Chapter 26

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Eddie dashed up the stairs at the sound of Rachel's screams, his heart pounding in his chest.

He burst through the bedroom door, finding her sat up in bed, shaking. Her knees were drawn up to her chest, her hands covering her eyes as she wept.

As he'd done countless times before, he sat beside her gently on the bed. To his surprise, she fell into his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder as she continued to sob. Eddie instinctively wrapped his arm around her gently, pulling her close to him.

"I'm sorry" she whispered

"Shh, it's alright Rach. You have nothing to be sorry for" Eddie soothed

He sat with Rachel for what felt like hours, holding her as she cried. She felt safe, knowing Eddie was by her side, even though she felt like a burden to him.

"I wish you'd tell me what's going through your mind" Eddie said eventually

Rachel shook her head against his shoulder

"You really don't" she mumbled

He tilted her chin up so her watery brown eyes were staring into his own.

"I do, Rach. I want to help" he reassured

Rachel took a deep, shaky breath. She could tell from the way he was looking at her that he really did want to help. She could trust him.

"It's just you and me, Rach. I'm ready to listen" he added

Rachel sighed, looking up at him again.

"If I tell you, I'm scared you won't look at me in the same way ever again" she admitted

"That will never happen, Rach, I promise you"

And so, she relayed the events of Stuart's attack. She told him how he violently and relentlessly kicked her, punched her, how she tried to fight him off, but he won. She told him how she fought the pain in her body to get home, before collapsing, and how all the while she thought about Eddie and how she'd let him down.

Eddie listened quietly and intently, completely focussed on Rachel. In some parts, listening was painful. But if she had gone through it, he could listen to her telling him what happened. It didn't stop the tears forming in his eyes as she re-lived the trauma of Stuart attacking and raping her.

When she'd finished, he held her even tighter to him, frightened to let go of her. He didn't know what to say. So many emotions were stirring up inside of him. Anger, sadness, fear. Rachel had been re-living the trauma over and over again in her mind since it happened. He couldn't bear it and couldn't even begin to imagine how she was feeling.

"I'm so sorry, Rach. I shouldn't have left you in the office. I should have waited" he said eventually, rubbing his hand up and down her upper arm softly

Rachel shook her head

"You didn't know he was there or what was going to happen Eddie. I told you to leave; you were just respecting my wishes"

Eddie opened his mouth to argue, but Rachel cut him off

"If anything it was my fault. I pushed him too far and made him angry. I had it coming really. With a past like mine, I deserved it. Once you do something like that, you can't expect men to be respectful toward you"

Eddie stared at her, appalled by her harsh words. She really believed this was her fault. That she'd deserved it.

"Rachel, I don't ever want to hear you talk like that! This was not your fault! Stuart Hordley attacked you and forced himself on you! Your past has nothing to do with this; no one deserves to go through what you went through!"

Rachel didn't respond. Suddenly it all made sense to Eddie.

"Is that why you won't talk to the police?" He asked

Rachel nodded reluctantly, causing Eddie to sigh painfully.

"Eddie they're hardly going to believe me when they find out about my past! I've seen it happen over and over again! The women are always to blame in the end. Their skirts are too short, or their top is too low cut, or they are or were a prostitute! All of the cases get thrown out and no arrests are ever made! That's just how it works!" Rachel blurted, her eyes glistening with tears again

"Not this time. Rachel, if you want to talk to the Police, now is your chance! If you do, I won't rest until Stuart is behind bars, where he can't hurt you ever again"

Rachel paused, pondering over Eddie's words.

"Will you come with me?" She asked

Eddie nodded

"Of course. I'll be there with you every step of the way"

Rachel thought for a moment

"Ok, I'll do it. I'll talk to the Police" she decided

Eddie breathed a sigh of relief

Rachel hugged him as tightly as her aching body would allow. She'd never had someone like Eddie in her life. Someone she cared for and who cared about her so much. Someone who was willing to fight for her like this.

"Thank you" she whispered

Eddie smiled, wrapping his arms around her.

"You're not alone in this Rach. I'm here for you. We'll do this together" He promised

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