Chapter 48

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Eddie made his way up to Rachel's office at 1:30pm, hoping Rachel was done with her mystery visitor so they could talk. Even though they worked in the same building, he hadn't seen her properly all day. He'd missed her. After being around kids all day, he craved adult conversation. Of course, the main reason he was going to her office was to debrief about the Kelly Family situation. But if it meant he could see her and spend a bit of time with her- that was fine with him too. He wanted to make sure she was ok as well, to ensure her first day back wasn't overwhelming her.

He walked over to the entrance of Rachel's office, noticing that the door was closed. He could hear raised voices coming from within the room, which concerned him. Especially as one of them was Rachel's.

On the other side of the door, Rachel was growing angrier by the second. She just wanted Melissa to stop hurling verbal abuse at her and leave.

"You were always jealous of me, weren't you Rachel? You couldn't stand the fact that Dad preferred me over you!" Melissa spat angrily

"Melissa, I'm warning you. Get out" Rachel retorted

"And now because I'm getting married to someone I love, you can't handle it, can you? You've passed your sell-by date, so you have to make everyone else miserable too!" Melissa continued

"GET OUT!!" Rachel screamed

The door flew open, revealing Eddie. Rachel breathed a silent sigh of relief at the sight of him.

He looked from Rachel to the other woman, confused as to what all the commotion was. The tension in the room was overwhelming. As he stared at Rachel, he noticed how uncomfortable and stressed she was by the other woman's presence.

"What's going on?" He asked, looking at Rachel with concern

Melissa looked him up and down with disdain, making Rachel's anger increase even more.

"And who are you?" She spat

"I could ask you the same question" Eddie shot back

Rachel sighed. She'd have to tell Eddie sooner or later.

"Melissa, this is Eddie, he's my deputy," she started

Melissa scowled at him

"Eddie, this is Melissa. She's my..."

"I'm her sister. Or was anyway" Melissa interrupted

Eddie stared at Rachel, taken aback by the revelation. In all this time, he'd never known she had a sister. Rachel didn't like to talk about her family, Eddie knew that. But a sister? He hadn't been expecting that.

"I take it you haven't told him about your past have you? Rachel Mason was once a dirty slut! Who'd have thought, eh?" Melissa smirked, glancing at Eddie

"I do know, actually. And I don't care. Who the hell do you think you are, waltzing in here, talking about your sister like that?" Eddie snapped angrily

Melissa scoffed

"What are you? Her boyfriend?" She taunted, smirking at Rachel

Rachel averted her gaze, giving Melissa the confirmation she was searching for.

"Him? God Rach, I know you're desperate, but it can't be that bad!" She laughed

"I think it's time you left, don't you?" Eddie snarled, grabbing Melissa's arm

Melissa pushed him off, glaring at him

"You don't have to force me! I was going anyway!" She huffed

Rachel rolled her eyes

"I don't want to see you here again, Melissa. Do you understand me?" Rachel warned

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Dad was right about you, Rachel, you're a selfish bitch!" Melissa snapped maliciously

"Alright that's enough! OUT!" Eddie yelled

Melissa scoffed, scowling as she stormed out, slamming the door behind her.

Eddie turned to Rachel, watching as she collapsed into her desk chair, head in her hands.

"She's a piece of work" Eddie commented with a small chuckle

"Tell me about it" Rachel groaned

"Are you ok?" He asked

"Fine. I'm just glad she's gone" she nodded, sighing heavily

"I didn't even know you had a sister" Eddie replied

"We haven't spoken for nearly 19 years" she explained

"What happened between you two?" He questioned

Rachel was about to respond, when the office door opened again, revealing Melissa. Eddie and Rachel glared at her.

"I thought I told you to leave?" Eddie growled

"And I am. Someone shoved this under the door outside your office" she shrugged

She handed the Rachel the note before leaving again.

With a sigh, she unfolded the piece of paper.

She froze, her eyes filling with fear as she read the contents. Her heart started to hammer against her chest.

Eddie caught onto her sudden change in demeanour.

"What's wrong?" He asked

Rachel looked up at him, a terrified look etched on her face.

"There's a gun in the school"

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