine. Be a coward"

Bolton remained silent. He didn't care what happened to Denzil. He and Paul were probably doing everyone a favour by not speaking to his lawyer. Denzil would probably be released and would follow in his brother's footsteps and hurt someone. It was better he was kept locked away from the world.

It wasn't like his education was depending on any of this. Whether he signed an affidavit or not, Miss Mason was still leaving, which meant that he was still for it. He would be excluded whether he did the right thing or not.


Rose, Candeece and Eddie entered Rachel's office as the bell rang out for the end of the day. Rachel didn't miss the 'What have you done now?' look Candeece shot at Bolton.

"Any news?" Rose asked hopefully, looking between Rachel and Eddie

Rachel sighed. She didn't know whether to give the woman the good news or the bad news first.

"Paul has agreed to make a statement" Rachel told her

Rose beamed, nodding gratefully at Paul.

"Bolton, on the other hand, is refusing to say anything or even admit to what happened" Rachel continued

Candeece shot Bolton an angry glare. Eddie had relayed the events that Paul had told Rachel to her. She understood why neither of them had said anything at the time. But now they had a chance to put things right and he was refusing, she was furious with him.

"What do you mean you won't say? You flamin well will!" she snarled

Bolton rolled his eyes, turning away from his Mum.

"Candeece, that won't work. Unless Bolton decides to help of his own accord, anything he says is useless" Rachel explained

"So if he won't say, my Denzil stays locked up?" Rose cut in

Rachel nodded, causing Rose to scoff in disbelief as she turned to Paul.

"He's your mate, make him see!" she cried

"Rose, we can only go with what we've got" Eddie reasoned

Rose sighed, placing her head in her hands.

"Oh, Paul, I've spoken with your Guardian. She says its fine for me to take you to see Denzil's lawyer" Rachel added, breaking the intense silence

"Yeah, you can take that great lump with you as well! Let him see what a coward he is!" Candeece huffed, nodding at Bolton

"I'm not" Bolton shot back defensively

"I used to be so proud of you" Candeece sighed, shaking her head

The fact that Bolton wasn't lashing out and refusing to go was a good sign in Rachel's opinion. If he went with them, she may have a final chance at talking him round to the idea. She wasn't going to give up easily and she wanted Bolton to know that.

"Yes, you can come with us, Bolton. At least then Denzil's lawyer can see that we're trying" Rachel sighed, standing up from her chair as she grabbed her bag and keys

"Get your stuff, we're going now" Rachel instructed Paul and Bolton

"Rose, I'll let you know what happens" she added

"No, I need a lift. I need to see Denzil" Rose told her

Rachel nodded. She'd wanted Eddie to come, but it was probably best if he stayed here. It would give her a better chance of getting through to Bolton.

"Right. In that case, can you take the boys out to the playground, I'll be with you in five minutes" she requested

Rose nodded, leaving the office with Bolton and Paul in tow. Candeece thanked Rachel before following them.

"I take it I'm cancelling that Doctor's appointment?" Eddie asked

"No, I don't think I'll be that long" Rachel replied, slipping her coat on

"Do you want me to try and get a later appointment time? If they haven't got any later appointments, we'll just keep the one you've got" he suggested

"Yes, you can try that. Thank you" she nodded

"Are you sure you're ok to drive?" he questioned

"I'll be fine" she nodded

"I'll text and let you know about the Doctor's. And I'll stay here until you get back" he told her

She nodded, smiling at him weakly.

"I'll see you later" she answered


Once Rachel was out of sight, Eddie picked up his phone and dialled the number of GP Surgery. After a good ten minutes, he finally got through to a Receptionist. To his relief, there were some later appointments available with Rachel's Doctor, so he changed her appointment time to 6:30pm. Hopefully that would give them plenty of time.

Whilst he'd been waiting for his call to be answered, an idea had formed in his mind. He couldn't stop Rachel from resigning and leaving teaching, but maybe others higher up could. It was worth a try, wasn't it? And it would give him something to do rather than sitting in Rachel's office, waiting for her to come back.

As he was about to put his plan into action, Candeece appeared in the doorway.

"Sorry, Mr Lawson. I was just wondering if Miss Mason had said when they would be back. I just don't know whether to stay or go home"

"She didn't, Candeece, sorry. There is something you can help me with though, if you are waiting around" he told her

"Ok..." Candeece nodded sceptically

"How about me and you stop Rachel Mason from having it all her own way for once?"

"How are we going to do that?" she frowned

Eddie smiled mischievously before telling Candeece what they were going to do.

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