Chapter 84

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Champagne bottle in hand, Eddie and Rachel arrived at the house, stepping into the warm hallway. Rachel turned on the lights before taking off her shoes.

The house was oddly quiet. Was Philip still in his room?

"So, champagne, Miss Mason?" Eddie suggested, waving the bottle around with a cheeky grin

Rachel smiled

"In a minute, I'm just going to check on Philip" she told him

Eddie sighed

"Rach, he's fine! We need to give him some breathing space" he reasoned

"I know, and we have. We've been gone over an hour. That's more than enough time, don't you think?" She argued, walking up the stairs

Eddie huffed. Even though he didn't agree, there was no point arguing with her. She was going to check on him anyway.

She climbed the final few stairs to the attic room, knocking gently on the door. When there was no answer, she knocked again.

"Philip? It's only me. Look, I know you've had a rough day, but... can we talk?"

There was no response

She sighed heavily.

"Alright Philip, I understand. You need some space. Just... come down to the living room when you're ready to talk, ok?"

She headed back down the stairs, completely unaware that she had just been reasoning with an empty room.

She went into the kitchen where Eddie was pouring out the champagne into two glasses. He looked up at her with a smile, handing her a glass.

"Any luck?" He asked

"No. He didn't even shout at me to go away" she sighed

"Wow, that's..., interesting behaviour for a teenager! Are you sure he was in there?" he joked

"Of course he was... he can't have gone anywhere. He doesn't know this area like we do. And besides, we left the front door unlocked when we left, and it was unlocked when we came back" she pointed out

Eddie nodded. She knew she was trying to reassure herself, rather than him.

"Now, Mr Lawson, are we going to sit here and talk about Philip all night? Or are we actually going to drink our champagne?" She added, smiling

Eddie chuckled, clearing his throat.

"To Stuart Hordley's arrest, may he never be released!" Eddie toasted, holding his glass up

They clinked their glasses together

"And to you, Rach" he added

"Me?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow sceptically

Eddie nodded

"Yes, you! You're the bravest woman I know, and I love you"

Rachel blushed, a smile lighting up her face as he clinked his glass against hers.

"Well, if we're making a toast to me, then we have to make a toast to you as well!" She giggled

She cleared her throat, raising her glass again.

"To Eddie Lawson, the kindest and most handsome man I know"

"Handsome, eh?" He whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist

"Mhm" she hummed, leaning up to kiss him

Their lips met briefly and, oh, it felt so perfect.

"I love you" she whispered

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