Chapter 97

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Rose stormed into the crèche. She watched as Marley fed Prince some yoghurt on a spoon. After the conversation she had just had with his Head Teacher, she was furious with him. He'd had no right to throw her under the bus like that.

"Have you been telling Mason that I'm a drunk?" she asked through gritted teeth

Marley frowned at her

"No. Why would I do that?"

"Well, someone has! She's been accusing me of all sorts!" she exclaimed

"Well it wasn't me" Marley sighed, continuing to feed Prince

"Then find out who it was and set them straight! They've made me look like a right pillock!" she spat angrily

Marley nodded quietly

"It's fine, I'll take care of it" he reassured

"Yeah, you better"

Rose reached over to take the yoghurt and spoon out of Marley's hand. He resisted.

"I've got it, Mum" he insisted

Rose continued to try and take it from him.

"Mum, I said I've got it!" he hissed

"Hey, he's my kid! You think I can't manage?" she spat

Marley snapped, he'd had enough of keeping quiet.

"No, actually, no! I don't think you can! You want to know the reason you're so angry, Mum? It's because you are just a washed up, old drunk! Everybody knows it! So, why don't you get off home with your comfort blanket and leave me to cover for you? Because that's what I've been used to since I was ten! So why change now, eh?"

Rose headed for the door, angry tears forming in her eyes. She didn't want to listen to this.

But, no matter how hard she tried, she was listening. Did her kids really think that about her? Was she just a drunk? A useless Mum?

Marley wasn't wrong, she knew that. He did cover for her a lot. He picked Prince up from the crèche; he cooked dinner and helped his siblings with their homework. He made sure they had everything they needed. And what did she do, other than drown herself in alcohol?

Nothing. She did nothing.

Maybe Miss Mason was right. She needed to sort herself out. She needed to be a Mum to her kids.


As Rachel made herself a cup of tea, there was a knock at the door. She frowned, opening it carefully. She was surprised when she found a teary eyed Rose Kelly staring back at her. After their heated conversation earlier, Rachel hadn't been expecting to see her again for a while.

"If I'm such an 'alky', who's going to give me a job?" Rose questioned

"I am... In the school canteen" Rachel stated confidently

Rose raised an eyebrow

"Come on, I'll introduce you to Candice" Rachel decided, stepping out of the office

Rose followed her nervously

When they approached the school kitchen, Candice smiled politely at Rachel. Rachel returned the smile.

"Candice, this is Rose Kelly" Rachel explained

Candice eyed the younger woman with the fiery red hair wearily. Like everyone at Waterloo Road, she knew a lot about the Kelly's. She wasn't really sure why Rachel had brought her into the school canteen.

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